What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-48. The macho harem catches fire

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Let go, pervert. After a long time, Tihe An urn's angry voice came from Li Yexing's chest. After the impulsive mood gradually cooled down, Li Yexing put down his arms a little embarrassedly and let go of Tillyrian in his arms. He lowered his head, only to find that Tillylian was looking up at him, the blond girl pressing her chin against her. There was a faint blush on his chest, his face, and a faint mist of water in his red one eye. If you let me go, let it go. Perverted, are you a fool? Tililian whispered. What? Li Yexing subconsciously asked, My lord said you were stupid! Tillylian said resentfully, then turned her head, blushing, and stretched out her hand to Li Yexing as if in a fit of anger. Looking at the girl's palm, Li Yexing's eyebrows raised, and after a while, he He tentatively put his hand on Tililian's palm. Wow! Are you really stupid?! Yes - like a pet cat with fried fur, she blushed and said angrily: My lord wants chocolate! Chocolate!

°' Li Yexing nodded, he removed the wrapping paper, put the remaining half of the chocolate into Tilly Zhi'an's mouth, and whispered: If you want chocolate, just say it, - no You stretched out your claws, and those who didn't know thought you wanted to shake hands. Really, do you have to tell me about this kind of thing? With chocolate in her mouth, a flash of expression appeared on Tiililian's face. She passed away with a happy smile, and then she put on that arrogant stinky face again and said: So f, a pervert is just a pervert, and even this kind of thing can't be done well:

Eating my snacks didn't forget to disgust me. A faint smile appeared on his face, and Li Yexing said softly: What a disobedient sister-in-law, I think you owe me a fight.., Li Yexing's hand He slammed his fist lightly on the head of the blond sister-in-law. .. Li Yexing smashed her head on the head. Although it didn't hurt at all, a trace of displeasure appeared on Tiililian's face. She tilted her head and blushed, pouting her lips, He kept muttering something in a low voice.

Looking at the blond girl holding her knees and holding chocolate in her mouth, as if she was in a nunnery, Li Yexing sighed helplessly, and he whispered: Forget it, I can't cure you, you should wait for your sister. Let's recruit you. Humph~ It seemed that she was satisfied with Li Yexing's verbal withdrawal, Tilly Zhian immediately stopped showing her stinky face, she raised her small head proudly, her face revealed With a proud smile, it was as if he had won a battle. He took off the water bottle hanging from his body armor, Li Yexing took a big mouth, then turned his head, and saw the frenzied squad next to him lined up. 2. Because they were covered by gas masks, Li Yexing couldn't tell the expressions on their faces. Why is this scene so familiar?

Just when Li Yexing was troubled by the strong sense of sight, a smile appeared in Puglis' eyes, who was wearing a half-mask gas mask. She turned her head and said to Jiang Xueyang: 'If I remember correctly, Little sister is also beside Boss Li, right? Who is Little?! Tillylian, who was sitting on the stone, said loudly. That's Miss Tillyris. Ignoring Tillylian's dragon's roar, Jiang Xueyang He whispered to Paglis: Remember? The silver-haired one came to our bar last time to look for a sleepover brother. Oh. I remember, that girl who asked for vodka when she opened her mouth? - Fisher whispered: She is really a beautiful girl, and she is very quiet, and won't make a big noise when she is drunk. Making a fuss is nothing like our commander-in-chief. Wait a minute, I'll take care of it. Anna, who had been quiet for a while, suddenly whispered, she stretched out her hand, counted her fingers, and whispered, Silver The vodka girl with the hair is Ti Lilith, the head of our European branch, and the maid in the maid outfit is Rita Rita, the maid of Boss Li's house. It's Miss Rita Griffith. Jiang Xueyang reminded aside. Oh yes, the maid who laughs like a fox is called Rita Griffith, and then there is the muscular girl who is a little dark, if I remember correctly it should be 04 Kanan Mafar, and then that day The little girl who came from the morning, what is going on in 04. 04? Hitomi Kanshima, and also, they are not from the Celestial Dynasty, they are from Japan. Jiang Xueyang sighed helplessly, and he whispered to Anna: It's been a few months, how come you can't even remember the name of our partner... From Japan? Anna was stunned for a moment, and then she said with some doubts: No, don't they all say that Japanese women have short legs? ? That girl's legs are obviously very

Ge said, you should not be able to use your brain because nutrients are concentrated in your chest. -Puglis next to him sneered and sneered. Oh. He seems to be disdainful to mock Puglis's sturdy but not plump WG, Anna just snorted coldly and then said: But if that's the case Then, including the second princess, does Boss Li have five wives by his side? Si! Sir, listen to me! Tilly Zhian, who was sitting on the stone, blushed and said angrily: Who is going to be that guy? Wife?! Obviously just a pervert

Looking at Ti Lilian's blushing face, Jiang Xueyang said in a low voice, As expected of Ye Xing... Anna rested her chin quietly, as if she was thinking about something. After a while, she turned her head and put the His eyes stayed on Jiang Xueyang's body. What are you doing? Through the red lenses of the gas mask, you could feel the slight malice emanating from Anna's body, Jiang Xueyang couldn't help shrinking back.

Road, while moving his butt towards Paglis beside him. Why don't you have five too? Anna asked with a smile. After listening to Anna's words, Jiang Xueyang immediately shook his head like a rattle, while Pagris gave Anna a cold nod: Am I being too indulgent recently?

Ah, she murdered me! Anna made a contrived voice and said: Little Arctic wolf, take care of her~ You quack doctor, you are courting death! - Outside the chaos, the bar owner sat aside, quietly Looking at the team members who seemed to be playing tricks, after a long time, he stood up and said solemnly: It's almost time, let's go, I heard the bar owner's words, and the argument between Paglis and Anna stopped immediately. Although the break was short, it did make the frantic team recover a little bit. Gossip about their partners and the harem-style bickering effectively relieved their mental fatigue. In addition, the chattering during the break The tyrant didn't run out unintentionally to disrupt the situation, and everyone seemed to be in a much better state than before. The members of the frantic team who had already re-arranged their equipment during the rest time quickly stood up and were ready to set off at any time, but Tilly Hean became a little weird, and she frowned slightly, as if thinking about something, Leave. Li Yexing whispered to Tililian. Yeah. Tiililian nodded, she slid down from the bare rock, jumped to Li Yexing's side, and kept up with everyone's pace.

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