[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

Hunter B. Under the dim light, the bar owner looked at the Hunter's body lying on the ground and said solemnly: ' This is a genetic editing modification based on the original Hunter.

I like group action. Jiang Xueyang whispered: Doesn't that mean that there is more than one hunter down here? These hunters are not released by external forces

However, wasn't this facility completely closed before it was dug up? Anna asked in a low voice behind him: This facility was closed before Umbrella was destroyed. How could the hunters be without nutrients? How can it survive for such a long time? Of course it is impossible under normal circumstances. The bar owner whispered: But if it is stored in a cryopreservation device for a long time, not necessarily.

Wait. Interrupting the bartender, Fisher frowned: If they were all in storage before, now they're all over the place.

Why would a group of people who came to collect experimental data touch the jars containing hunters? Jiang Xueyang then asked.

Because these hunters didn't escape because of accidents, they were released artificially. The bar owner said solemnly: 'If the situation is unfavorable to you, just let out a group of monsters to muddy the water. That woman named Wesker did it! Paglis realized immediately, and she spoke quickly: She who entered the facility later could not compete head-on with the hostile forces who entered the facility first, so she used herself as a front-runner. Umbrella's high-level authority directly released these monsters! Maybe that talking tyrant also

The bar owner didn't speak, he just nodded, and then said to the players around him: 'Go ahead, next, we have to be careful of the remaining enemy costumes, the running BOW and the girl who looks very sinister said After all, the bar owner moved again. He fought steadily and led his team through the public rest area and the staff dormitory without any risk. After a while, everyone arrived at the door of the canteen. In other words, Why do we have to go from the cafeteria? Paglis who followed behind suddenly asked in a low voice: You need to pass the cafeteria to get to the lower floor. Isn't this kind of architectural design very strange?

We can skip the cafeteria, but it will take a long way... The bar owner responded in a deep voice: The map shows that there are doors on both sides of the cafeteria, which should be

It is designed for the convenience of the staff on the lower floor. We can directly pass through the door on the other side to explain the reason for choosing the route. The bar owner leaned on the metal canteen door, and then held the door handle. It was full of tables and chairs, and on the side of the cafeteria was a counter that had been abandoned for a long time. It seemed to be fairly clean. In the dim light, there was a faint noise in the cafeteria.

Then he raised the gun, pointed the muzzle in the direction of the sound, and walked slowly to the right. The line crossed the layers of tables and chairs, and finally settled in the center of the cafeteria. I saw that the white floor tiles were stained red with blood, a corpse in a gray combat uniform and a black body armor was lying on the ground, his head was gone,

Pierced through the combat uniform and tore off the flesh and blood, and then swallowed it with the rags. One of the hunters even pushed his head into the rib of the corpse, constantly biting and eating. , After a while, it seemed that he noticed the sight of the bar owner, and the hunter slammed the blood-stained head from the corpse's body.

The bar owner pulled the trigger without hesitation, and in an instant, the bullets shot out crackling, and the hunter burst into blood flowers, and the hunter couldn't help screaming in pain, Immediately, all the hunters raised their heads, and at the sound of gunfire, they all scattered, and used their limbs to move towards the surrounding four.

It's these ghosts again! Fisher cursed in a low voice. The members of the frantic team raised their guns at the moment when the bar owner opened fire. In the strange noises, they saw black shadows constantly on the tables and chairs. They passed quickly, making it impossible to capture their location.

Then he jumped towards the bar owner, but the frenzied team that followed was well prepared. Three silenced HK 416s and a silenced pistol fired instantly, knocking the hunter straight down from the sky, it skipped The bar owner, knocked over several rows of tables and chairs, and smashed to the ground in an embarrassment, with bullet holes all over his body.

On the other side, the remaining three hunters were still walking through the cover of Tablezaki. Jiang Xueyang shouted: Puglis! Cover me!

Then he took out the TAC-50 behind him and put it on the dining table in front of him. While adjusting the scope, he turned the muzzle in the dark. After a while, he

Almost half of the hunters left, dragged blood and minced meat and flew backwards, smashing heavily on the chair behind, and they couldn't die any longer. After killing one, Jiang Xueyang quickly turned the gun O. Carefully searched for the hunter, while the bar owner walked directly into the food with the cover of his teammates behind him.

The cover jumped up suddenly, with several bullet holes punched by the bar owner, the monster roared and raised its claws and flew towards the bar owner, but the bar owner took a look at it because he knew that this hunter No threat to him at all.

The two sharp claws of the bar owner were directly blasted out, along with the small half of the hunter's body. In an instant, its blood and minced meat splashed all over the bar owner.

Now, there is only one hunter left in the cafeteria, but the cafeteria is silent now. It seems that the hunter has gone into hiding. The scope swept around, but failed to find the target. Jiang Xueyang gritted his teeth and swayed quickly.

The recoil hit his aching shoulders, and he was about to make the TAC ring. The sound was extremely fast and getting closer. Then, the monster with pustules on its back suddenly jumped out from behind the table and chairs and rushed towards Jiang Xueyang. . Pugliese and Fisher immediately turned around the checkpoint. But before they could shoot, a figure rushed up, and Anna pulled out the huge bone cutter on her waist.

The bone was wounded, and Anna was knocked to the ground, but she was not in serious trouble. I saw her turn over and get up, and then picked up the bone cutter and rushed towards the hunter again, before waiting for that. The hunter got up, and she stepped on the hunter's chest with one foot. The heavy bone-cutting knife was easily raised above her head, and in the roar of the hunter, Anna slapped the hunter's head fiercely. He slashed hard. One, two, three, four..

The roar turned into a wailing, and then there was no more sound. There was only the sound of a machete cutting into the flesh, and it was unknown how long it took. It wasn't until her body was splattered with the blood of the Hunter that Anna stood up and put the knife in her hand. The bone-chopping knife slammed fiercely, and immediately, the blood stained on it splattered on the ground.

[End of the God Station] Mobile reading website m.xinwanben.com Share it if you like it

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