[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

Just as Li Yexing's girls and Black Umbrella's security force were continuing to move deeper into the small island village, Li Yexing and the frenzied squad had just crossed half of the marked area. Walking is obviously difficult, especially when looking for something, and it didn't take long before Paglis couldn't help but complain in a low voice, I said we didn't find the wrong place, right? Look again- Looking at the map on his mobile phone, Li Yexing didn't answer. Now, even he couldn't help but wonder if his judgment was wrong. So far, they haven't found any signs of hidden research facilities in this place. There seemed to be nothing left except the water-filled mines dug by the locals. Perverted, what's wrong? Seemingly aware of Li Yexing's mood change, Tililian approached with light steps, and she whispered softly. asked Ben

Your lord doesn't seem to be in the right state. He turned his head sullenly, glanced at Jiang Xueyang who was following behind, and Li Yexing whispered, I'm afraid Jiang Xueyang won't be able to hold on, his calf is hurt a little bit, we don't have time to spend it on. here.

Women's clothes are perverted? Tilly Zhi'an looked back at Jiang Xueyang, then turned to Li Yexing and asked, Is that guy injured so badly?

Don't underestimate this thorn.... Li Yexing whispered: The climate here is hot and humid, which is very detrimental to the healing of the wound. If we can't get timely and effective treatment, Jiang Xueyang's wound is likely to be infected. Infection? Ti Lilian was stunned for a moment, and then said: Infection is infection. Listening to Tillyrian's words, Li Yexing's eyes widened, and after a while, he suddenly realized that, after all, Tillylian is a BOW girl who can still walk like a fly after being shot hundreds of times. She doesn't seem to understand the fragility of human beings very well. .

Just when Li Yexing was about to talk with the ignorant blonde girl about how fragile the human body is, the bar owner suddenly shouted: Look at this

Following the bar owner's shout, everyone turned their attention to the bar owner. They saw that he was standing beside a mine and looked down. The people behind him immediately followed and stood at the edge of the mine. Li Yexing followed the bar. The boss looked down and saw that there was no water in the big pit in front of him, and at the bottom of the pit, there was a dark hole.

The bar owner quickly looked at Li Yexing, and after a few seconds, the bar owner said solemnly: Maybe we found it. Go down and have a look. Li Yexing responded in a deep voice with a look of joy on his face.

Under the leadership of the bar owner and Li Yexing, the members of the frantic team and Ti Lilian slowly descended along the steep and slippery pit wall and reached the bottom of the pit.

The ladder of the genus, - it seems that it is artificially built, but it is dark under the hole, and you can't see what is underneath. It seems that we really found it. Looking at the hole in front of him, the bar owner whispered, and after a while, he turned his head and said to everyone: I'll go down first.

Wait, boss, are you just going down like this? Fisher asked worriedly: After all, we don't even know what's going on here, so it's a bit too much to go on like this. Before Fisher finished speaking, a He put his hand on his shoulder, Fisher turned his head and saw Anna standing behind him shaking his head, she whispered: Come on

On the other side, after instructing the people around him, the bar owner turned on the tactical flashlight on his chest. He gave everyone in the frantic team, Li Yexing and Ti Lili a circle of thumbs, and then took out his palmistry and walked slowly. At the entrance of the cave, I climbed down the ladder. Seeing the figure of the bar owner sinking into the darkness little by little, everyone's hearts were suspended, and even Tililian couldn't help frowning. After a long time, the low and hoarse voice of the bar owner came from the communicator. It's safe below, the hole is less than four meters deep, and there is a little water on the ground. We found it. Nice! Hearing the bar owner's voice, Puglis clenched her fists and looked excited. Now, listen to my command. On the other side, the bar owner began to make arrangements, and he said solemnly: Fish canned, quack doctor, Li and the commander-in-chief will follow me. When we got down, Puglis and the Arctic wolf were ambushed near the entrance of the cave, watching our back road and reporting the situation at any time.

Seeing that Li Youxing didn't have the communicator, Li Youxing passed the bar owner's words to Tillylian. Ha? Hearing the bar owner's arrangement, Tillylian raised her eyebrows subconsciously, and she said angrily, Stinky pig. How dare you give orders to Lord Ben? Obviously, Lord Ben is the commander-in-chief!

Li Yexing shrugged helplessly, he held down the communicator and said solemnly: Tiililian said she was dissatisfied with your overstepping command behavior. Hearing Li Yexing's words, the other side of the communicator was silent, after a few secrets , the bar owner said solemnly, What does the commander think should be arranged? He asked you, what do you plan to do? Li Yexing turned his head and asked Tiililian. Well. Just do as the pig said. Tilly Hean turned her head and whispered with an awkward expression: After all, it's the same arrangement as my lord

Captain, I refuse. At this moment, the calm Arctic Wolf became a little uncharacteristically excited. He held down the communicator and said, Captain, I think I can go down, and I can still fight. A Jiang? Puglis turned back to look at Jiang Xueyang, with doubt and surprise in his eyes.

I.. I won't drag you down, I can. Jiang Xueyang was eager to say something, but the bar owner interrupted him directly, only to hear the bar owner solemnly say: Arctic Wolf, the reason why I let You and Chili stayed on top, not because you were injured, but because the environment below is very narrow and not conducive to your performance! It seems that you feel that your words are too harsh,

The bar owner's voice softened, and he said solemnly: Listen, kid, you don't have to rush to prove 2. We all know you are excellent, and we will not look down on you because of your age, now, you are the team The sniper, and your mission is very important, eye, I need you to stay in a place where you can better display your strength, I need you and Paglis to occupy a commanding height, and then keep an eye on our back road, I is the whole

Yes! After a few seconds, the Arctic Wolf answered decisively. Very good, soldier. The bar owner Shen Shengyong. Although there was a little unwillingness on his face, Jiang Xueyang finally chose to obey the net order.

After finishing this, everyone was ready to enter the passage. After the bar owner, Fisher was the first to go down. When Fisher reached the bottom, Anna followed closely.

The moment Anna entered the passage, Tililian suddenly raised her head, and then quickly turned her eyes to the hillside above her head. She widened her red one eye and shouted loudly, Come on! It seemed that she was responding to Tililian's response. Shouting, I saw a tyrant in black restraint rushing out from the hillside, with a mad smile on his face, holding a sturdy tree that was uprooted and then broken, as if waving Like a battering ram, he rushed down from the hillside to face the crowd, - - while charging - and laughed wildly: 0 haha ​​0 haha! Go to hell! The scumbags who covet my research results!

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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