What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Mission3.5-2020 Valentine's Day Limited DLC.1

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

Sir, it's time for you to get up. There was an elegant and sweet whisper in his ear. Li Yexing subconsciously covered half of his face with the quilt, and then hugged the slender and petite silver-haired girl in his arms. He pressed his face against the girl. She rubbed her face hard, and then let out a satisfied grunt. ...Sir, really... The perfect maid in black silk sighed softly, she lowered her head and looked at Li who was lying in bed. Nocturnal, a touch of helplessness and loving pampering blended together without any disobedience on her delicate face. Loples in February was still very cold, it could even be said that it was freezing cold, even Li Yexing, who has lived in Loples for a long time, can hardly escape the shackles of Wen Nuan's quilt.

Rita thought about it for a while, but finally gave in. She slowly took off the black silk short skirt that showed her back, her white skin was covered by the black silk hollow underwear with purple Puwei pattern, and the gray-haired maid carefully lifted it up. A corner of the quilt, and then quickly got in before the heat from the quilt escaped. Rita. It's so cool. Li Yexing couldn't help frowning and muttering softly after feeling the soft but cold touch behind him. Sir is so hot. The soft snow white covered by the black net and the purple Jinwei flowers gently touched Li Yexing's hot back muscles. Caught between Li Yexing and Tililith, she seemed to feel the sudden low temperature on her chest, Tililith said softly, she reluctantly half-opened her ruby ​​eyes, when she realized that it was Li After the tower, she closed her eyes again and rubbed against Li Yexing's arms by the way. Sir. After a while, Rita rubbed against Li Yexing's shoulder, she lightly opened her red lips and whispered: Sir, I'm asleep. Is it? No, I'm awake. Li Yexing replied in a low voice, I don't want to get out of bed, it's so cold... I always thought that Mr. would never stay in bed like this before. Rita frowned slightly and said softly:' To be honest, I'm a little worried, will my husband's body become sluggish due to inactivity for a long time? Sluggish? Not really. Li Yexing whispered, with uncertainty in his tone, after all, since the last time After the commission, Li Yexing really did a lot of work. He basically didn't do any kind of exercise to maintain his physical fitness. In his spare time, he was either watching the news or playing games with Tililith, occasionally bickering with Kanan, and then having to deal with the weekly schedule. The high frequency of heavy physical labor. It is a miracle that the figure is not out of shape. Just when Li Youxing was still struggling with his body, Tililith suddenly adjusted his posture, and then, Li Yexing's body subconsciously tense. Get up. It's so hot, so warm. Tilly Liss rubbed lightly, her face flushed slightly, and there was always a faint blush on her expressionless face. She noticed that Li Yexing's muscles were strangely tense, and she leaned against her face. Rita, who was behind Li Yexing, was slightly stunned, and then slowly probed the hand on Li Yexing's chest along her abdominal muscles. After a few seconds, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Sir, good physical strength. .. Rita whispered. Take your hand, don't... Li Yexing hissed and whispered. Rita, make trouble. In Li Yexing's arms, Tililith, who had been silent all the time He suddenly opened his eyes and said expressionlessly. Oh, that's what Miss means. A sly smile appeared on her face, Rita's complacent look was like a little fox who stole a chicken, she leaned into Li Yexing's ear and whispered: Sir, don't Blame Rita.. After that, Rita's head sank into the bed. After a while, Li Yexing gasped. He couldn't help frowning and said in a low voice, Rita, slow

I don't know how long it took, Rita got out of the bed, lying on Li Yexing's body, licking the corner of her mouth charmingly, with a faint sense of satisfaction on her face. Looking at Rita who was pressing on his chest, and then looking at Tilly Hess, who was eager to try, Li Yexing thought about it, and then decisively said: Get up.

