What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-69. Men's Single Soldier

The female horse, I can't hear what they said at all! After cutting off the communication, Li Yexing frowned and said, What is this garbage facility? The signal is so bad?

So are we going to pick them up to evacuate? Tiililian, who was holding the 5VD, said worriedly, I don't know if the pigs and the others will go well below.

It shouldn't be a problem, after all, it's just an abandoned facility, and the owner of that bar is very powerful, Li Yexing said solemnly: What I'm worried about is that they'll stay there for too long because they don't know the latest situation. After all, Li Yexing He lowered his head and focused his attention on the tyrant and the Far East Army who were still fighting in front of him. After a while, he whispered: Can't wait, we

Hey? Pervert, are you serious? Tillylian said in surprise. What? Is there a group trouble? Li Yexing asked. My lord is naturally fine. Tillylian said: But, pervert, you can stand it ?

The Far East Legion has already lost more than half of the battle, but the tyrant's weakening is lower than I expected. Li Yexing frowned and said, Also, it can't stand it, it has to stand up, there is not much time left for us and the frantic team. .

Patting Tilly Zhi'an's shoulder, Li Yexing said solemnly: I will give you all the magazines of the sniper rifle, you will cover my fight, do you understand? How can this work? After a moment of panic, Ti Lilian shook her head and said, It doesn't matter if you don't hit me, as long as you don't hit me, it's fine. Li Yexing shoved the magazine into Ti Lilian and said, Okay. , don't talk nonsense, there is time

Tililian seemed to want to say something, but Li Yexing directly - a body hugged the tree trunk and slid down, then picked up the gun and went straight to the battlefield. Tillylian, who was lying on the tree, opened her mouth slightly, and after a while, She scratched her little head and said: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly He patted his face and whispered, Come on, my lord can do it! On the other side, holding the M4A1 in his arms. Using the sound of gunfire and the cover of darkness, he quietly entered the battlefield, and Li Yexing sneaked into a pile of beings. Next to the burnt-out thief armor, Shen put all the bullets and grenades on the ground into his arms. If he remembered correctly, it was less than 2+ meters ahead, and there should be one more bullets on the ground. get that thing.

Wei Wei probed, looking at the dense firepower ahead and the tyrants who were killing all directions under the reflection of the gunfire, Li Yexing sighed slightly and said, Heaven, forgive me.

At the same time, he aimed at three black-armored compound-eye demons not far from him and pulled the alarm machine. With three gunshots, one of the compound-eye demons' head blossomed in an instant, but 1 did not fall down. I saw that compound-eye demon started Continued twitching, and then, the flesh and blood ripped apart violently, and in the light of the fire, a large mouth full of teeth replaced the head of the summer beholder, and the big mouth closed tightly like the giant pincers of a beetle. , In the scholastic courtyard, a faint yellow light could be seen faintly. The broken one had mutated. The compound eye demon directly locked the direction of Li Yexing, and then flew over, while the two soil soldiers beside the mutant compound eye demon They also aimed their eyes at the direction that the compound eye demon was flying, and then directly found Li Yexing hiding behind a tree. Wang Na! He's there! Su Gabriel was accompanied by the strange cries of the black armor compound eye demons, and the bullet shot over instantly, forcing Li Yexing back to the back of the tree, and under the cover of other black armor compound eye demons, that The head alienation compound eye demon rushed up directly, and a sniper rifle bullet hit its alienated head, but it just smashed it away. At this moment, the weakness of the monster was firmly wrapped by the pliers-like mouthparts. , in an instant, it rushed in front of Li Yexing. There was a grunting sound on its head, and the mutant summer eye demon approached Li Yexing excitedly, while Li Yexing kept shooting its relatively fragile with a gun. However, it seemed to be of no avail. Bearing Li Yexing's bullet, the mutant Xia Beholder rushed over. In an instant, its mouth was wide open and clamped to Li Yexing's head like a pair of pliers.

It's now! There seems to be a ding sound in his mind, as if he pressed the counterattack OTE of Resident Evil 6 with precision in his heart, Li Yexing suddenly put down the gun hanging on his body, - a dodge like The monster's fatal blow was dodged like a bullfighting earth, watching the hard jaws gnawed at the back of Li Yexing, tearing off a large piece of tree bark, Li Yexing turned around and grabbed the compound beholder's arm. At the same time, he pressed the elbow of the other arm against the compound beholder's back and his knees flew up, fiercely against the compound beholder's lumbar spine. The waist was heavily injured, and the mutant compound beholder subconsciously He twitched and released the tightly closed jaws, revealing the core with yellow light in the middle. Li Yexing seized the opportunity and slammed his fist on the core. Suddenly, a yellow liquid Scattered in all directions, the core actually shattered Li Yexing - the punch exploded, the mutated compound eye demon fell straight down, and then turned into debris in the firelight. Without stopping, Li Yexing squatted down and picked it up. The compound-eye grenade, he leaned on his back to Wakashu, feeling the bullets coming from the other side of the tree, he yanked off the handle of the grenade, leaned out and threw it towards the other side. With a sound of explosion, the two compound eye demons who came up while focusing on Li Yexing were blown away. In just a few short years, Li Yexing dealt with three Xia eye demons, but the explosion of the grenade caused the explosion. Attracting the attention of other black armor summer beholders, seeing that there is movement here, they

Leaning over, Li Yexing was just about to fight back when suddenly he saw something flying towards him.

With just a bang, along with the explosion of the bomb, the tree that was hiding before was blown up by the middle. Li Yexing, who was lying on the ground, did not get up in a hurry. He quickly took out a grenade and threw it at those who were slowly approaching. The compound beholders, then standing up and raising their guns - firing at the black armored compound beholders - - and running behind another tree

grenade landing

With a loud explosion, several black-armored compound-eyed demons were swept away again. Then, the Far Eastern Corps behind them, as if they had been beaten with blood, opened fire at Li Yexing while screaming. Ye Xing hurriedly rubbed the ground with a shovel and swept the bullets towards him, and then followed a tactical roll, hiding behind a tree in another tree, which was far from the frame he wanted to get. The bomb launcher is one step closer. However, it's still not easy to do. He cautiously stuck his head out and watched the black armor compound beholders coming towards him. Li Yexing frowned slightly. He could see that the compound beholders had split up. Attacked from the front, and some flanked from the flank, if you don't want to get out, you may be dumped by these guys.

It got out and surpassed Li Yexing to attract the attention of the group of black armor compound eye demons. It quickly killed the few who were entangled in it. Now, it wants to vent its anger.

Waving the rib, the tyrant slammed into the chariot like a chariot, and directly beat the black armor compound eye demon who approached Li Yexing from the front, turning the scene into chaos again in an instant.

Nice assist! Li Yexing said with a smile, he seized the opportunity and rushed out from behind the tree, facing the black armor compound eyes flanking the 2 flanks.

The demons opened fire, rushing forward at a rapid rate, and by the bright and extinguishing phase fire, he could see under the tree a dozen meters away, an intact bullet-emitting artifact lying quietly on the muddy ground.

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