What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-60. The macho is severely cracked

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

Who are these guys? Looking at the black armored soldiers fighting against the tyrant, Tiililian, who was pinned under Li Yexing, asked with a puzzled face

Oh, it's my enemy... The corners of his mouth evoked a shadowy arc, Li Yexing chuckled lightly: I have to say, they came really in time.

Looking at the tight black armor that was full of technology but was useless, and then looked at the large helmets on the heads of those guys, Li Yexing recognized the identities of these guys at a glance, they were completely Composed of compound eye demons, the armed forces belonging to Neo Umbrella, the Far Eastern Legion. Let's just lie here? The blond girl asked in a low voice, pressed by Li Yexing under her body, a faint blush appeared on her face. Of course not. Li Yexing directly raised his arms and stood up quickly, not paying attention to Tililian's somewhat regretful expression, he pulled Tililian up, and then whispered, Play them dog bites dog, We ran to the perimeter, looking for opportunities to do them all.

Aren't we going back to find the pigs? Tillylian asked. Of course not, there shouldn't be any danger on the frantic team, after all, it's just a research facility that has been abandoned for at least seven years and 2. Li Ye Xing said solemnly: 'Right now, our mission is more important.. Lowering the figure, taking Tiililian through the fire net under the cover of the surrounding trees, and quickly touched the scum of a compound eye demon. After checking-down After the compound eye demon's magazine, Li Yexing directly inserted one magazine into his M4A1, while the rest of the magazines were all inserted into his body armor.

Now, we have bullets again. Li Yexing smiled at Ti Lilian, then led her to the outer edge of the fire zone, and said as he ran: Right now, these guys must be running for that research. They went to the facility, and there are too many people. They should be equipped with bomb launchers. If you leave them alone, they will probably kill the tyrant directly. Isn't that great? The man who followed behind Li Yexing Tiililian tilted her head and asked. Of course not! Li Yexing shook his head, and then explained patiently: If they kill the tyrant without much effort, the people under them will run directly to the Experiment facility, if I can't count on you, it's hard for me to kill the frenzy team before they withdraw, but on the other hand, if the tyrant really kills them all, we can't bring the tyrant to the frantic team. retreat. So what? Tilly Hean asked. So, let's be dogs! With a treacherous smile on his face, Li Yexing whispered: 'Find a place and create something for those bastards The difficulty of the game, either they were all killed by the tyrant, the tyrant was dying or they killed the tyrant, but the force was severely damaged. With Tillyrian to find a good position, Li Yexing turned his head to Tillylian and said: Tillylian shakes Shaking his head, he pursed his mouth and said, Why should I learn that? Forget it, I knew it would be like this... Shaking his head helplessly, Li Yexing squatted down and said, Jump up. Tillylian didn't even think about it, she jumped on Li Yexing's back with ease, her slender legs wrapped around Li Yexing's waist. Hurry up! Li Yexing reminded, and then with both legs - pedaling, using both hands and feet, he quickly climbed up the tree like a monkey. After finding a sturdy tree trunk, Li Yexing put Ti Lilian on it, and then handed over his MHA1 to her. Be on time.Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, pervert. - Taking the M4AI from Li Yexing's hands, Ti Lilian leaned on the trunk and sat on the branch, holding a gun in a low voice, There is so much nonsense, I really don't know how much my elder sister can endure it. Get off you. It's not that I hit you, your sister is more worry-free than you. Li Yeyou said casually, he quickly found a taller tree trunk, after adjusting to a relatively comfortable posture , Li Yexing took out the SVD he had never used from behind, and aimed it at the scene of the firefight. The jungle was very dark, and gunfire became the most reliable light source at the moment. Li Yexing carefully searched through the scope, and then Aiming the muzzle - a black-armored compound beholder holding a bomb launcher, with the sight locked on his head, Li Yexing directly pulled the trigger. Although the muzzle silencer has a very limited ability to silence, the fierce exchange of fire The sound was enough to cover up the sound, the bullet from the sniper rifle burst out, and then precisely knocked on the compound eye demon's helmet, piercing its head, and the compound eye demon fell down without making a sound. One. Li Yexing muttered in a low voice, turned his gun to aim at a compound eye demon who was hiding behind a tree and fired frantically, he pulled the trigger and whispered at the same time: Two. On the other side, Tillylian On the tree trunk, with her dirty calf dangling, her one-eyed ruby ​​eye was constantly scanning the surroundings. After a while, she said impatiently: Pervert, your borrowed adult is playing. Five. Li Yexing focused his attention on the compound eye demon in the distance, but was interrupted by Tililian's voice, he subconsciously pulled the trigger, the shot went wrong, and the bullet shot directly through the compound eye demon. thigh. Damn! The kick didn't kill you! Li Yexing cursed in a low voice, then turned to Tili and said, What did you just say? Sir Ben said! Your gun! Lend Ben! Play! Tili Li An irritably pointed at the SVD in Li Yexing's hand and said, Fuck you! This thing is something you can handle at your level? Being resisted, he was shot in the wrong direction, and Li Yexing's tone was filled with anger. He turned his head and set up the SVD again, aiming at one-side and saying, I really don't understand, whether Casimir is really stupid, I still don't understand the meaning of him sending you here.. Five! Moved the scope, locked on a compound eye demon who wanted to take out an RPG, and killed him with one shot. Li Yexing said softly: Six.. Then he suddenly realized that Tililian didn't seem to answer.

