The dimly lit room was full of monitor screens, and they radiated a faint light, reflecting a good-looking face, which was a very mature-looking woman, wearing a black trench coat and hanging on her chest. Wearing big sunglasses, at this moment, she was holding Erlang's legs, tapping on the table lightly, and looking at the monitoring screen with a smile. After a while, several figures appeared in the monitoring area of ​​the experimental area. Seeing that there was a person on the screen, the woman immediately leaned forward with great interest, but in just an instant, the person on the screen disappeared, replaced by a large snowflake. Looks like the guy dressed like USS knocked out the surveillance camera again. There was a hint of boredom and displeasure on her face, and the blonde woman adjusted her mind again. She cleared her throat, then turned on the microphone in front of her, smiled and whispered: 'In fact, as long as you work hard to get something, you just need to be calm and calm. If you seek truth from facts, you can easily and unknowingly achieve your goals, but if you are too hard, too fierce, too naive, too inexperienced, you will cry, grab, and pull; like a child pulling the tablecloth, The result is nothing, but all the good things on the table are pulled to the ground, and you will never get it.” And you are the same, so resisting, so hysterical, in fact, it has no meaning to me, you will end up. It's impossible to get what you want. Sitting in the main control room, playing with the small USB flash drive with the Umbrella logo on her hand, the blond woman said slowly as if reciting a poem: 'Resist what you don't resist, Embrace what you shouldn't embrace, pursue what you shouldn't pursue, you are like moths embracing flames because they long for light, even if you can touch, you will only be burned alive by the light and heat. , the blonde woman happily pushed a button on the console in the main control room to the end, wanting to play a special audio that could attract Hunter Beta on the radio in the D area of ​​the experimental area, but after a few seconds, her face The smile disappeared. There was no sound coming from the main control room, which means that the sounding device was destroyed before she could do it, and the group of guys might not even have listened to what she said. Vulnerable person. A faint displeasure appeared on her face again, and the blonde woman leaned back on the chair and refocused her eyes on the monitoring screen. The blond woman's name is Alex Wesker, she is Albert Wesker's sister and the only survivor of the Wesker Project. Unlike her naturally rebellious brother, she has always been loyal. Played for Oswell.E Spencer. At least for a long time, Spencer thought so. Witnessing the end of Umbrella's era, Alex's heart was full of doubts. Just like her brother, she didn't understand the meaning of deep research on BOW? Since the product has been successfully developed, it's time to put it into the market, Kesi But Spencer stubbornly invests more funds to study the West, which has almost no research value, which is unbelievable in Alex's view. Until that day, the dying Spencer found her and handed her an important task. Spencer wants her to study how to get rid of the shackles of the flesh, cross the boundaries of life and death, and become eternal. This is a very interesting topic, and Alex is also eager to find the answer, because unlike Spencer, who is dying, Alex is suffering from a congenital disease, and his time is running out. If he can't find a cure, use In a few years, she will be imprisoned in this seriously ill body and die miserably. In order to let Alex discover the eternal secret, Spencer did not pay attention and invested a lot of money and experimental materials for Alex, and Alex did not seem to live up to him, and Alex sent Spencer a letter. Letter, the letter said that the research has made a breakthrough, but more funds are needed. After being betrayed by Albert Wesker again, Spencer was alone, so he held Alex tightly, as if he had caught a life-saving straw, and he began to invest more money in Alex's research, Every day in a wheelchair waiting for her good news. It didn't take long for the good news to come, and Alex Wesker's world evaporated. Old Spencer almost had a brain congestion. In this way, the despairing old Spencer left the housekeeper alone, waiting for the last hiding place alone, quietly waiting for the arrival of his favorite protégé, Albert Wesker. After Wesker found him, he His own wish told Wesker that he hoped that Albert Wesker could replace Alex Wesker to fulfill his wish. Albert Wesker thought about it and sent the old Spencer away happily.

