[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

After the bar owner signaled the safety below, the members of the frenzied team who stayed above immediately descended with a rope and stayed at the bottom of the elevator shaft. While Fisher was alerting the corridor, Puglis picked up the stolen goods by the bar owner. The wallet dropped on the ground, and then a little surprised: 'Frank? Why does this name sound so familiar?

That's according to the old face of the fat man. Anna said casually, she was more concerned about the ferocious wounds on Frank's body than who Frank was. The back was lacerated, the spine was broken, and the neck There is a bite wound. This is the wound left by BOW. Squatting next to the corpse and carefully examining the corpse, Anna raised her head and said to the bar owner: ' This person may have escaped from the inside of the facility, and he ran to the elevator shaft. , I wanted to use the rope descender I used when I came down to get back to the top, but I was killed by the trailing BOW. BOW? Jiang Xueyang shrank his shoulders and whispered, I thought we were going to face the forces that entered the facility earlier, why did we do it for a long time?

After that, it's still these monsters.. Anyway, we have to act cautiously, the bar owner said in a deep voice. He picked up the gun, glanced at the dimly lit corridor, and then climbed up directly. After repeatedly confirming that the surrounding environment was safe, he did not know what to do. He waved to the team members behind him, so the team members who were stranded in the elevator shaft immediately climbed into the lower corridor.

Entering the corridor on the lower floor can be regarded as entering the interior of the facility in the true sense. The bar owner recalled the map in his mind, and then whispered: This floor is the office area and the accommodation area. After passing through the cafeteria and the shared lounge, We can find the stairs leading to the next floor. What is the next floor? Jiang Xueyang asked. The bar owner paused, then whispered: The next floor is the experimental area. It sounds terrible. Thinking of the black Umbrella's laboratory, Fisher couldn't help shivering, he whispered: Stinky tofu, you have been in Umbrella, you said Umbrella's laboratory and our] experiments Is the room the same? It's almost the same.. The bar owner whispered: But the security measures and BOW classification system of black Umbrella are more robust than Umbrella's. If the facilities under our feet are Umbrella's facilities, then the following The situation of the laboratory will definitely be more complicated. After all, Umbrella Division has the habit of centralizing the laboratory and the warehouse where BOW samples are stored.. Isn't this very strange? Jiang Xueyang whispered: -Once the laboratory is out Accident, how will Umbrella transfer their research materials and deal with the problem in the first place? First of all, Umbrella seems to have always been fascinated by the safety measures of his laboratory, and they disdain to disperse the disposal, which will reduce the The efficiency of the laboratory's work. The bar owner said solemnly:' 'Secondly, even if something goes wrong, Umbrella's smart A Red Queen will transfer the funds as soon as possible.. If the information is in paper, Or is the computer storing the data not connected to the Internet? Jiang Xueyang asked in a low voice curiously. The bar owner turned his head and looked at Jiang Xueyang. After a long while, he replied in a low voice, If the situation deteriorates to this level, it's time for those of us who wipe our butts to appear. Oh Jiang Xueyang nodded, thoughtfully. On the other hand, the bar owner saw that Jiang Xueyang was no longer asking questions, so he turned his head and looked at the spacious corridor in front, and then led the players behind him slowly away

In this dim and depressing atmosphere, the frantic team entered the office area. The bar owner took out the folded map, followed the directions, and soon came to the door of the minister's hall. I saw that the door of the minister's room was open, although the door was open. There was a layer of floating ash, but the door lock itself showed no signs of rust. On the desk of the minister's office, the screen of the Japanese-style computer was exuding a faint light, and there were continuous bursts of unpleasant sounds from the chassis. sound. Let Fisher and Anna guard at door 0, the bar owner took Jiang Xueyang and Paglis to walk around the computer quickly, and then they saw a line of horizontal lines hanging on the screen of the computer that was flickering, reminding the user Enter the password. It seems that someone has come to this room before us, but because I don't know the password, I couldn't get useful information. Jiang Xueyang whispered

Then shall we continue down? Paglis turned to the bar owner and asked. No the bar owner shook his head and said: 'We can crack it.

