What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-51. The MD Ghost Road of the Fierce Maid and Maid

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Ah, there seems to be a fight over there. When the continuous gunfire sounded from behind, Kanan with his hands in his pockets whispered to Rita who was walking in front. Hearing Kanan's words, Rita subconsciously She looked back, and then she saw that Kanan was wearing a body armor stripped from the black Umbrella security forces, with a strange rifle used by the black armor compound eye demon, and was following behind with a bored face. Hope. Miss and Miss Kanjima's attack went well. Hearing the explosions, a rare trace of worry appeared on Rita's face. However, are these guys reliable? His eyes swept around obscurely, Kanan looked at He followed the security forces who were advancing with him, and whispered to Rita.

The equipment is really good, it's the fighting qualities. I heard from the boss that he blew up the security force of Black Umbrella back then..

The overall quality of these people is slightly higher than that of the ordinary army of the first-tier powers. Rita shook her head and said softly: The reason why Mr. can dominate or even crush the enemy is because Mr. is the elite among the elites. Nan raised his head and thought about it, and his head suddenly flashed the Q ∈ O ∈ shaking head marksmanship that Li Ye used when he was surrounded by parasite-infected rebels in South Africa. Yes, the boss is an elite. The elite Kanan nodded and said: It's really outrageous, so outrageous that sometimes I suspect that he is actually like us, not human at all. These words, remember not to mention them in front of Mr. Rita frowned slightly and said softly: Although Mr. accepted us and treated us like ordinary humans, Mr. valued his identity as a human being very much. Hearing Rita's words, Kanan slightly-- I was stunned, at this moment, even her mind was relatively single-threaded, and there was a hint of rhyme in Rita's words. You mean the boss...Hmm. Rita nodded and whispered: Miss realized it, I realized it, and even you faintly realized it, Miss Kanjima may not have noticed anything, but It is impossible for Mr. to not notice any problems. Despite this, Mr. has been subconsciously turning a blind eye to the changes in his body.

But... aren't the medical results of BSAA and Black Umbrella exactly the same? Kanan said with some doubts: You can't lie to the boss at the same time, right? Sometimes, deception is for protection, and you know too much It's not necessarily a good thing. Rita whispered: BSAA. Or that Mr. Redfield and Miss Marlene concealed the results of the medical examination for the purpose of protecting Mr. Black. As for Black Umbrella, they have already moved, aren't they? do you

Gently pulling the broken hair from her forehead behind her ear, Rita said solemnly: After this operation is over, I think it is necessary for me to have a good talk with the supervisor. This is my duty as a maid. Mark With a hint of displeasure on his face, Kanan whispered, Aren't we just a mercenary group formed by a group of monsters who want to eat and die? Why do we feel like we are involved in a huge conspiracy now. Rita I was about to say something, but at this moment, the security force soldier walking at the front suddenly raised his hand and signaled the follow-up troops to stop. Something happens, Rita said softly. Oh! It's finally going to start, right? ? Kanan raised his gun, his face full of excitement, obviously on the other side, the soldier walking at the forefront quietly looked at the darkness in front of him, and after a few seconds, he quickly made a new tactical gesture, holding tight. Then, the two follow the team

The mass-produced tyrant stepped forward with heavy steps, one of them stopped beside the soldier, and the other stepped directly towards the darkness ahead, and then, just listening With a light sound, the bullet shot out from the darkness with the tail smoke, and hit the tyrant directly. With the bright fire and the sound of the explosion, the tyrant ran two steps directly, and then directly towards the tyrant. He ran over in the direction from which the catapult came. There is an ambush ahead! The soldier walking at the front shouted: All cover! Prepare to exchange fire! The soldiers spread out immediately, they either hid behind the trees, or lied directly on the ground through the terrain.

On the other hand, Kanan followed directly behind the other tyrant, with a wild smile on her face, she jumped up abruptly at the sound of the gunfire, ruthlessly restrained the tyrant's son with her hands, and hung herself on the scale. Behind the tyrant, he stuck his head out at the same time, held a gun in one hand, and used the tyrant as a bunker to continuously fire against the darkness in front of him. The sound of breaking the air sounded, followed by a burst of explosions, and a huge mushroom cloud rose in an instant, and the strong shock wave threw the mud warriors and wood chips into the sky, flying in all directions. It lost half of its body. Even so, it stubbornly rushed out of the billowing smoke, but it was greeted by a glowing steel storm. The minigun spewed tracer bullets and swept through the darkness like a sickle. come here, straight

Then the tyrant's head was beaten into a sieve. Before and after running behind the machine gun, the tyrant finally fell down, and the wound on his neck continued to spray blood. My. Looking at the heavy machine gun spitting out flaming tongues, Kanan jumped directly from the other tyrant and whispered: No, the target is too big, it will kill people So noisy , such a mess, it's really unpleasant. On the other side, watching the mass-produced tyrant of Black Umbrella turned into a corpse under the concentrated fire of RPG and heavy machine gun, Rita frowned, she whispered Dao: Unfortunately, I don't have that much time to spend here, sir is still waiting for me.

He suddenly turned the scythe of flesh and bones in his hand, and Rita rushed towards the black armored compound-eyed machine gunner like a humanoid chariot. The rifle bullets tore Rita's maid uniform and hit Rita's maid. On the body, but Rita was completely out of balance, and on the other side, the machine gunner also seemed to notice

I felt that a little girl who was overpowering was rushing up against the fire. Under the huge fly-like helmet, the compound-eyed demon grinned and spoke Russian, and then dragged the steel storm that was enough to tear everything to Rita's body. In an instant, the powerful firepower tore open Rita's flesh and penetrated Rita's body. In less than a second, it opened a bloody big hole in Rita's waist. Following the hole, black armor and compound eyes. The devil can even see the opposite scenery, but even so, it still can't stop Rita's footsteps. There was a strange arrogance in my heart, the compound eye demon dragged the bullet chain and swept away, and the pieces mixed with flesh and blood were torn from Rita's body. Just as Rita was about to rush in front of the compound eye demon, she only She felt her lower body become soft. Then, with the sound of flesh being torn apart, Rita fell directly to the ground. Although there was no pain, Rita was still clearly aware that she had been swept into two parts by the heavy machine. Looking at Rita who was torn from the waist by the minigun, the machine gunner laughed proudly, but the next second, its smile froze, only to see that the two legs that were missing half of the body did not fall down. Stepping on high-heeled shoes, wrapped in broken black silk, it stretched out like a hair-shaped section, squirming horribly, just when the compound-eyed gunner was shocked by the Jing family in front of him, he was lying on the ground, only his upper body was left. Rita raised her head suddenly, the corners of her mouth were torn open in an instant, and it was filled with layers of terrifying sharp teeth. Then, the two arms supporting the ground suddenly exerted force, and Rita's upper body jumped directly. Get up and throw the gunner to the ground. Sir, you really don't know how to pity Xiangxiyu at all... Pushing the Xia Eye Demon to the ground, ignoring its struggle, Rita smiled softly, and then suddenly opened herself The bloody mouth was big, and he bit down on the compound eye demon's head.

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