What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-65. The BOW hell of the macho wives

H.C.F is preparing the bomber and is expected to arrive at our small island in an hour, you have to speed up. The communicator--beeps, Director Casimir went straight to the subject, which, for Rita, was tantamount to an opening lightning strike. Due to a certain macho, Rita knows more or less about these organizations with strange names and likes to engage in biochemical monsters. Although she sometimes wonders why Li Yexing knows so much, the perfect maid's restraint tells her All the doubts are in the stomach. If the husband is unwilling to say it, then he must not be too much. The H.CF organization has only appeared once in the entire Resident Evil series, so Li Yehang's understanding of it is not There are not many, and there are not many people who can tell their own girls. Under the limited description of Li Yexing, the image of a violent organization with hands and eyes reaching the sky, and the image of a violent organization that will bomb if it disagrees with each other is gradually established in Rita's heart. So, Rita was stunned subconsciously when she heard Director Casimir say that the H.CF bomber was about to take off. Is the news accurate? Rita asked in a deep voice, Only one hour? Yes, only one Hour.” The voice of Director Casimir came from the opposite side of the communicator, and he whispered: I have informed your boss that he is now in a melee, and the vanguard of the N∈o Umbrella Far Eastern Corps has found him Then cancel this commission! Rita frowned and said: In front of us there is a village where the Far Eastern Legion is stationed. The commission can no longer be carried out. We need enough time to evacuate! I have and He mentioned .. Casimir main pipeline: 'Lee told you and the security forces to withdraw all of the submarine, he's going to stick to his mission. What are you kidding? Rita said angrily, This is too messy? Why don't you retreat? Because the frantic team had already entered the facility, Li asked to stay where he was, preparing to assist the frantic team to evacuate. ' replied Director Casimir. You. Rita was about to get angry, but suddenly realized that Director Casimir's tone was full of helplessness. Obviously, the director and her idea were actually the same. They were rejected by Li Yexing. The director also had the same idea. Somewhat devastated. That's all. Fluttering the shattered hair on her forehead, Rita's face showed a rare trace of irritability. She whispered, Have you been rebellious recently, sir? As your maid, I should give some advice. Do you need my support on your side? Miss Griffith? On the other side, Director Casimir said in a deep voice: The new T.103C tyrant is already in place, as long as you need it, I will let you know immediately. The frontline provides coordinates, and then airdrops them directly to you. Oh, it's really rich. Rita whispered, with a bit of sarcasm in her tone. At this point, Rita's sense of Director Casimir can be said to be quite bad. I said that the cooperation with your boss is very important to me. If it is to support him, we can disregard the cost! Director Casimir said solemnly. Let's decide whether to add it or not. It's not necessary, it's all things that get in the way. Rita said coldly: Our office has our own way. Having said that, Rita cut off the communication, then turned her head directly to Tililith who was beside her and said, H.C.F's bomber is about to take off, we may only have an hour. H.CF? What is that? Kanan asked with some doubts, and Hitomi Kanjima, who couldn't understand what Rita was saying, also tilted her neck, and her face was blank. On the other side, when she heard Rita's words, Tililith's red eyes flashed. With a hint of coldness, she raised her head and looked at the heavily fortified village under the hillside in front of her, and then turned to look at Biederman, the commander of the Black Umbrella security force. At this time, he was lying behind the bushes. Holding the binoculars and looking at the village under the hillside, Tililith slapped Biederman on the back of the head without thinking. Although the blow was very light, Biederman's eyes still slammed hard. On the telescope, he snorted subconsciously, then raised his head, revealing his red-marked eyes, turned his head to look at Tilly Jingsi, his eyes full of grievance and puzzlement. Don't look. Tililith said with a cold face: Ten minutes to knock down this village. Ah? Biederman was stunned. After a while, he shook his head violently and said, It's impossible. Didn't you see that shotgun and a whole row of heavy machine guns? Poor God, Biederman. His heart was very broken, and after following Tililith and Hitomi Kanjima through the Far East Army's defense line on the coastline, they marched quickly, and soon reconciled with the security forces where Rita and Kanan were located in front of the village. , to gather up the command, he was thinking about how to use a team with no heavy weapons and four monster girls to fight a beautiful battle, but he didn't expect Tililith to suddenly give him a problem. On the other hand, Tilly Lilith stared at the innocent man in front of her, and after a while, she stood up and said in a low voice, Iron waste, Tililith goes by herself.

