Accompanied by the sound of electronically synthesized broadcasts echoing in the storage area, the electronic doors closed on both sides of the storage area also heard a light beep. In my memory, the sound of the metal buckle being released has never been so loud at this moment. melodious. After a while, the electronic synthesis sound disappeared, and the storage area fell silent again. We count. We're done? After a while, Anna asked softly. It's over, the bar owner replied in a deep voice: We survived. Hearing the bar owner's words, everyone was relieved. I don't know what he was thinking, Xueyang let go of his hand, lay on the metal box as a cover, and gasped lightly, Fisher moved his butt back against the metal box, covering the wound on his body. For a moment 5. He whispered First: I don't know what that bastard woman has. All the cards have been turned over, and she has no chance. The bar owner whispered, Not far from the storage area is the stairway, and you can follow the stairway.

Directly to the central database, the front is flat, no matter what she has left behind, it is impossible to stop us. Speaking of which, the bar owner paused and then continued: And, judging from what the woman said before, she should have left after locking us in the storage area. That's right. Pa Grace whispered: 'According to that woman's bad character, if she knew we were still alive, she would definitely have to read poetry again

It's Kraft... Zaixue, who was lying on the metal box, whispered weakly.

Forget it, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that we survived, and the mission is about to be completed. Anna shrugged, gritted her teeth and stood up. She took off her backpack, and then said to her teammates: *Come on, take care of the wound.

With that said, Anna walked towards the bar owner who seemed to be the most injured, but the bar owner pushed her hand to reject her, only to hear the bar owner say: Help the Arctic Wolf first.

Seeing that everyone had no opinion, Anna crossed the metal box with her backpack and came to the Arctic Wolf. While helping him take off his combat uniform, he said, Come on, my little Arctic wolf, the wound has been treated.

Jiang Xueyang was not hypocritical when he was taken off his combat uniform. Pugliese's expression was slightly displeased, but it was quickly hidden. Looking at the ferocious wounds left on the snow-white skin, Anna felt a little distressed, but this feeling was instantly suppressed. Anna began to skillfully clean up the wounds for Jiang Xueyang, and then bandage them. It didn't take long for Jiang Xueyang's wounds to be treated. , he struggled to stand up, and sat on the metal box holding the TAC-.50 that had been completely shot down, enduring the severe pain that came from his body and said, Go and help others. After getting down, Anna treated the wounds urgently for the members of the frantic team one after another. She didn't start to treat herself until she had dealt with everyone. After a while, Anna stood up and said, This is just an emergency treatment, after the mission is over. Further treatment is needed. After the bloody battle, everyone quickly sorted out their equipment and put down unnecessary things. At this moment, the bar owner only had a few pistol bullets left, and he was not satisfied with a magazine. Fisher and Jiang Xueyang is the same, but all the ammunition on Anna and Paglis has been emptied, and the only weapons they have are the bone-cutting knife whose blade and back are almost indistinguishable, and a head-to-head. Are you ready? Seeing that everyone was ready, the bar owner dragged his tired body to stand up and said to the members of the frantic team: 'When you are ready, let's go, target, the central database. There are only a few shots left. Bullet's pistol, slowly pushed open the metal door, entered the corridor again, and saw a monitor hanging in the opposite corner of the wall. At this moment, the bar owner didn't want to waste the few bullets he had. Fortunately, the pity woman didn't sound next to him. It seemed that she had indeed left. She led the team through the corridor, entered the stairwell, and then followed the stairway in a fearful and orderly manner to the bottom of the facility. The bar owner habitually stood up to the surrounding players. Thumbs up, but this time, the atmosphere seems to be different, the bar owner even saw a smile in Paglis's exposed eyes. He nodded, slowly opened the door, and entered the corridor at the bottom. , After taking a few steps, everyone came to the center of the facility, the central database. Pushing the door open, I saw that the space in the room was very huge, filled with chassis one after another, looking a bit old but still The available wires were laid on the ground, and everyone stepped on the wires to the damage table of the database. Looking at the Umbrella interface on the screen, Puglis couldn't help saying: By the way, boss, you really know what to look for. ?

Maybe it would be more difficult before, but now, there is no pressure. With a rare smile in his tone, the bar owner pointed to the screen and said: The woman has been found for us, isn't she? Ah? Pa Grace was slightly stunned, then stretched her head to look at the location pointed by the bar owner, only to see that it was an opened folder, the name of the folder was Soul Project, and under that folder, was a large Heaps all kinds of files, the names of these files are all replaced by characters, and it is impossible to guess the content just by looking at the file name.

A suitable USBO. Then plug it in, no-no, the instrument is automatically compatible with the database system, broken system recognition, the bar owner directly dragged the entire folder into the starter, watching the slowly advancing green progress on the screen Article, the bar owner was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect it to be so smooth. If I remember correctly, all of Umbrella's systems are controlled by an intelligent AI called Red Queen, and all data transmission behaviors are controlled. To get the permission of this A, P was a little worried when the bar owner transferred the data to the instrument, for fear that the AI ​​would still exist, but now it seems that his worry is a little unnecessary. Seeing the green progress bar slowly advancing, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, - After a thrilling night, the task was finally completed. The progress bar moved slowly, and it took almost two minutes to

After walking less than 20%, even Jiang Xueyang, who has always been patient, couldn't help but whisper: It's so slow.

After all, it's a database from decades ago... the bar owner whispered: 'Looking at the equipment in this database, you can see that the database was last refurbished around 1990. Black Umbrella simply can't compare.

Even so, Jiang Xueyang wanted to say something else, but Fisher suddenly raised his head next to him, and he whispered, 'Don't talk!' sound. It seems that they sensed something, and everyone was silent. Suddenly, only the sound of mechanical operation remained in the computer room. After a while, Fisher whispered, Did you hear anything? Pugris whispered a little irritably, but there was a trace of nervousness in his eyes. The bar owner didn't speak, he listened quietly, vaguely, there seemed to be a sound, the sound was like metal hitting the ground, It seems that the most important thing in the footsteps is that the bar owner vaguely feels that this voice is a bit familiar. …

The sound was approaching at a constant speed, and it was getting louder and louder. This time, all the members of the team heard the sound. Then what is that? Jiang Xueyang said nervously: This sound, it sounds like some footsteps, a little like it. Holding the pistol, the bar owner said solemnly: The tyrant. As they approached, they almost reached the door of the central database. The hearts of everyone instantly rose to their throats, but then the voice stopped in the summer. The next second, the metal door was slowly pushed open, and in front of the door, standing There is a stalwart figure, more than two meters tall, wrapped in a gray-black coat, with heavy metal-soled boots on his feet, a belt around his waist, black leather gloves on his hands, and a slap on his head. A black top hat, after entering the database, it slowly raised its head to the crowd, revealing the expressionless blue-gray face under the shadow.

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