What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-50. JK Shura Road of a Fierce Wife

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Ms. Tililith... so strong... everyone around You Xing-kun is so strong. Seeing the silver-haired girl standing on the high ground frantically shooting black armor compound eye demons, Hitomi Kanjima couldn't help but whisper road. I can't be left behind! The corners of my mouth cracked towards my ears, the turbid gray eyeballs squeezed away the skin on my forehead and turned frantically, Yamato Nadeko's gentle face turned hideous, and Hitomi Kanjima dashed towards the enemy line. The crack-like red lines on her white skin slowly opened, revealing the scarlet muscles below, hot steam gushing out from the cracks, and the black-haired girl dragged the white mist across the reef like a gust of wind. The bunker, seeing a group of black armor compound eye demons in front of them were firing at Tililith, one of them even took out a bomb launcher, and Hitomi Kanjima directly pressed his left hand on his chest, and instantly, the bone blade with the fire was shining. Tearing the air, he directly hit the head of the black armored compound beholder. The left hand held the flaming bone blade, and the right hand held the almost one-person-high mad bone. With a frantic smile, she shouted in Japanese: Loples, Li Tong, Shen. It wasn't until hearing the girl's shout that the group of black armor compound eye demons realized that another enemy was rushing up from the side. With a strange cry, he aimed the guns in his hands at Hitomi Kanjima, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation. Facing the black-haired muzzle, the black-haired girl took a deep breath. Then, she raised her head abruptly and moved her hands at the same time. It was airtight, and there was a constant clanging of iron in the air. In just a few seconds, the group of compound eye demons emptied the bullets in the magazines, and they pulled the telegraph in vain as if they were given by the sight in front of them. stunned. . On the other side, she put down her slightly sore arms, and Gan Daosai let out a breath of hot air. Then, with the sound of chi, a large amount of steam spewed out of the red cracks all over her body, directly blowing the Hitomi Kanjima's body was shrouded in a white mist. Seeing the target disappear, several black armor compound eye demons who had replaced their magazines first shot directly into the vast steam. There was a sound of iron hammering, and then, the large steam was torn apart in an instant, and Hitomi Kanjima, who was about to have his knives on his chest, ran out with a savage smile in a posture that was almost against the ground. The black-armored compound eye demon was about to shoot when Hitomi Kanjima's mad bones slashed towards them at an alarming speed with a cold light. His head spun and flew up at the same time, but this was not over yet. With the inertia of this blow, Hitomi Kanjima directly rotated his body like a dance, bullied himself up, and directly pierced through the compound eye demon closest to him in front of him - a knife, At the same time, the bone blade in the left hand danced wildly, blocking all the bullets that were shot at him in the dense sound of iron. It can be even stronger. The burning bone blade directly cut the body of the black armor summer beholder into two parts, and Kanjima with a crazy smile slept like a dance - slaughtering and waving the eye in his hand. Crazy Bone stopped the bullets that shot at her from the surrounding area, and she shouted excitedly: One sword, there is no end! Along with the girl's shouting, the waving double knives fell again, and a large amount of steam spurted from the girl's back. When she came out, on the ground around her, there were only pieces of corpses that gradually ignited spontaneously in the evening wind and turned into ashes. Close your eyes, raise your head, and put the mad bone in your hand back into the scabbard, feeling After the rain, the cool and refreshing evening wind was blowing on her body, and Hitomi Kanjima smiled and said to herself: It's all split. I've become stronger after all of it... Ahh ! The thrill of killing the enemy gradually took effect on the physiology, the damp touch was wrapped in the cool wind, but it failed to wake up the girl who was trapped in her own small world. There was a light mist of water, and her face flushed, she licked her fingers seductively, and said softly on her mouth, Ye Xingjun. You Xingjun, do you like a pupil like this, you will like it. Yingning~ Shima Hitomi only felt her legs go weak and she almost fell to her knees. She quickly supported the ground with the bone blade in her hands. Seeing that her lips kept exhaling wet and hot breath, she breathed softly and said, Tomi heard... I heard it all. Youxing-kun wants Hitomi to kill more, it's 0

The girl with the black single ponytail suddenly raised her head, the gray eyeballs in front of her forehead trembled like crazy, spinning, and Hitomi Kanjima pulled out the bone that had been inserted into the soil], and slowly stood up straight, as if stunned. Halfway kept mumbling: As long as it's Ye Xing Junxi. No matter how much Hitomi kills, Hitomi is willing.

In an instant, a large piece of white steam spewed out from the cracks all over her body again, and Hitomi Kanjima moved again. She pulled out her mad bones and rushed to the place where the gunshots were most intense, with a twisted smile on her face. : Kill them all! Kill them all! On the other hand, Tililith ran into a little trouble. She accidentally knocked out both miniguns. Throwing away the steaming minigun in her hand, Tililith raised her head expressionlessly. It seemed that there were not many enemies left, and there were only a few well-hidden guys who shot cold shots at this side from time to time. The familiar sound of breaking through the air came again, and Tililith was amused by it. She slapped it with a slap, and the next second, the rocket that had originally shot at her dragged its tail and turned around. The other side flew over, and with a bang, the smashed corpse that was bombed behind the cover in the distance flew out together with the scattered rocks, splashing Tilly Xiaosi's face under the firelight. Behind him, the scumbags of the security force had already rushed up, and they kept going over Tililith, firing at the remaining black armor compound beholders, and Tiliris stood there with a faint look of disapproval in her eyes. Joy. If you can't beat it, you will be cowardly. If you can beat it, it will get in the way. First, he wanted to vent his dissatisfaction with the black Umbrella security force. The expressionless silver-haired girl said softly: Iron waste. Miss, Miss! Ti Lily

As soon as Si finished speaking, a middle-aged man shouted anxiously from behind. Tililith turned her head and saw something from 5 Yifanguan. The team leader was running towards her, and when she got to her In front of him, he looked at Tililith nervously. He asked eagerly, Miss, are you alright? Tiillis quietly raised her head and looked at the man in front of her.

Ah, it's this disgusting look again, completely different from Ye Xing, that kind of hypocritical concern, it's more about himself than about me

It seemed that he was checking Tililith's body for any wounds. The man kept scanning Tililith's body nervously. When his eyes swept across the white skin under the hole in the combat uniform, Tililith was dissatisfied. finally reached its peak. The expressionless silver-haired girl was rarely angry. She frowned and said: Go! . Biederman, who didn't know what he had done wrong, smiled awkwardly, and then ran to the battlefield ahead with a gun. .

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