Under the dim light, the bar owner and the members of the frantic team successfully passed through the experimental area and followed the stairway to the door of the storage area. Guarding at the door of the metal], the bar owner habitually gave the thumbs up to the surrounding players, and then pushed the [] away sharply. At the same time, he raised the gun in his hand, only to see an empty corridor in front of him. Next to the corridor is a fork in the road. According to the map, the control area of ​​the storage area can be reached from there. The metal door in front of the corridor is closed, and it is unknown what is on the other side of the door. - The gun blew up the surveillance camera in the corner, the bar owner waved his hand, motioned for the team members to follow, and then walked towards the door in front, but at this moment, everyone's communicator reluctantly rang. Here. I.H.Bombing..Cancellation. -hour. A lot of noise came from the other side of the communicator along with Li Yexing's serious voice. The bar owner immediately pressed the communicator and responded: This is Frenzy Squad, I can't hear what you're saying.

...' The intermittent voices kept coming from the communicator, the bar owner frowned and whispered back: Can you hear? Lee? This is the frantic squad, we can't hear what you are saying, Can you hear 0? Hello? Take off. With the rustling sound, the communication was suddenly cut off. What's the situation? Puglis asked in a low voice what did the guy say?

I don't know, there seems to be a problem with the signal here. The bar owner said solemnly: In short, let's finish our task first. Confused about the situation, the team members nodded and chose to trust the captain's judgment. The bar owner also raised his gun again. Passing through the silent corridor, he carefully pushed open the metal door in front of him. The wide space seems to be a field for storing something, and there are piles of metal boxes in the field, which makes the whole storage area look like a labyrinth.

There was no abnormality, and everyone continued to move forward. It didn't take long for them to see the corpse of an armed man. It seemed that it belonged to the same group of people as the two corpses they encountered before. It was hollowed out, and the body was full of scratches and bite marks. The bar owner stepped forward to check-fan and found that there were no markers on the body as before, and the bullets were also empty. As we walked forward, the corpses began to increase, but most of them belonged to hunters. Some were lying on the ground or lying on the ground, and some were hanging on boxes. Their limbs were heavy, and their mouths were full of sharp teeth. Seeing these corpses, the bar owner's heart gradually sank, and an ominous premonition slowly rose in his heart. Sure enough, as if to confirm his bad premonition - the annoying The voice rang again, only to hear the woman say: To be honest, you guys are a little bit beyond my expectations. I didn't expect you to actually get here with five people and be unharmed. Get out. Lexi who pretends to be a ghost! As soon as she heard the woman's voice, Puglis immediately froze, her blue veins burst out, and she looked around and said angrily: I'm going to peel off your skin to make Blanket, and then sing with Ah Jiang on it every night! Don't... don't sound so weird... Jiang Xueyang said weakly: Besides, I don't think she can hear you. Honestly, I I'm a little fed up with this woman. A rare trace of irritability appeared on Fisher's face, and he said solemnly, I really want this naughty woman to see my art. Compared with the impetuousness of the team members, the bar owner seems to be After calming down a lot, he turned his head for the first time and looked around for the surveillance cameras, but then he heard the woman say: Oh, don't look for it, my dear, there are more surveillance cameras here than you think, and Most of them are well hidden, after all. This is Umbrella's storage area. Not caring about the woman's words, the bar owner searched for himself. It seems that you just refuse to accept the reality, right? There was some helplessness in her tone, and the woman said in a poem-like tone: ' ' The crows claim that one crow alone is enough to destroy the sky. There is no doubt about that, but for the sky it proves nothing, because the sky means the powerlessness of the crow. And you too, anxious and frightened, just As if out of my eyes you could control your own destiny - but in fact you are like

The joke was thrown on the sand table of fate by me. No matter how many times you throw it, you will never escape your fate. Now, please allow me to help you practice the meaning of your life. There was a click sound at both ends of the area at the same time, as if the metal was biting together, followed by an electronic alarm, it was detected that there is a fourth-level biochemical crisis risk in the storage area, please stop the illegal operation immediately, alarm , it is detected that there is a fourth-level biochemical crisis in the storage area, please stop the illegal exercise immediately.. Damn! Hearing the sound from above, the bar owner was shocked. He ignored the danger ahead and directly abandoned it to the storage area. The metal door on the opposite side, and then slammed it twice, and sure enough, just as he thought, the door was locked! Seeing the bar owner anxiously pushing the door, Anna was a little shocked. This was her first time. Seeing his captain so rude. As I said, you are like dice, and I am life... As if mocking the bar owner's gaffe, the woman's voice rang with a loud siren, and after a while, she said solemnly: Now, I'm leaving, and there may not be much time left for me. After all, the vanguard of H.C F has been out of contact for so long, so they must be doing something. Okay, children, before leaving. I will leave you my last gift, I hope you have fun

The communication was cut off, and for a while, there was only an endless sound of sirens in the storage area. Captain, what's the matter? Seeing that his captain was so abnormal, it was a gaffe. The limping Jiang Xueyang came to the bar owner, a little nervous.

The bar owner was really panicked, and the sight in front of him reminded him of himself

The unbearable past, as an excellent battlefield, he never worried about his safety but...

The female horse, that female watch! With his fist slammed on the metal gate, the bar owner lowered his head and cursed. Then, he turned his head and shouted to the players behind him, Get ready to fight! Quickly! ! Prepare to fight! Although it was not clear what was going on, everyone immediately entered a state of alert. Under the sound of the alarm, the members of the frantic team stared vigilantly around, waiting for the enemy that might appear at any time.

A few seconds later, there were bursts of chi sounds from the storage area. The sounds came from all directions, one after another. Then, the huge metal boxes on the edge of the storage area were slowly opened, and bursts of cold air continued. It emerged from the inside, and then, one sharp claws came out from the inside, and the large group of hunters with frost on their bodies crawled out of the box on all sides/\\square awkwardly, and their body temperature recovered little by little. The monsters began to wiggle their noses constantly, searching for the smell of their prey. As the hunters thawed, the alarm sound changed abruptly: Warning, please UBCS troops go to the place immediately when a level 4 biohazard is detected in the storage area, warning, when a level four biochemical crisis is detected in the storage area, please go to the UBC5 unit to deal with it immediately.

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