What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-75. The macho doesn't need reinforcements

Inside the facility, on the second floor, in the storage area, the battle has heated up, and almost all members of the frantic team were injured. The sharp claws slammed into the huge bone-chopping knife that was chipped, splashing layers of sparks. Anna gritted her teeth, resisted the hunter's attack, and then roared - turning around and entering the hunter. In his arms, the bone-chopping knife suddenly pulled out, following the rotation of the body, it slashed into the hunter's soft abdomen, the hunter in front of him was in pain, and subconsciously took two steps back, Anna took advantage of the situation to let go The hand of the bone cutter, and then flew up - the foot slammed on the bone cutter that cut into the hunter's abdomen. With a piercing scream, the blade of the bone cutter was buried directly into the hunter. On the abdomen, Anna stepped forward again, and suddenly pulled out the bone cutter. Suddenly, blood splattered on Anna's body, and she went to the hunter and mourned while covering her stomach. Anna attacked again and slashed the hunter. on the forehead. Putting down the monster in front of her, Anna panted, clutching her bloody arm and sitting against the corner, panting, falling from the top of the metal box together, and hitting the ground with her back, the bar owner just felt short of breath. , but he didn't have time to recover. The hunter pressing on him opened his bloody mouth full of sharp teeth and slammed it towards the bar owner's neck. The bar owner slapped the hunter's chin with a backhand. At the same time, he turned his head and pulled out the bloody dagger from the eyes of the hunter's corpse next to him. He stabbed the hunter's eyes on him fiercely, and screamed, the blade was like cutting butter. Usually inserted into the monster's eyes, the bar owner held the dagger tightly, stirring it fiercely, until the hunter on his body was silent, and he pulled the dagger out. Some barren bar owners tried hard to hold up, but the injuries all over his body made him a little bit powerless. At this moment, a hand reached out in front of him. The bar owner raised his head and found that it was Anna. Captain, didn't you say you can hold it? Anna asked softly. I'm out of bullets- Fu grabbed Anna's hand, stood up with Anna's help, the bar owner took two breaths, and then pulled out The hand examiner said in a deep voice, If I were twenty years younger, I would definitely be able to hold it.

Can you hold on? Old man? Anna asked with a reluctant smile. Take care of yourself, rookie. The bar owner replied.

As soon as the words fell, the harsh howling sounded around again, the bar owner raised his pistol and whispered: The last wave, hold on! On the other hand, the situation of the right defense line is also not optimistic, although still trying to persevere, But the three players almost collapsed. Jiang Xueyang's face no longer had any expression, the continuous damage control of a sniper rifle of the TAC.50 level brought a huge burden to his shoulders. Bolian had extremely sore shoulders, almost lost consciousness, and was tied around his waist. The black cloak he was wearing was still oozing blood, and the young sniper was already flattened. of torn apart. Standing beside Jiang Xueyang, Paglis was covered in blood. She had injuries on her shoulders, back and thighs, but the current situation could not handle the wounds at all. Her right hand was so hard that it was almost impossible to let go. Her finger was firmly in front of the trigger, but she wouldn't complain. Just now, she clearly saw the one over there.

-The cow she had been looking down on had already started to draw a knife to melee, and fired out the bullets in her hand again. Paglis moved her thumb hard and reluctantly withdrew from the magazine. She turned her head and just wanted to find a new one. I checked the magazine, but found that Fisher sitting behind the metal box was shaking his head slightly, and he was 1U in the same way. Under the gas mask, Fisher was already bloodless, his face was sweating constantly, his chapped lips twitched slightly, and he kept whispering: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my fault Holding the wires and the detonator in his hands, he couldn't connect the wires together because his hands trembled. Fisher, who was already in an unstable state, trembled even more. Waste wood! What are you doing there? ? !

- A loud shout rang in his ears, and Fisher raised his head blankly, but met Paglis' blood-stained face with a grim expression, his lips trembled, and he whispered, Ah?

Fuck you girl! C4! Throw it out! Puglis growled. ..C..yes. C4. Like waking up from a nightmare, Fisher shuddered suddenly, Without even looking at what was in his hand, he joined the circuits together using only muscle memory, and then threw it to the other side. The killer flew out dragging his internal organs, smashed to the ground, spattered a large splatter of blood, and did not forget to twitch twice before he died. Yes! Blow up! Blow up these damn beasts! With her left fist clenched, Paglis' face showed strange madness, she turned her head and shouted at Fisher: Go on! Don't stop!

Fisher turned over the backpack, and after a while, he raised his head and whispered: It's used up. What? Glancing at the dull eyes on Pugliese's side, Fisher stood up, as if he had looked away, thinking of the sacrificed comrades in the Delta. He pulled out his pistol, and moved towards The right-wing defense line walked over, and that attitude seemed to be ready to die at any time. He's running out of art, and he's going into hand-to-hand combat. In front, those distorted and disgusting monsters are still rushing from all sides) \\Fang rushed over. After the bar owner was knocked off the metal box by the hunter, the upper floor had already fallen. Now, the frantic team not only has to face the front and rush up The hunters of the straitjacket must also beware of their backs and the top of their heads. After dealing with the hunters who were constantly charging and even directly crossing the left-wing defense line, the bar owner who was not physically fit had to order the defense line to shrink and directly give up the aisle of the left-wing. Throwing down the last shock bomb, in the sound and light of tearing the senses, the bar owner took Anna, accompanied by the piercing howls of the hunters, and hurried behind the right wing defense line.

Retreat to the right flank in the surprised sight of Paglis

, In Pugliese's surprised eyes, he told her the fact that the left-wing defense line could not be maintained. The bar owner suddenly felt that time was like a blocked hourglass, flowing so slowly, even in Raccoon City back then, it was not as good as this moment. 1/10,000. The sound of gunfire and the roar of the hunters reverberated continuously in the storage area, and all the buffer space was gone. Put on the pistol, and when the pistol is empty, the dagger is drawn. Between the fierce wind of blood and fire, life is like a candle, exuding a weak light, swaying, dazed, trying to extinguish several times, but tenacious, stubborn, yet stubborn. I don't know how long it took, almost all of them sat on the ground back to back, their bodies were bleeding, and the bodies of hunters were piled up beside them, the bar owner was still loading the pistol, and Anna was about to change. The blunt bone-cutting knife gasped for breath. Fischer tilted his head and held the gun. He was stunned. Jiang Xueyang emptied the TAC-50 again. When he touched his waist, he found a bullet. There was no more left, and Puglis was still holding the gun, pulling the trigger mechanically, and the roots without bullets kept making a clicking sound. Just as the frantic squad waited silently for a new wave of hunters to come, a loud electronic synthesis sounded in the empty storage area: Confirm that the fourth-level biohazard sails in the storage area are approaching - -level, Combatants are required to be isolated and sterilized according to the regulations. Follow-up handlers should enter the storage area as soon as possible to start work. Repeat, confirm that the fourth-level biochemical crisis in the storage area is approaching the first-level, and ask the combatants to isolate and sterilize in accordance with the regulations. Follow-up Handlers should enter the storage area as soon as possible and begin work.

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