What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-55. Men's Talk Therapy

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Impossible, you lied to me. After a while, the tyrant dropped the tongue of the tree that he was holding, stretched out his hands and scratched his bare gray scalp, saying nonsense: You lied to me, you lied to me, Ann Brera couldn't have fallen, and the cockroaches that jumped were still wearing USS uniforms. It's B.US.F (Black Umbella Security Forces)! Tilly Li on the side

An frowned and said loudly: And I and my direct troops are not in the security force's Jianli! Can you listen to people? The old antique from the last century? Impossible, impossible It seems that there is no such thing as Hearing what Tililian was saying, the tyrant kept scratching his scalp, and kept saying, This is impossible, this is impossible, Umbrella can't fall, Mr. Spencer It is impossible to die, he must still be alive, he is still waiting for me, he is still waiting for my research results... Your research results. Li Yexing tilted his head and looked at the tyrant in front of him. Then he was a little curious:' Do you mean this technique of turning yourself into a monster?

Shut up! The tyrant turned his head sharply, pointed at Li Yexing and said angrily: You rubbish! Offal! Echinoderm! How can you possibly understand my great thought? My great technology? Your own consciousness is stuffed into the tyrant's head? Li Yexing asked with a tilt of his head and a smile. After saying this, the audience was silent, not only the tyrant, but also Ti Lilian's eyes widened, she looked at Li Yexing, with disbelief written all over her face, after a while, she whispered, Perverted. Are you telling the truth? Why? The tyrant looked at Li Yexing's head in shock: 'Why, you Will this war wild dog know my skills?

As if he had figured out something, the tyrant suddenly laughed, he nodded his head and said: I understand, I understand, it must be our branch that went out, you shameless people think If you want to take away my great soul transfer technology and give it to Spencer first, you want to please that gentleman.. In fact, after the tyrant spoke for the first time, Li Yexing had relevant guesses, after all That Alex Wesker is also on this island, so that the woman who hides her name in the dark for 3 years chooses to be exposed to the sun and take risks, + there are 1 \\ 9 is later in Revelation 2 The technology of soul transfer used, the principle of this technology is not clear, and the conditions are harsh. The owner of the soul and the body that carries the soul must be able to ensure that there is no fear, otherwise the experiment will be easier said than done? In this world, How could there be a person without fear? So Li Yexing boldly guessed whether the experimenter would have some wild ideas in his head, for example: since humans can't get rid of fear, why not find a BOW that is highly similar in structure to humans What? It seems that this guy in front of him has succeeded in a sense. His thoughts flashed like an electric light, and the corner of Li Yexing's mouth evoked a malicious smile. He looked at the tyrant and said casually: In other words, look at you sheep, don't you think that your experiment was successful? Of course I succeeded! The tyrant spread his hands and said angrily: Look at my appearance! My existence itself is a success of the experiment. No! Li Yexing directly rejected the tyrant's words, he said with a smile: 'Your consciousness has not been transferred at all, it has just been copied into the tyrant's brain exactly as it is, the real you has long been You were already dead when you started the experiment. He raised his hand and pointed at the stunned tyrant. Li Yexing's eyes seemed to be tortured to the tyrant's soul, and instantly became extremely sharp. You are just a monster who inherited the memory of a mad scientist! Shun Jian, anger surged from his heart like a fire filled with firewood, his heart was chasing like madness, and his gray head was open. The tyrant's gray-white eyeballs began to congeal, and it growled hysterically: Shut up! Shut up! You bastard! ... Suddenly, the tyrant was stunned, and the angry roar sounded Xia Ran. Stopped, it lowered its head in a daze, and saw that on its body, the black bondage garment was slowly cracking open.

The tyrant stretched out his hand and grabbed the collar of the straitjacket, trying his best to prevent the straitjacket from cracking, but it was futile. The rapidly expanding silver-gray back muscles ripped open the straitjacket and squeezed out from behind the tyrant. No, my sanity, my sanity is disappearing... Accompanied by a horrified howl, the tyrant fell to his knees directly. , but the more it was torn, the more seriously damaged the restraint suit was. It wanted to grab the cracked restraint suit, but it was directly wearing the restraint suit with its fingers. Only at this moment did it suddenly realize that its hands were not knowing what to do with it. Unconsciously, it turned into a ferocious claws. No! ! ! !! !! In the despairing roar of the tyrant, its restraint suit completely burst, and the silver-gray muscles burst out in an instant, they were hard and solid, and the middle was surrounded by blood-red The gully was separated, and on the silver-gray chest, a huge blood-red heart beating was revealed. The tyrant, who was gradually liberating his power, stood up and let out a roar like a beast. His face was struggling violently, revealing the pain of intellect and animality intertwined.

It seems to be successful. Li Yexing whispered. What succeeded? Tilly Zian asked curiously. I guessed right, although he was a doctor before his death, but after copying his consciousness into the tyrant's head, his thinking ability is obvious. It fell, and became irritable and irritable. Li Yexing explained in a deep voice: So, I was thinking, if it took off the restraint garment to liberate its power, would it be straight?

Then lost his mind and turned back into a monster? So perverted you were deliberately mad at him before? Tililith was surprised.

Looking at the still-expanding monster, Tillylian said in a low voice, That's what I said, but after becoming like this, isn't it more difficult to fight?

This is wrong, Li Yexing said in a deep voice. No matter how strong a monster is, it is a monster. No matter how weak a person is, he is still a human being. Humans are more terrifying than monsters. - The tyrant in the circle slowly stood up while panting. It opened its mouth and showed pain on its face, as if it wanted to say something, but in the end it could only make some strange sounds. The pain of wanting to return to reason has disappeared, and the tyrant in front of him has completely turned into an ordinary beast without wisdom.

Those who can openly turn themselves into monsters will eventually become real monsters... A complex color flashed in his eyes, Li Yexing cheered up, shrugged his shoulders, and picked up the gun in his hand. , said coldly: Since you don't implicitly accept the fact that Umbrella has been destroyed, then you can only die in secret for Umbrella.

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