Maybe Spencer feels aggrieved, but Albert Wesker is actually more wronged than him. If you open your mouth, there will be high arguments, so you run to find him, but you tell me that you are playing so much, just to hang your own dog's life? Of course, these are all Albert What Twesker told Alex before his death, Alex didn't evaporate over the years, she just rolled up Spencer's widow run away, Alex was researching - and suffering from illness, just when she was about to give up. At the time, an obscure abandoned document caught her attention. Soul transfer technology, by bridging human consciousness with BOW, creates a more intelligent BOW. This document was originally a research application rejected by the Paris headquarters, and The person who submitted the application was the head of Umbrella's Caribbean branch - Fletcher Fernando. Shun, Alex got excited, and she began to investigate the relevant information about the Caribbean branch, and soon There are clues. In the Umbrella era, the Caribbean branch did not have very good research results. After the Raccoon City incident, Umbrella began to shrink its forces. They took away most of the valuable research equipment and materials. So the Caribbean branch was abandoned. In the end, according to clues, Alex locked the location of the institute on a tropical island. At this time, although Alex was rich, he had no power. In order to be able to To find and enter that research facility, she had to make another appearance, and soon, she targeted a family because of funding

A country A company facing bankruptcy due to difficulties in turnover, namely Paradise Mining. The negotiation went well unexpectedly, and the person in charge of Paradise Mining didn't even suspect her forged soil samples. Just when Alex thought everything was going to be all right, an unexpected situation occurred. Frank, the person in charge of Paradise Mining, even brought - The group of H.C.Fs are on the island! Alex realizes suddenly. His long-term actions may have been exposed under H.C.F's nose! The situation turned sharply in an instant. In order to avoid H.C.F, Alex avoided Paradise Mining on the grounds of visiting local villagers, and at the same time looked for opportunities, very R, ​​opportunities Here comes, before H.C.F made a plan to enter the facility, Frank's deputy named Ruber was shot and dumped because he overheard Frank's negotiation with H.CF. Injecting the trial-made variant T virus that she carried with her into Ruburt's body, then dragged him directly into the water source of the village, and let him be washed down the river. Then, she used her Umbrella Advanced The permission card changed the signal of the cell tower made by Umbrella, paralyzing all communication systems on the island. Soon, a chemical crisis broke out in the village, and the employees of Paradise Mining and local residents were infected on a large scale. In order to complete their assignment as soon as possible, H.CF, who could not ask for help, entered the facility without any intelligence, while Alex. Then they followed them carefully, and soon, they turned on the backup power supply at the bottom. Then, something unexpected happened. A large group of hunters poured out, and the one who released the hunters turned out to be a talking tyrant! Under the attack of the hunter β, H.CF's team was instantly damaged by more than half, and Alex was also very unlucky The tyrant who was about to leave the research facility ran into the tyrant, and by hiding in the ventilation duct, Alex escaped, and the tyrant with human intelligence seemed to disdain to kill her, the tyrant believed that the hunter could solve all the problems. question. In fact, it was wrong. The first batch of hunters released in a hurry did not completely destroy the H.C.F team. As the H.C.F team was dragged by the hunters, Alex successfully arrived at the facility. At the bottom, and found what he wanted from the central database, and even discovered the little secret that the minister Fernando transmitted his consciousness into the tyrant and hid in the secret room waiting to be awakened. At this moment, Alex He was ecstatic, because since the tyrant opened his mouth to speak 7. That means Fernando's experiment was successful! The only question left now is how to kill everyone who entered the facility except himself. Alex doesn't like and Others share self-2 secrets. Use Umbrella's advanced permission card to open the main control room, and follow the surveillance to see the remnant H.CF and that Frank entered the storage area, Alex brutally pressed the switch to release the second batch of hunters beta, As she had imagined, H.CF, who was almost out of ammunition and food, was quickly wiped out by the hunters. After everything was over, Alex waited silently for the opportunity. She kept playing the audio that could control the hunters, and controlled the distribution of the hunters. When the hunters dispersed, she could start from another. Lu left the facility, but just as she was about to leave, another group of people appeared in the surveillance. They wore extremely similar USS uniforms and seemed to be very powerful. After the two confrontations, Alex had to admit that this group People are really powerful, she is deflated. However, it's alright, we still have time... Following the surveillance watch, the team wearing Ruo-like 1\\USS left the experimental area and started to head to the storage area on the second floor. A sneer appeared on the corner of Alex's mouth. . We're right here, let's decide the outcome. Alex chuckled.

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