The sound from the broadcast was like a horn of war. Driven by this sound, the nearby monsters who were not afraid of death were rushing towards the experimental area B.

The female horse, is this woman Alex Wesker? Hearing the strange barking around him getting closer, Puglis raised his gun and scolded: Dog

Prepare to take on the enemy. Without a single extra sentence, the bar owner directly raised the gun in his hand and pointed it in the direction of the sound. Slowly, the sound grew louder and louder from far to near. The hunter β rushed out of the front corridor with both hands, and after seeing everyone in the frantic team, they jumped excitedly like flies that smelled of carrion. The moment he saw those hunters, the bar owner didn't hesitate, he took out a peasant bomb from his waist and threw it, and at the same time shouted: Shocking

Turning his head, he covered his face and ears with his arm, only to hear a harsh sound, the shock bomb scatters a strong white light, and those rushing hunters 1 suddenly lost their balance and fell to the ground. on the ground.

The sound of beeps turned into a dense firepower that continuously shot at the dizzy hunters in front of them, exploding blood flowers on their bodies, and after a while, the hunters standing at the front wailed. fell down. Change the bullet! After emptying the bullets in the magazine, the bar owner shouted, and at the same time stuffed the new magazine into the gun. After all this is done, the few affected people on the opposite side will be killed. The hunter shook his head and rushed up again, but a few hunters could not pass through the firepower network of the crowd at all, and before they ran in front of the bar owner, all those hunters fell down. The hunters. The bar owner turned his gun 0. at the hunters who were still dizzy in the corridor. Then he pulled it again

nL Under the focus of the frantic team, in just a few seconds, more than a dozen hunters slaughtered each other. Seeing that all those hunters fell, the bar owner changed the bullet again, and then raised his hand to signal the players to wait behind him. He pulled out his pistol, stepped forward slowly, stepped on the pool of blood, and carefully shot the head of each hunter's body twice. After confirming that he was not pretending to be dead, he quickly changed his hand to play. box, pistol

Returning to his waist, he lifted HK-416 at the same time. After finishing the -t, he waved to the players behind him to signal safety. The players who stayed behind walked slowly on the order of the bar owner. Before, they carefully walked past the corpses piled up in the corridor, and when they arrived at the bar owner, they were relieved. As expected of the team... Jiang Xueyang whispered, It's really reliable. Don't relax, keep alert... I didn't care what Jiang Xueyang said, the bar owner said solemnly, The difficulty of the task has increased, and it is not only the hunters who are waiting in front of us, but also a woman who wants to cause us trouble. After eliminating the hunters in District 8 , the bar owner slowed down, walking at the front, he carefully searched for every possible place to hide the enemy. After crossing the B area to reach the C area, he preempted - the gun destroyed the surveillance camera hanging on the ceiling. You just don't want me to watch it? This is really sad. Sure enough, just after the surveillance probe was knocked out, Alex Wesker's voice came from the corridor. Listening to her tone, it seemed rather regretful. . Not caring about the female Wesker's words, the bar owner Si Liu searched for the source of the sound but found nothing. Obviously, the sound source was not nearby, and the voice came again on the other side of the broadcast, and the female Wesker said with a smile: Don't be so impatient, 'Humans are impatient; when the time is not ripe, they abandon their methods, and arrogantly cling to illusions, instead of causing failure because of firming up their wrong beliefs, why not think about yourself? Where is the present, and then seek dialogue? My maid, what the hell is this woman talking about? Behind him, Puglis frowned and said, It sounds like she's reciting some kind of song about her feet. It's astonishing. She was referring to a famous quote by Czech novelist Franz Kafka. Jiang Xueyang whispered, The same thing he said before, this Wesker seems to be very fond of Kafka. I just think she speaks wickedly... Pugless said with a frown.

And the female Wesker is still self-reporting: Speaking of which, your uniforms seem to be very similar to the USS in the Umbrella era, especially the shy gentleman, it is hard to imagine that there are still people wearing this antique nowadays. Speaking of this, the female Wesker seemed to have thought of something, and she suddenly said: 'Speaking of which, since you can come here, it means that you have successfully dealt with the fee

You guys, shouldn't it be the remnants of the Umbrella era? The bar owner was slightly startled, and then continued to follow the source of the sound. It didn't take long for him to find the radio hanging on the other side of the laboratory. , and then raised his hand twice, smashing the broadcast. Let's go. After blocking the mouth of the female Wesker, the bar owner said solemnly to the players behind him: Keep moving forward and be vigilant.

Do you believe in soul transfer? As he tapped his fingers lightly on the table, Director Casimir suddenly turned his head and asked Carrie, who was standing beside him.

Soul . . transfer? Jia Liya was stunned for a moment, then asked: What is that?' Who knows? After all, I haven't seen it before. Director Casimir raised his head and looked at the ceiling. Just listening to the literal meaning, it is probably to put your own

Thinking is transferred into a container in the form of data? This container may be a computer, or it may be something else, such as the inner body of other people.

It sounds like a bird in a cage. Carrie whispered. Interesting metaphor, but inappropriate. In my opinion, the soul belongs to the category of pseudoscience. After all, I am a Uncompromising materialism. Director Casimir raised Erlang's legs and leaned on his chin.

If the technology really exists, you'll want to swap bodies with Mr. Lee

body? Jia Liya suddenly asked. 0B? Why do I have this idea? Director Casimir was surprised, he patted his chest and said: Although that guy's physique is really incredible , but this body of mine is also unique, and I bet my baby girl, that guy's brain is definitely not as good as mine, if it gets into his body, I will be 1 \\ I want to make people unacceptable! Yes.. Carrie whispered, looking relieved. In addition, I think that even if this kind of consciousness transmission can be realized, it is only a copy. There is no technology in this world to see one person's soul pressed into another body. Putting away the smile on his face, Ka Director Simil said solemnly: 'At that time, if I use this technology, the result will be nothing more than to create another me, which is not good, I must be unique! On the other hand, I heard Director Casimir say that he is creating A picture of himself. Jia Liya's head suddenly made up the situation of two Casimir directors wearing white boxes yelling at her, and suddenly, she only felt a chill. It's a picture of hell! You are very wise, Director Casimir. After a long while, Jia Liya was slightly single. Just when Director Casimir was about to boast again, the communicator on Jia Liya's ear suddenly rang up. This is the conning tower, I am the research director's secretary, Carrie. She pressed the communicator lightly. Carya whispered, and after a while, her expression became solemn. Director Casimir. Communication, Jia Liya bowed slightly, and said with a serious expression: Information from the Ministry of Intelligence, H.CF is moving!

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