After being tortured by his sister-in-law for nearly three minutes, Li Yexing finally returned to the right track in a sense. Hold your breath, concentrate, and aim the crosshairs at their heads. As if teaching young children, Li Yexing pressed Tillyrian's back

Under Li Yexing, Ti Lilian hugged the SVD that Li Yexing had seized from BW's rookie chickens, followed Li Yexing's way and held the grip with her right hand and her left arm folded under the gun, aiming attentively. On the battlefield, a moment later, the blond girl pulled the trigger. E.

Under the muffler, the SVD rang, and then, Tililian said excitedly: It hit! My lord hit that guy's neck!

, go ahead, hold your breath

Seeing Ti Lilian holding her gun, a wry smile appeared on Li Yexing's face. In the end, in order to coax Tillyrian well, Li Yexing lent her his SVD and got Li Yexing's gun. The girl burst into laughter and started a new water splashing trip. This time, Li Yexing was in prison. Leaning on the back of Tilly Zhi'an, he taught her how to use the sniper image. Although she was reluctant to hide her feelings, there was nothing she could do. Who made my sister-in-law a half-ass of her brother-in-law?

Taking advantage of Tili He'an's concentration on aiming at the battlefield, Li Yexing took out a small half-pack of chocolates from his pocket, broke it in half, and put the half-room into his mouth.

Feeling the touch on her lips, the girl opened her mouth subconsciously. Then, the sweet chocolate was stuffed into her mouth. Tillylian was in a chocolate, and her mood gradually improved. After a few seconds, she again Pulling the newspaper machine, this shot was perfect, directly piercing the temple of a summer beholder.

Very well, come on, continue. Li Yexing, who also had chocolate in his mouth, nodded and said. By the way, why is your gun so accurate? Tillylian raised her SVD in her hand again, and nodded curiously. :' Before I took over the 8-organization, I was cooperating with the training of the security department for a long time. Even a sharpshooter in the security force seems to have a hard time being as perverted as a pervert.

Fabai.. They are quite average.. Li Yexing shrugged and said, When I brought your sister home, I used to be teammates with them, except for that light

As my lord knows, the regular troops in the Security Department were responsible for transporting Mrs. Sister, and the special troops who were responsible for recapturing Mrs. Sister once again pulled the telegraph and pierced through the chest of a summer beholder. Tillillian whispered: Casimir's dad said the security department was full of pigs, the security force's

The only difference between the regular troops and the special troops is that the aftermath unit after messing up is different. Let's refute it. Li Yexing whispered: 'I feel that members of the regular troops should have experience in service or Someone else, and the members of the special force should be former mercenaries or front-line troops of various countries. Objectively speaking, such an armed force is not weak, and can walk sideways in most turbulent areas.

But they still couldn't bring back the elder sister, did they? Tilly Zhian whispered with some resentment. That's why I said most of them, and Loples is not included in that most of them. Li Yexing Said: 'I'm not boasting, the average level of your special forces scumbag desperadoes, in Loples, there are only two kinds of people, one is dead, the other is dead, and I happen to belong to the latter. Wow. It sounds... cool. Tillylian whispered. After pulling the trigger again, she unloaded the magazine and said to Li Yexing:

Li Yexing nodded, and took out a magazine from his waist and gave it to Tililian. Tililian took the magazine, inserted it into the gun, and continued to start the girl sniper. Neither of them After speaking, for a while, only the running sound of the tyrant, the gunshots of the Far Eastern Corps and the sound of the SVD were left around. Pervert, talk. After a while, the blond girl who couldn't bear the loneliness whispered. What? Your sister? Li Yexing asked.

What do you want me to say? Li Yexing frowned slightly and said: What do I have to say? Loples seems to be having a good time. My lord wants to know what kind of place Loples is...

Loples... Li Yexing raised his head and looked at the gunfire in front of him. After a while, he seemed to sigh with emotion: That's too long to say, I'm afraid I'll say it for a few days. Not finished.

Perverts like Loples very much? Tillylian said with some doubts: Everyone said that Loples is a very bad place. Loples is a paradise and a prison, and lawless people are wanton in Loples. Galloping, it looks like the scenery is infinite, but in fact, we are a group of downturned eggs

Li Yexing touched his waist subconsciously, wanting to light a cigarette, but after thinking about it, he continued: If it is said that depravity is like gravity, it is inappropriate. They want to make money, but in the end, most of them will either expose their bodies here, or get out of the way. With the chocolate in his mouth, Li Yexing paused, and then continued: Loples. Everyone has stories, and the words they write can become best-selling books. It's not that we choose Loples, but we have to choose Loples. It is like a prison, and it has abandoned us, the civilized world. The unlucky bastards and the villains are imprisoned together. Except for this ghost place, we have no place to live. Why? Isn't it a city? Come and leave if you want. Tililian said with some doubts. It's so easy, - how can a group of executioners who can only kill people integrate into a civilized society? Li Yexing shook his head, he whispered: 'I used to stay in Loples because I had no hope in life, can really care about me almost gone, as for now, even if I have money

I also have to stay in Loples. This is a compromise on life. After all, I can't take my family to a civilized society. BSAA can't go crazy after knowing it? Listening to Li Yexing's telling that Tillylian is buckled again He pulled the trigger, and then whispered, Sounds, it's really fun, Loples... What? Want to play for two days? Li Yexing laughed and joked. Well. Tilly Zhian nodded, After a long while, she blushed and said, I want to find my elder sister. No problem, if my husband agrees. Li Yexing chuckled and said, It's also time to nurture it well - let's take care of you and Tililith. Feeling.

Tiililian blushed and said nothing. At this moment, the communicator suddenly rang. Can you hear it? Lee? Director Casimir's voice came from inside, sounding a little eager. I can hear it. Putting away his smile, Li Yexing said solemnly, Is there any situation? The order is cancelled, and immediately retreat! Opposite the communicator, Director Casimir said solemnly: HC.F's bomber is about to take off. !

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