talk. This is a bit abnormal. According to common sense, if she said such a thing, the irritable sister-in-law would definitely refute a few words in a fit of rage, but up to now, she doesn't seem to have said a word. Li Yexing subconsciously felt that it was not good, he turned his head in a hurry, and saw Ti Lilian sitting on the tree trunk, with her head not raised, her legs not shaking, her slender hands were holding Li Yexing's M4AI tightly, her mouth deflated. Tears dripped down. Damn it! What's your situation? Li Yexing panicked immediately, tending to get rid of the one with the PG, Li Yexing hurriedly said: . why are you still crying

It's up to you! Suddenly raised her head, teary-eyed Tililian said loudly: I'm a waste anyway, and the labs say I'm a failure. Even if I transplant the bugs, I can't reach the level of my elder sister. I can't beat it. My elder sister, my marksmanship is bad, no one listens to my jokes, my elder sister doesn't like me, Casimir's father and Angelica's mother want to sell me, pigs treat me like a fool, bipolar disorder and sadism look down on me, Even the pervert in the women's clothes looked at me like 'Oh, so pitiful', and now even the perverted brother-in-law dislikes me. No, I'm not, I don't! Li Yexing was stupid, looking at his sister-in-law who was bursting with tears , the memory of coaxing the child from the previous life instantly flashed through his head, and he ignored the fiery battlefield ahead. Li Yexing said eagerly: 'How can you say that about yourself? You also have many advantages! Hearing Li Yexing's words, Ti Lilian's tears had a tendency to be stopped, she turned her head to look at Li Yexing, and then whispered: Then tell me

Li Yexing was about to speak, but was at a loss for words. Seeing Li Yexing's appearance as if he was choked, Ti Lilian's tears flowed even more in an instant, she choked her mouth and said, A pervert knows to lie to me! I really don't have it! Li Youxing couldn't care less, he hurriedly said: Look, you are very cute, right? You are powerful! You can kick the tyrant into the mine with your feet, and you can still resist the gray hair. The firepower of the bullet...But it's still stronger than my elder sister. Tiililian cried. You can't say that! Li Yexing said eagerly: Although you are slightly inferior in strength, your character is great! You are lively, cheerful and cute, and you can tell jokes. Unlike your sister, you are bored for a long time. In a few words... Really? Tilly Zhi'an raised her head and looked at Li Yexing, her red eyes with tears shining brightly, as if she saw hope. Hmmmm! Really! Li Yexing pointed his head like a pile driver, and said with a sincere expression: You know, I won't lie to a cute girl like you! 0It seems to be Li Yexing's comfort worked, Tiililian's tears stopped, she - - rubbing her eyes, - - said: Although I know the pervert is perfunctory me, but I am still very happy, I will wait to see my elder sister. , I will repeat the perverted words to her.

Li Yexing?

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