[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

Get down! Get down! The stray bullets flew over the head with gunshots, followed by a violent explosion. The black reef mixed with the flesh and blood of mass-produced tyrants splashed down from the sky and was shot by heavy machine-like bullets. They were torn into pieces in the air and landed on the black Umbrella's security forces behind the reef. They were leaning against the reef and did not dare to show their faces. The fierce fire pressed them directly behind the bunker, unable to move. The two T-103C tyrants who went up have been sent away by bombs, heavy machine guns and RPGs, and the mutilated corpses rolled directly from the reef above, almost hitting the security forces lying below. Now, They only had one tyrant left, and the tyrant was lying with them, and from time to time, he poked his head in the opposite direction, but he couldn't see the dull-headed appearance of the normal mass-produced tyrant. Behind the reef in front, two machine gunners of the Far East Legion were holding up their hands. The minigun frantically used firepower against the gradually approaching Black Umbrella troops. In the dark night, the metal storm swept towards the Black Umbrella's security department like a chain of light amid the roaring gunshots. They were stubbornly pressed on the other side and did not dare to show their heads. Even the T-103C tyrant could not bear such powerful firepower. After being beaten and paralyzed by two tyrants, the scene of the security force of Black Umbrella The commander, Biederman, who is also affiliated to the No. 1 organization, had to suspend the offensive. The female horse, it's a ghost. Holding the HK-416 in his hand, Biederman's face was very ugly, he whispered Cursed: Didn't you say that the No. 1 organization is an organization that eats leisure? Why do I want to fight this kind of battle? At this moment, Kleins Biederman's heart is very broken, before joining the first organization. , he is just a team leader who eats leisurely in the security department. The most dangerous job is to help the technical department to test new equipment or to help collect the combat data of the new BOW under controlled conditions. That's all, in In the team, he seldom spoke and seldom drank. He firmly believed that he could survive in the Black Umbrella safely. Even if he was promoted to a senior position, he could at least hold it after the contract expired- A considerable amount of money, and when he returns to his hometown in Texas, he will spend the rest of his life opening a restaurant and bar or something, which is fine. Until that woman, Ms. Galia, the secretary in charge of Casimir, found him and hoped that he could take on a new job. New job? Dangerous? Biederman asked.

It's not dangerous, it's just a cooperation project in the trial operation stage. Jialiya replied. Why me? Is there any benefit? Biederman asked. Because you have a strict mouth and don't talk nonsense, As for the benefits of promotion and salary increase?

So Biederman was stuffed into this hell of a fire. Hiding behind the bunker, listening to the roaring gunshots on the opposite side, Bi Deyan subconsciously turned his attention to the two silver-haired and black-haired girls next to him, who spent a few days in the first institution. After a little understanding, he is now considering whether or not to let these two monster girls go up to the top, but think about it, if there is something wrong with these two, there is no need to wait for the famous mercenary, the director of Casimir. It was possible to swallow him alive, after all, the supervisor had a natural prejudice against people from the security department. Just when Biederman was still struggling to disintegrate the enemy's defense line, I saw - the silver-haired girl who had been lying beside her for a long time slowly stood up. It's so slow... With red light flashing in her eyes, Tililith said in a low voice, Night Xing can't wait that long. After that, the girl suddenly jumped out of the natural bunker made of rocks and charged towards the opposite position under fire. Miss Tililith! The black-haired girl exclaimed loudly, and then she directly pulled out the big sword behind her and charged forward. My female horse! Seeing the two girls rushing out of the rock, Biederman only felt that his head was about to crack, and he didn't care about the bullets flying overhead. The two girls shouted: Come back! It's not like this! The two girls left Biederman with only a full back. Damn! I'm going to resign! Turning over and leaning out of the bunker, he gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger at the black-armored compound eye demons lying on the opposite side. At the same time, he shouted to the dozens of security forces behind the bunker: ' Cover them! Quick! Cover them Stepping on the uneven rocks on her feet, the silver-haired tyrant girl walked like flying, as if she saw something approaching in the dark. On Tililith's body, facing the baptism of the heavy machine gun, feeling the pain from her body, she silently stopped the straight arm in front of her, and the roar of the heavy machine gun continued to echo in her ears. The voice she was all too familiar with, it was her favorite Turn fast. Even though the two heavy machine guns were focused, Tililith was still getting closer and closer to the position, and she was about to rush forward. The black armor compound eye demons on the opposite finally realized what Zi 2 was facing. A flash of fire suddenly lit up, and then, something flew over with the screeching sound of the air being cut through. RPG! The silver-haired girl took a deep breath. She suddenly stretched out her hand toward the air in front of her. The next second, she saw a rocket in her fist.

Tililith actually grabbed the flying rocket with her hand! However, Tililith's round was not over yet, feeling that the rocket in her hand gradually lost its thrust, Tililith suddenly turned sideways, left hand He stretched out straight, grabbed the rocket beside his face with his right hand, and then threw the rocket in his hand towards the opposite position just like throwing a javelin! In the darkness, the rocket made a beautiful arc in the air. The line, and then fell directly into the enemy's position. In the next second, only with a bang, a huge fireball rose into the sky and turned into a cloud of shadow mushrooms mixed with firelight, illuminating the entire battlefield and seeing the enemy. There was a riot in the phalanx, wearing a torn black coat with no wounds.

Tililith, who stopped bleeding, jumped up directly, her silver messy hair was reflected a little red by the firelight in the air. At this moment, Tililith was like a Valkyrie on the battlefield. Under the firelight, the silver-haired and red-eyed Valkyrie looked down at the enemy's position, her lips parted lightly and said, Claw! In the next second, like a black meteor falling to the ground, Tilily fell from the sky, directly knocking a The black-armored compound eye demon with the camera kicked and flew out. She bent down, grabbed the minigun that fell on the ground, and lifted it directly with those two slender arms. The bullets around A rare look of boredom appeared on Tililith's face as she kept hitting herself, she nodded softly: I really want to go home with Yexing to sleep...

The genus storm sounded again, but its muzzle had turned its direction, dragging the luminous bullet chain to sweep across a large area of ​​enemies, watching them fall like harvested wheat, Tililith said expressionlessly: No bar! m bar! no bar!

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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