[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

Aren't we going back to help? In the darkness, listening to the sound of gunshots coming from overhead, Fisher whispered, After all, he is a tyrant. If Boss Li plays, Director Casimir will probably be able to dismantle us. No need. The bar owner said solemnly: I know very well, that guy can handle it, he is very strong.. It is very strong. Anna said softly: In every sense... No Concerned about Anna's strange words, the bar owner turned around and shone the tactical flashlight on Jiang Xueyang on his chest. He asked in a deep voice: 'Are you alright? I have no problem! Jiang Xueyang firmly said: 'I can complete the task. Okay, Soldier The bar owner nodded, and then said solemnly: Then don't waste time, let's move. Wait, boss.. Puglis suddenly seemed like a primary school student who wanted to ask questions. Raising her hand, she said with some doubts: Although we have found the facility, we don't know what the supervisor wants us to bring back? The bar owner walked forward without looking back, and he said solemnly: What? If we can make the tyrant speak, we will take what we bring back. Seeing that the bar owner has moved, Fisher shrugged, and everyone in the frantic team turned on the tactical flashlights on their chests, and quickly followed. There was a rattling sound, the light of the flashlight pierced through the darkness, and shone on the cracked walls and the dilapidated ceiling with some water seepage. The bar owner walked in the front to clear the way, while Jiang Xueyang and Paglis stayed at the end of the team. , After a while, they came to a rusted metal door, the lock on the door had been violently broken. The bar owner bent down and carefully observed the knocked door lock with the flashlight. After a few seconds, he Turning his head to the players behind him: Be careful, there are people ahead of us. Hearing the bar owner's words, everyone clasped the gun in their hands subconsciously. Seeing that the players were ready, the bar owner nodded. He gave a thumbs up to the players behind him, and then picked it up with one hand. Pistol, holding the doorknob with the other hand, after making a tactical gesture, he yanked the door open and got in, while quickly and professionally guarding the surroundings. After passing through the iron gate, it seems to be a stairway, next to it is the wall of the district, and this is a metal staircase, although it looks a little rusted and heavy, but the staircase itself is very thick, so don't worry It would collapse. The bar owner quickly came to the stairs and aimed the light of the gun and the flashlight at the bottom of the stairs, only to see that the stairs seemed to have only two floors. The light of the tactical flashlight easily passed through the darkness and illuminated the concrete floor at the bottom. sundries. After reconfirming the safety, the bar owner quickly waved to the team members who were waiting outside the door behind him, signaling safety. The next second, the team members filed in. They approached with a light but fast pace, under the light of the bar owner's flashlight. Go downstairs quickly, leaving one person at a corner until Paglis is left. Quickly rushed to the door on the lower floor of the stairwell, Puglis saw that the door lock was also violently damaged, She turned her head and saw Jiang Xueyang, who was left on the stairs, looking at her, so she took a deep breath, and opened the door in front of her sharply. At the same time, she raised the HK-416 in her hand and looked at the door warily. back. Then Puglis froze. There was light behind the door. It was a long corridor, with a little bit of floating ash on the ground, and on the ceiling of the corridor, there was a faint light inside. Although it was a little dim, it was enough to see.

After confirming that there was nothing in the corridor, Paglis quickly made a tactical gesture to signal safety ahead. After receiving Pugliese's message, the members of the frantic team walked down the stairs in an orderly manner, then passed through the destroyed doors one by one and entered the corridor. The bar owner came to the front again, and he lowered his head. Looking at the ground, I saw that the floating ash on the floor of the corridor was covered with footprints. Although there was a little SARS standing there, it was not damp. Among them, the one with damp soil left by high-heeled shoes. The footprints are very obvious. Most people entered the facility before it rained, - a woman entered the facility after it rained. The bar owner whispered, then slowly

He walked forward. According to the situation on the scene, he quickly made a judgment that more than ten people entered the facility, and the one who entered the facility after it rained was probably Alex Wesker. If Li Yexing's inference is true , that woman probably entered the facility after spreading the virus. As for the light above her head, it is highly probable that the forces that entered the facility earlier had activated the backup power supply in the facility. As a soldier who has served in the USS for many years and has rich experience, the bar owner is very familiar with various facilities in Umbrella. He knows that the backup power supply in Umbrella facilities can be operated without maintenance as long as it is not damaged by humans. The case is strong for decades, and when you open it again, you will still find it is like new. Walking slowly along the corridor, it didn't take long before everyone came to a metal door. Unlike before, this door was directly blown open, and the strong door panel fell directly to the ground, and the surrounding walls It was full of charred traces. On the broken wall, the bar owner found half a map of the facility. It seems that we are at the top of this facility.. The bar owner whispered: Go down one floor and you will reach it. The work area is over, maybe we can find what we want there. After all, the bar owner raised his head, raised his gun, and continued to go deeper with the team members. Sure enough, it didn't take long for them to find a violently opened Yunshun used the elevator shaft. There was still a rope descending device left by the predecessors at the door of the elevator shaft. The bar owner pointed the flashlight under the elevator shaft, but he saw a man's body lying at the bottom of the elevator shaft. Wearing some old clothes, with blond hair, and holding a pistol in his hand, he died terribly, with blood splattering around his bloody body. The bar owner immediately made a tactical gesture to indicate that there was a situation below, he took the gun, Aimed at the bottom of the elevator shaft, but found nothing. After a long while, the bar owner put down his gun, crouched down silently, stretched out his hand and pulled the rope

After confirming that it was very strong, he made tactical hand 3 and signaled the members of the frantic team to stand by, then he hung himself on the rope of the rope descender, and then slowly slid down. In the dark and rich elevator shaft, the bar owner slowly descended, and after a while, he finally reached the corridor on the next floor. Carefully sticking out half of his head, the bar owner carefully observed the situation in the corridor, and saw that the corridor was also lit with dim lights. Under the illumination of the lights, the bar owner could see the blood on the ground. Drop by drop of blood, it extended into the elevator shaft. Apart from that, there was nothing else in the corridor. After seeing that the surrounding conditions were safe, the bar owner gently fell to the bottom of the elevator shaft, and then checked the body under the elevator shaft. After a long time, he found a wallet from the body. After opening the wallet, there was a work card inside. The work card was printed with the unsmiling face of a blond man. Glen Frank, Paradise Mining..

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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