In Lita's exclamation, Li Yexing suddenly lifted the quilt on his body, and the cold air invaded every corner of Li Yexing's body instantly. Even Tililith couldn't help shivering. She looked at Li Yexing. , with a trace of resentment in his eyes. Forcibly ignoring Tililith's gaze, Li Yexing threw Rita on the bed, and then took advantage of the heat on the scorpion hadn't completely dissipated, and directly covered the two with the quilt. After getting out of bed, he put his clothes on his body indiscriminately, and grabbed it out. Sir!, the shirt is reversed! Rita stuck out half of her head in the quilt and shouted to Li Yexing. After a while, Li Yexing's perfunctory response came from outside the door, followed by a burst of Ci Kouzai Zai's voice, and Li Yexing's self-talk: It's so cold, the girl's, the girl's... Hearing Li Yexing's whispered complaint, Rita turned her head to look at Ti Lily, who was also in the bed. Si, but found that Ti Lilith was also looking at her. The red eyes collided with the gray ones, and after a while, the two girls looked at each other and smiled.

Miss, how many times did you and Mr. come here yesterday? Recalling how Li Yexing fled in a hurry, Rita couldn't help but asked Tililith curiously.

Tiillis thought for a while and stretched out her little white hand from under the quilt, and raised four fingers. Four times. Rita nodded and said in a low voice: No wonder... Not four times Tililith said in a low voice, expressionless: 'It was four hours. In an instant, the smile on Rita's face froze, and after a while, she whispered with some remorse: Have I been a bad maid again who doesn't know how to understand the master's hard work?

......The cold water hit his face, driving away the last bit of tiredness, Li Yexing raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror with dark circles under his eyes, a trace of fear on his face. Fortunately, I slipped fast, otherwise I'm afraid there won't be any drops left. Wiping his face with a towel, Li Yexing stepped on his slippers and came to the office. As soon as he entered the room, he found Kanan sitting at his desk. Before, I didn't know what I was looking at while holding the mouse.

Sit in my boss chair again?

With a smile, Li Yexing joked to Kanan: Are you in such a hurry to take the position? Ah? What nonsense are you talking about? The moment Li Yexing arrived at Kanan's face, Li Yexing was taken aback. He saw that face was the same as his own, with heavy dark circles under his eyes. The deputy cultivator looked like he was too ready to ride the crane to the west at any time. I rely on you What's wrong? Li Yexing asked in surprise. What happened to me? Shouldn't you ask yourself? My B0SS? With heavy resentment on her face, Kanan's eyes swept across Li Yexing's body, and after a while, she said: Do this every day, and it will end up in the middle of the night when you do it, BOSS, don't you plan to live past fifty? I can live to fifty. . Forget it. He waved his hands a little bored, and Kananzhu, who was tired, raised his chin and asked casually: Where's the astringent maid? Didn't I go to wake you up? It's almost noon and I haven't had breakfast yet. Where is she? Hehe. Li Yexing scratched his head, an embarrassed smile appeared on his face. Looking at Li Yexing's face with a flat smile, Kanan instantly understood, and she whispered: 'Look Come on, I'm going to look for a home, after all, you can't even speak forty years old. It's okay, I'm still young. Li Yexing shrugged, he put on the coat hanging behind , and said to Kanan: I Go out for a walk, is there anything you want me to bring back? Half a fried chicken, and the beer in the refrigerator is running out, bring back two cases. Kanan waved his hand.

Still drinking? Li Yexing whispered: Do you remember to eat or not to fight? Did you forget the miserable look you looked like two days ago? The black tattoo on his shoulder trembled, Kanan raised his head, raised his eyebrows and said stubbornly. : It's just beer, and it's not vodka... Forget it, think about it for yourself, 0 If we come out of our office to drink and drink to death, it will be a shame, and the Italian will not be here. Are you jumping on the tomb of a gangster? Li Yexing held the door frame with one hand, and said while wearing his shoes. Hearing Li Yexing's words, Kanan raised his feet directly, took off his shoes and held them in his hands, and he was about to smash them. Look, quickly opened the door and ran out.

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