What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-52. The MD animal way of the fierce maid

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Under the cover of explosions and gunshots, the sound of the body being torn apart is no longer obvious. The blood and flesh that were glued together were torn apart along the texture, and the splashed blood slowly burned in the air and turned into ashes. Rita lay on the ground and recklessly ate the inner body of the black armor compound beholder, even if it splashed. Her blood turned into flames and burned her skin, and she didn't care. After a while, the flesh and blood from the fracture at the waist turned into bones that supported the body. The puncture wound slowly grew out, and countless granulation buds curled and wrapped on it, giving birth to a rubbery texture. The blue-grey skin of the man condensed into the shape of high-heeled shoes on the reborn feet. After the lower body was repaired, the blue-gray rubber material slowly climbed up along the waist, and they continued to spread on Rita's body until Rita's lock was locked, and then, the skirt-like structure went from there. Secretion grew out of the rubberized skin, with folds, and slowly wrapped around Rita's waist. After a while, Rita wiped the corners of her mouth and stood up. She stepped on the blue-gray high-heeled boots and roughly tore off the broken maid outfit that had been beaten on her body, revealing the straitjacket. The blue-gray skin that wraps the body, on top of the blue-gray, purple lines continue to spread, combine, and finally piece together to form a blossoming purple Weihua. It's really a pleasant supper. The taste seems to be a little different than before. It seems that the woman named Kara has not been idle recently. She has improved the C virus since 2.. With a satisfied smile, Rita licked her index finger covered by the blue-gray gum and whispered, and then, as if she suddenly remembered something, she turned her head and saw behind her, her black silk suspender. The legs wrapped in socks are still spinning in place, and its footsteps are getting more and more manic, as if it is doing a tap dance with the sound of gunfire. Even cognitive ability has begun to become unhuman. The corner of the mouth The smile disappeared, and there was a trace of sadness on Rita's face. She said softly: Let's go on like this. . . . What should I do if my husband dislikes me? Qiangwei was wearing a maid outfit, and Rita walked slowly to her lower body. She stretched out her hand and stroked her leg, and said with a smile, Be good, be good. The moment she was touched by Rita, that manic His legs suddenly became docile, and even the dancing tentacles on the fractured mouth stopped moving. For a moment, large blood blisters suddenly swelled from the legs, and the tentacles pierced flesh and blood and then slapped each other. Tangled, the two legs that were being alienated fell to the ground, twitching constantly, regrouping, and after a while, accompanied by the low roar of the beast, a four-legged creature drilled through the pool of flesh and blood. The monster was nearly 1.7 meters long, and it looked like a dog that had been skinned. Several bones mixed with flesh and blood covered important parts of the body. Apart from that, all muscle fibers were exposed. After a long while, the monster turned its head, revealing its head covered with gray eyeballs, tentacle-like oozes sticking out from the jagged canines, twitching continuously, spitting out bursts of heat, and in it Behind it, four or five tentacles are constantly waving. This is the dog-shaped monster that Rita transformed into when she was in Japan, but it has shrunk severely and has become almost the same as an ordinary large dog. Good, good Dog. Rita squatted down and gently stroked the monster made of her own flesh and blood, and the monster seemed to be very helpful, it squatted down, felt Rita's touch, kept sticking out her tongue, Like a real dog. What a lovely child.. There was a hint of doting in her eyes, and Rita said with some regret: Unfortunately, sir- you definitely don't like pet dogs, right?

Looking at this monster like a skinny dog, Rita said softly, Good dog, I should name you, what should you name it? Frowning slightly, Rita thought quietly. After a while, as if thinking of her own abilities, a bright smile appeared on Rita's face, and she said softly, I'll call you °Carbon-based savage hunter o...

A low roar mixed with the sound of flesh and blood squirming came out of the monster's mouth, as if cheering for the name. Okay, carbon-based savage hunter. Rita gently stroked the monster's head, feeling the wonderful touch of eyeballs passing through her palm, she smiled and whispered: Now, let's go hunting, Go and bring their genes to me. With Rita's order, the Carbon-based hunter snarled like a mad dog unchained, sprinting on the uneven ground. Running, the eyes of the dense gallery on the head kept spinning in all directions, searching, and in just a few seconds, it found its prey, which was a black armored compound eye hiding behind a tree. magic. There was a growl of excitement in the throat, and the carbon-based hunter rushed up directly. The black armor compound eye demon seemed to have also discovered the carbon-based hunter. It turned its muzzle and kept firing at the carbon-based hunter. The man didn't care, with the bullets fired by the black armor compound eye demon, the skinless vicious dog jumped up directly, and threw it to the ground, screaming all over, blood and flesh flying. Ah, what a spirited child. Watching the vicious dog turned into flesh and blood frantically harvesting the enemy's life, Rita covered her mouth and showed a satisfied smile. She bent down and picked up the remains The moment the flesh-and-blood scythe that fell on the ground touched Rita's finger, the eyeballs next to the scythe's blade moved in unison, as if a dead object suddenly regained its vitality. Drawing the scythe into silver moons in the air, Rita smiled and said, Now, please let me continue to fight... Just as Rita was dancing with the scythe, Kanan was sitting cross-legged on the tree. Mo Yu. Wow! What was that just now? The maid let the dog bite people! Nodding enthusiastically, Kanan stroked his chin Zeng: As expected of a woman's business from a big family, just let it go if it doesn't agree. Dog bites. Looking down the line of sight, after Rita successfully broke into the field, the security force of Black Umbrella was on the way.

Gradually advancing, quickly eroding the square lines of the black armor and compound eye demons, the fight is not brilliant, but it is slightly stronger than the normal one, especially the way the security forces advance, it is very skilled at first glance , if you guessed correctly, they probably had specialized training in the project of cooperating with B0W on the battlefield. Forget it, let's fight quickly, after all, the boss is still waiting. There was a frantic smile on the corner of her mouth, Kanan put the strangely shaped rifle behind her back, she slowly raised her right arm, and instantly, the right arm The tattoo on the left crawled and climbed up the left face. The swollen muscles quickly pulled the skin apart, splashing yellow and red bodily fluids. Cold light's sharp blade and yellow tendons were constantly intertwined between the exposed muscles, and Hanan's right arm turned into a flesh-and-blood blade in a blink of an eye. This almost painless transformation is really refreshing. Stepping on the tree trunk, Kanan squatted down with a smile. Her muscles like a cheetah gradually tightened. After a while, she held up the blade of her right hand, aiming at the one hiding behind the tree. The black-armored compound beholder, and then jumped out suddenly. In an instant, the arm blade that fell from the sky slashed the armor, shredded the flesh and blood, and his feet slid extremely fast under the huge inertia, pearing out two gullies in the muddy forest. In the middle, the compound eye demon's corpse turned into firelight, illuminating Kanan's face full of madness. Facing the black armor compound eye demons in front of her, she suddenly raised her head, revealing that crazy smiling face, Loudly shouted Dead! Die! Give me all to die!

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