After that, the bar owner grinded out a weird-looking device from his waist. It looked half the size of a mobile phone, but there were several USB plugs hidden on it like a Swiss saber. The bar owner found them one by one. One, plugged the device into the main box of the computer, then pressed the communicator in his ear, and whispered: The command room, this is the frantic team, codenamed Stinky Tofu, we need technical support. This is the commander Tower, I received your message, it's very clear.. Immediately, a woman's cold voice came from the opposite side of the communicator, she asked: What kind of technical support do you need? We need to crack- The password of the computer. The bar owner said: The master key has been inserted. Understood, you will get technical support within three minutes. The woman's reply came from the opposite side of the communicator, and then, the woman on the opposite side of the communicator said, Director Casimir, stop playing, the frantic team applies for technical support Although the woman asked them to wait for three minutes, within thirty seconds, a blue indicator light was on on the Master Key, and then, a progress bar appeared on the computer screen, and the green progress skyrocketed rapidly. After a while, the progress bar suddenly disappeared, and a string of characters automatically appeared on the horizontal line of the computer screen. Then, the computer was automatically unlocked. Wow. Pugliese couldn't help whispering: I didn't expect you to bring this boss. Unlocked, Mr. Stinky Tofu. On the other side, the woman opposite the communicator said. Thank you very much, Ms. Jialiya. The bar owner whispered, and then he directly held

With the mouse, I started to search for what I wanted in the computer, and typed the computer owner's memo. I saw that there were all kinds of documents, most of which were related to material procurement, capital expenditure, and meeting memos. , the files related to the experimental data are almost completely absent, but the bar owner is not without gain. In this folder, he found a complete map of the entire facility from the bottom to the top, as well as the storage location of important experimental data. Using the mobile phone Taking a picture of the map on the table, the bar owner ripped off the master key from the main box, and said to the team members: 'I found it, what we want is probably in the lowest central database, we need It can only be reached through the experimental area on the third floor and the storage area on the second floor. For some reason, it's as simple as saying, 'Hey, we'll be there after two floors down'... Fisher, who was guarding door 0, shrugged and whispered to Anna. . Anna ignored Fisher's words. When she saw the bar owner walking up, she immediately stepped aside. The bar owner picked up the gun and walked out directly past the two of them.

Just as the bar owner stepped out of the minister's office, a sudden change appeared! In the darkness, a strange cry was heard, and then the glass in the public lounge in front of him shattered instantly. He jumped out of the lounge and went straight to the bar owner. The moment the thing jumped out, the bar owner squatted down suddenly, and the next second, a harsh scratching sound sounded above his head. After dodging the blow, the half-squatting bar owner knelt on one knee without even thinking about it. The muzzle of the gun was directly aimed at the place where the thing fell, and then the alarm machine was pulled. Suddenly, the beeping sound of the silencer echoed in the corridor with the screams of the monster, and the red blood continued to flow. It splashed on the surrounding ground and walls, until the bar owner emptied a half-shuttle of bullets, and the monster struggled to fall. After killing the monster, the bar owner stood up and saw several terrifying scratches on the wall beside his head. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, he might have been in a different place at this moment. . What? The members of the frantic team in the minister's office quickly ran out, only to see a terrifying corpse lying on the ground on the ground. Scales, the mouth is full of jagged sharp teeth, and the monster's claws are even more huge. Of course, the most disgusting thing is the back of the monster. I saw behind the monster, covered with blood red. Pustules and sarcomas, some of those things even spread to the monster's arm. This is... a hunter? After a while, Anna asked with some doubts: Why is she so ugly? Because this is a very early type. The bar owner whispered: 'I didn't expect it to be able to See such an antique here.

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