Miss, I'll go too! Rita stood up directly and picked up the flesh and blood scythe in her hand. Well.. Although I don't know what's going on here, I just need to run over the heads of those guys, right? Kanan smiled and stood up after the two of them. Seeing that everyone stood up, Hitomi Kanjima stood up as well. She carried the mad bone on her back, and held the dead bone blade in her hand, saying in Japanese: I.. Me too. See you Everyone stood up, and Rita smiled and said, So, Miss, is there any battle plan?

Kill them all. Tililith said concisely. Hey! This plan sounds reliable! Kanan smiled and nodded. Hitomi Kanjima didn't speak, she understood Tililith's battle plan, so the kendo girl's sharp eyes flashed with excitement. After the battle preparations were over, the four girls looked at each other and smiled. The speed rushed down the hillside and went straight to the defense line of the Far East Army. Hey! Wait, wait... Seeing the four girls rushing out, Biederman stretched out his hand and shouted anxiously.

As if venting, he cursed in a low voice: Damn! Why is this happening again? In the gust of wind, the silver-haired girl who was running at high speed suddenly raised her head. The blood vessels swelled rapidly like red lines on the surface of the skin. Immediately afterwards, the girl's white and slender arms suddenly burst, the muscles swelled rapidly, and the sharp claws shone with cold light to tear apart the flesh and grow. On the other side, Kanan's face showed a frantic smile, she ran, the tattoos on her arms twisted and climbed up her cheeks, and then, her arms were split in an instant, and the metal blade was accompanied by red. The body fluid mixed with yellow suddenly grew out. At the same time, bone spurs like ribs grew from the whole body, and then bent and contracted, wrapping Kanan's body like a battle armor. With this At the same time, Hitomi Kanjima, who was also running fast, slowly raised his left arm, tightly clamped the extinguished bone blade with the crook of his arm, and then swiped hard, and suddenly, in the splashing sparks, the bone blade re-ignited Under the raging flames, the kendo girl raised her head, her gray eyeballs tore her forehead, and turned wantonly. Then, the red seam all over her body suddenly opened, and a large group of steam was sprayed out of her body. The black armor compound eye demons stationed in front of the village - looked up and saw four strangely shaped girls rushing towards the defense line, they immediately raised their guns and focused fire on the girls, but this could not resist the girls' footsteps, Hitomi Kanshima even pulled out the maddening bone and swung it frantically with the bone blade, deflecting as many bullets as possible. Seeing that the conventional firepower was useless, a black-armored compound-eyed demon without hesitation took out the RPG behind him and fired directly at the monster girls rushing in front of him. Suddenly, the rockets roared out dragging the tail smoke. In an instant, A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky with firelight, setting off a large swath of smoke. On the hillside of My God, Biederman, who was leading the troops chasing the girls down the mountain, covered his face directly, his expression looked like a dead relative. However, just when he thought that the four girls were given for nothing , the surrounding smoke suddenly dissipated, and I saw a blood-red behemoth walking out of the smoke step by step. The monster was four or five meters tall and bloated, like a severely obese patient. On the huge mass of meat with arms and legs, countless blood-red tentacles are waving fiercely, it seems that because of the frontal eating - RPG, the monster's stomach is missing - large pieces of meat, charred black, but carefully. Looking at it, you will find that in the wound, countless granulation buds are constantly proliferating, filling the huge gap. Behind the meatball, the remaining three girls were safe and sound. Seemingly frightened by the huge mass of flesh, the Black Armored Compound Eye Demon 1D was stunned for a few seconds before turning his head hastily. The meatballs didn't give them a chance at all, and the meatball's chest cracked open with a tangle full of bone spurs, and then, a yellow-green liquid like vomit spewed out from it, pouring it down like a high-pressure water gun. The black-armored compound-eye demons who were on the defensive line, screamed in an instant, and the armor of those black-armored compound-eye demons was directly melted by the yellow-green liquid! On the hillside, Biederman and his security force Bewildered, after a long while, Biederman's adjutant asked in a low voice, Is that... Miss Griffith? I don't know. Biederman shook his head blankly and said: 'I don't know anything.

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