What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-56. Mighty Boy Combination Skills

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Stepping on the wall of the pit, Li Yexing pulled the trigger at the tyrant who had liberated his power without hesitation. Shun Jian, the muzzle of the gun spit flame, and the bullet pierced through the chamber, -fafa hit the heart of the tyrant's chest, exploding blood flowers, the tyrant groaned subconsciously, and then directly waved his claws. He rushed towards Li Yexing and Ti Lilian. Run! Li Yexing said directly, he turned around and grabbed Ren Tiililian's arm, and climbed towards the edge of the mine. Although the tyrant behind him was strong and flexible, his weight was too great, so I always Sliding down the muddy and slippery wall of the pit, and when Li Yexing and Tililian climbed out of the pit with both hands and feet, the tyrant had just stuck his head out, and he grabbed the edge of the pit with one paw, and his feet were in the pit. The wall was kicking indiscriminately, and seeing that it was about to come up, Tilly Hean, who stood up, shouted: 'Get off my lord!' and then kicked the tyrant in the face. Even though her body became extremely weak due to the liberation of restrictions, Tililian's strength was still far beyond ordinary people, and this powerful kick directly kicked the tyrant back into the mine. Beautiful! As expected of my sister-in-law! Li Yexing nodded excitedly and said, he turned around, the tyrant, because the tyrant lay at the bottom of the mine and pressed his heart under him, so Li Yexing could only choose to shoot Its head, after the tyrant got up, Li Yexing immediately aimed at its heart, and the continuous firepower directly beat the tyrant to run away, surpassing this opportunity, and after the pouring of bullets - Li Yexing, who shuttled bullets, reloaded again, However, at this moment, I saw the tyrant at the bottom of the pit curled his legs, and then jumped up sharply, it jumped directly. Seeing that the tyrant raised his claws in the air and fell down, Tililian grabbed Li Yexing's body armor and threw Li Yexing to the other side. Immediately after, the tyrant's sharp claws fell, rubbing Tililian. Her body slammed heavily on the ground, and when Ti Lilian was about to step back, the tyrant suddenly raised his fallen paw, and Ti Lilian subconsciously covered her chest with her arms. The Tilly was hit upside down and flew out. Maintaining her posture in the air, Tiililian, who was knocked into the air, only felt pain in her arms, and even her chest felt a little tight. Just when she thought she would fall heavily to the ground, she heard from behind her. A solid touch, two hands wrapped around her chest, and then, the sky was spinning. Just now, Li Yexing, who was thrown out by Ti Lilian, rolled to his body by inertia, and then caught Ti Lilian who was flying away with a stride, and the price was that the two flew out together. Under the protection of Li Yexing, he fell heavily to the ground, rolling on the muddy ground as if he were stuffed into a washing machine. Looking at her, her expression was painful, and on the other side, she saw Ti Lilian looking at her 2. Li Yexing whispered, Are you stupid?

My lord, I don't need you to take care of this pervert! Ti Lilian frowned and said loudly, with a blushing face. Li Youxing just wanted to refute a few words, but saw the tyrant rushing up again with his claws, and it was too late to get up. Li Yexing without hesitation put the M4A1 in his hand on Tilly Zhi'an's arm, and fired violently at the heart of the tyrant's chest. Suddenly, blood flowers exploded, and the heart was shot, which effectively relieved the tyrant. With his footsteps, the tyrant stumbled and slipped into another pit behind him. Quick! Overtaking this opportunity, Li Yexing quickly got up and dragged Tillyrian by the way. He got up, then ran directly in the direction of the dense forest, and said to Tilidian while turning back: Isn't there anything you can do to kill it? Are you Tililith's sister? A few seconds later, Ti Lilian said a little bit irritably: I have liberated my strength when I dealt with that Shenya Pharmaceutical before, and now my body is still in a weak state!. Li Yexing wrinkled She frowned and smacked her lips, and whispered: You are not as good as your elder sister. Of course, my lord is not as good as my elder sister, right?! Tilly Zhian said a little to himself. Forget it, I probably guessed it would happen It became like this. Li Yexing said solemnly: Besides, I don't have many bullets. If we want to hold it or kill it, we need another way... What way? Tililian asked Said. Remember the scorpions that this bastard left us in the jungle? Li Yexing asked in a deep voice. You mean, with those traps? Tililian's eyes lit up when she heard Li Yexing's words, but then dimmed again, she whispered: Those traps are all for human use? No matter how old the tyrant is, it is still a tyrant. It is difficult to even hurt it with some traps, right? It's really difficult. Li Youxing said in a low voice: But it is enough to delay its pace, and you also said that this tyrant is an old model. The complex terrain in the jungle can effectively delay its speed. After all, it is difficult for it to meet the obstacles along the way like the T.I03C series. The tree smashed directly. Behind him, the tyrant who slid into the mine finally came out. It stared at Li Yexing and Tililian who had already run away, and made a deafening roar. The two rushed up. Pervert! That guy is catching up! Tillylian said anxiously and loudly. It's okay, sister-in-law, use combo techniques with my brother-in-law! Li Yexing said loudly. Come over, what nonsense is Li Yexing talking about? Li Yexing's hand holding Tililian suddenly exerted force. In Tililian's exclamation, Li Yexing directly lifted Tililian, and then - hugged him In her arms, her hands firmly fixed Tililian's snow-white legs that were stained with a little mud. Tililian was shocked and hugged Li Yexing subconsciously. After she realized what happened, her little His face turned red instantly, and at the same time he shouted in a panic: You you

You, you, you, are you sick?! Shy ass! Li Yexing said sharply: Now, pick up my gun and fire at that guy! Oh! I finally understood what Li Yexing was thinking. , Tillylian hooked the shoulder strap on Li Yexing's shoulder, and directly hooked the M4A1 that was slung beside Li Yexing into her hand. She put the gun on Li Yexing's shoulder, aimed at the tyrant's head and fired directly. , Li Yexing gritted his teeth as the dense gunshots exploded in Li Yexing's ears. Quickly emptying a shuttle of magazines, Tiililian took out a new magazine from Li Yexing's body armor and panicked: 'A bully? Why did it stop when the pervert fired? My lord shot and it didn't respond at all? Where did you aim to shoot? Li Ye Li Yexing immediately frowned and asked when he heard Ti Lilian's words. Head! Ti Lilian answered loudly. Li Yexing only felt that his blood pressure was instantly pumped up, and he said loudly:. Are you stupid? Why are you beating your head? A heart attack! Well, with a bit of grievance on her red face, Tililian inserted the magazine into the gun, aimed at the heart of the tyrant behind her, and muttered softly as she fired: , Perverts are really annoying, so fierce Well.

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