What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Mission3.5-2020 Valentine's Day limited DLC.2

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

Pushing open the door of the office and letting the cold wind blow on his face, Li Yexing went down the stairs step by step, and subconsciously shrank his head into his collar. By the way, what kind of fried chicken should I buy in this weather? Li Yexing whispered, It's just this temperature, I'm afraid it will get cold before I take it back to the office..

Even so, since Kanan said he wanted fried chicken, Li Yexing would naturally not refuse. He took a step forward and walked along the road. Every five minutes, he arrived at the restaurant on the corner of the street. Shrinking his head and pushing the door in, Li Yexing said solemnly, Boss, help me wrap half a fried chicken.

Hearing Li Yexing's voice, the boss behind the counter who was wiping his shotgun raised his head. After seeing Li Yexing, he was slightly taken aback, and then said: Isn't this Li? I haven't seen it for some time. It's time. Li Yexing found a table and sat down, took out his hand from his jacket pocket, placed it on the table, and tapped lightly on the table with his fingers. What have you been busy with recently? After instructing the back kitchen to prepare half a fried chicken, the rather sturdy boss sat directly opposite Li Yexing, he smiled and said to Li Yexing, I heard Zhan Bo said that you will be in Luoyang this year. Price has a huge wedding with ten brides. James. After searching for this number in his head, Li Yexing said casually: Tell James, I'll go to his tongue in a few days. Pulled.

Then you probably won't have a chance... With a lonely smile on his face, the restaurant owner whispered: Zhan Bo is gone. Well, it's gone. The boss nodded and said, It's gone in North Africa, and the corpses can't be put together anymore... Yes... Li Yexing lit a cigarette and didn't speak any more, for a while, The small restaurant fell silent. Just when Li Yexing was thinking about whether to wait for the fried chicken to get a beer, the door behind him was suddenly knocked open, and then, there was a commotion behind him.

Let me go! You shameless cow! I~ I don't want any~

Don't. Don't be noisy, there are other customers in the store. Hearing the voice of N chacha behind him, Li Yexing turned his head subconsciously, and saw three beautiful girls standing side by side behind him, the one on the left with red hair, She looks very fierce, and the one on the right is a tall and beautiful woman with curly blond hair. She has an explosive body. As for the one caught in the middle, she has a black single ponytail. It was an Asian. The three girls entered the restaurant arguing, and when they saw Li Yexing, they were slightly - stunned, and then focused their attention on the owner of Sakadate. Seven-ripe steak! The red-haired The girl said loudly. Please give me a stack of vegetable salad, thank you. The blond Yujie smiled. Beer... beer is good... The little black-haired girl in the middle smiled awkwardly and said , He also smiled at Li Yexing with an apologetic expression on his face. Ignoring the black-haired girl's apology, Li Yexing focused his attention on his desk again, and the owner of Sakakan, who was sitting on the ground, whispered, These girls seem to be from the newly opened bar nearby, not far from your office. Oh. Li Yexing nodded symbolically. He didn't pay much attention to these things. Fried chicken is ready.. At this moment, there was a shout from the back kitchen. The fried chicken sent by the chef was handed to Li Yexing, and he smiled and said, I come here often when I have time. Thank you... Li Yexing nodded, he put the fried chicken in his arms, then stood up, pushed open the door of Sakakan to leave, behind him, the voices of three girls were vaguely heard. But Jiang, today is Valentine's Day, don't you plan to pay for me? Xiao Jiang, why don't you even pay my bill? Fuck off! Cow! It's Valentine's Day, it's none of your business? ~Xiao Jiang~ She is murdering me~ You should take care of her~ Don't...don't. I pay, I'll pay 0 Oh, three lace? After exiting the restaurant, Li Yexing smiled and whispered He said, but then he fell into thought again, and whispered softly: But... Speaking of... is today Valentine's Day? Thinking of this, Li Yexing suddenly realized that he didn't even have a Valentine's Day with Tililith. And Rita has been. It's hard to do, Li Yexing whispered.

After walking across the street with fried chicken and buying a case of beer in a small shop selling wine next to him, Li Yexing went straight back to the office. Pushing open the door of the office, I saw Tililith, who was not washing up, was sitting quietly on her boss chair with her legs in her arms. She was wearing messy silver hair, white silk underwear, and snow-white feet. On the top, her cardamom-like toes were constantly twitching. The silver-haired girl was staring at the computer screen, not knowing what she was looking at. As for Kanan, she was successfully driven to the sofa by the eldest lady of the office. Putting down the beer box, he threw the fried chicken on the Rongji in front of Kanan. Li Yexing took off his jacket and came to Tililith. He saw that a certain Japanese animation was playing on the computer screen in front of her. The knight raised the lightsaber in his hand and shouted to eat my curry stick. Really, I don't wash up.. Reaching out and rudely fucked Ti Lilith's messy hair, Li Yexing asked with a smile, I'm preparing for lunch. Tilly Lis whispered. Yes. Li Youxing followed Tililith and stared at the computer screen. After a while, he stood up unnaturally, cleared his throat, and then asked, Speaking of which. Tillyris. Is there anything you want? What you want. Tillyris thought for a while, it seemed that she bought almost everything she wanted in the last big shopping, so she whispered: No

'Don't, think about it again.' With anticipation on his face, Li Yexing said earnestly and perseveringly. It seemed that he was stumped by this mindless question, Tililith thought carefully, and after a while, She whispered: I want my boobs to be the same as Rita's

This is too difficult.. Li Yexing shook his head and said, Change to something simpler. Yexing is good today.. He didn't answer Li Yexing's question

Tiliris raised her head directly and said, Is there a ghost in my heart? Forget it. Under Kanan's mocking gaze, Li Yexing was defeated. This time, he shifted his target to Rita. Entering the kitchen, Rita was wearing an apron with her back to herself, with a kitchen knife in her hand, shredding the carrots on the chopping board with exquisite knife skills. Putting his hands around Rita's waist, Li Yexing leaned on Rita's back and said softly, It's hard work, Rita... Sir? There was a hint of joy on his face, and Rita said softly, It's not hard work. , Rita likes this. Do you want me to help? Li Yexing asked softly. No, sir, just wait for Rita to arrange everything properly. Rita smiled. Holding Rita in his arms, Li Yexing didn't say a word. He quietly listened to the sound of the kitchen knife slicing the fruits and vegetables on the chopping board. After a while, he said softly, I don't know if Rita has anything she wants... What I want. Rita was stunned for a moment, and then there was a hint of distress on her face. She whispered: Rita is too happy, so she doesn't really want anything. It was 0.. Li Yexing whispered: It's okay if you think about it again, just say, as long as I can do it, I will do it... Really? Hearing Li Yexing's words, Rita's face was - - happy, the corners of her mouth twitched. With a sly smile. Of course it's true. Li Yexing nodded, just about to say something else, but suddenly he felt a soft touch coming from below. Rita leaned herself against Li Yexing's arms, the skirt of the maid's dress accompanied her movements, Looking for the one who was squirming lightly with the sound of friction. Li Yexing's breathing gradually became heavier. Feeling Li Yexing's hot breath on her neck, Rita turned her head, and a flash of spring water flashed in her eyes. Charming, she said softly with a charming smile: sex, you know how to do it.. It won't take too long.. my master In the end, Li Yexing and Rita had a good time in the kitchen, but for Li Yexing still had no idea what Rita wanted.

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