What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-77. The classic re-enactment of the macho

'Art has always been a matter of devoting the whole body and mind, so art is tragic in the final analysis', and it just so happens that I am very willing to practice my art and aesthetics, and when the light of hope slowly shines, I will make it hard. Fight hard, then sniff-sniff the air, savor the unbridled smell of fear and despair.

As if it was a curse that lingers, accompanied the tyrant into the computer room of the central database, the woman's voice sounded again on the radio, only to hear her say with a smile like a poem:, 'If you can hear me Leave a message, that means my last insurance is in effect, you must have seen it, right? From the shadow of the old Umbrella era, the Tyrant T-103 type, although old, is better than the classic, although I don't think you I can be lucky from the offensive of those hunters, but I still leave it to you, after all, you are the remnants of the Umbrella era, sorry, I was a little excited, and I accidentally said it A lot, now, I'm leaving, I wish you all a good time with it. Of course, the premise is that you can withstand those hunters. After the cliché, the voice stopped in the summer, and the momentary silence was like a tyrant's war. Like a horn, the monster standing at the door strode forward and raised his fists at the members of the frantic team. Retreat! In view of the state of the players at this moment, the bar owner made a decisive decision, he - - side Shouting - while picking up the pistol with only a few bullets left, aiming it at the tyrant's head and firing continuously, the bullets rang with the gunshot - the bullet was fired, facing the bar owner, the tyrant subconsciously blocked his face , but the bullet hit the top hat on its head. I didn't pay attention to these boring details. After seeing the players withdrawing one after another, the bar owner turned his head and finally looked at the screen of the database, only to see that the data was only transmitted. Thirty percent. Damn it! We have already come this far. The bar owner scolded in a low voice, he inserted the empty pistol into his waist, then lowered his body's center of gravity, staring at The tyrant in front of him, and on the other side, seeing that the bar owner did not escape, the tyrant suddenly accelerated, and in the sound of dong dong it ran over with heavy steps, and then slammed at the bar owner's head and waved. He raised his fist and saw the huge fist smashed towards his head. The bar owner squatted down instantly, rubbed the tyrant's arms and got under its elbow. He hurried to the outside of the computer room of the central database. , - Pulling the door open, I saw the members of the frenzy squad waiting for him in the corridor. Aren't you good at learning? The blood pressure rose instantly, and the bar owner couldn't help shouting: 'What are you waiting for? Run! People came out, let's go. ” Fisher said in a deep voice, then turned his head sharply, and took the frantic team and ran in the direction from which they came. 5. The tyrant slammed open the door of the central database, facing the frantic team. Reluctant to give up. He slammed the door of the stairway directly with his shoulders. Fisher, who was running at the front, quickly confirmed the situation in the stairway. After confirming the safety, Fisher said loudly: Go up! The team members rushed in and quickly Running upstairs, Fisher stood guard at door 0. He aimed a pistol with a few bullets left at the tyrant's head and kept firing until the bar owner also ran in. Fisher slammed the door shut, and then Follow the bar owner directly. Go up the stairs. You don't have to wait for me! On the stairs, the bar owner shouted to Fisher, I have my own way! It's not that I want to wait for you. Fisher He replied: -Everyone stopped when they went out, can I still run away by myself? After listening to Fisher's words, the bar owner was slightly stunned, and suddenly remembered the mission at the end of March, when he was given the code name. When BOW chased and ran out of the cabin for the trial beauty beast, Fisher and Anna were also guarding him at the door, saying they were afraid that he would not be able to get out. The scene just outside the central database room was simply a The upgraded version of the re-engraving at that time. Forget it sighed slightly, the bar owner seemed to give up, the two quickly ran up the stairs and stepped out of the stairway, as expected, Jiang Xueyang, Paglis He and Anna were waiting for him and Fisher at the top of the stairs. Downstairs, the door to the first floor stairway was slammed open, and the hatless tyrant rushed out with heavy steps. He raised his head and saw at a glance. The bar owner and Fisher were on the upper stairs, so they ran after them. The group of people rushed along the way they came, and behind them, the tyrant had already chased from the stairway, and it slammed into the door to not lose to the The speed of the crowd rushed towards the back of the crowd. Hearing the heavy and oppressive footsteps behind him, Jiang Xueyang couldn't help pulling out his pistol. Just as he was about to turn back to fire, the bar owner said loudly, Don't look back! Run forward! Subconsciously believing in the captain's choice, Jiang Xueyang gave up firing. He dragged his injured leg and endured the pain to speed up. The bar owner behind him also stretched out his hand and pressed against his back. , The metal gate of the storage area appeared in front of everyone. Pugliese who ran at the front jumped open the door of the storage area, Jiang Xueyang, Anna and Fisher followed closely. The bar owner who ran at the end watched all his players run into the storage area, he suddenly He stopped and stood at the door 0 of the storage area, he seemed to be making a choice. On the other side, it seemed that he noticed that there was no one behind him, Fisher turned his head sharply, and saw the bar owner standing in front of the door of the storage area, he hurriedly shouted: Stinky tofu! What are you waiting for? The bar The boss raised his head, and a hoarse and deep voice came from behind his gas mask, only to hear him say solemnly: You guys withdraw first, I want to complete the task.

Are you crazy?! Puglis glared at him and shouted, and even Jiang Xueyang couldn't help saying: 'Let's go, captain, forget about the mission! No, I can't take my teammates , to bet on the moody spleen of the supervisor... Shaking his head, the bar owner said solemnly: Listen, kid 10. The map shows that this facility has a real entrance other than the top, but it's hidden. After you go out, look at the map and immediately contact the command room to have them there

pick me up. Then I'll be with you. Jiang Xueyang couldn't help but walked towards the bar owner outside the door and said, but just as he spoke, the bar owner suddenly said sharply: Listen! This is the task I gave you. You must do it well, otherwise, you are just kidding my life? Do you hear it? There were heavy footsteps behind him, and the tyrant rushed across the corner and came straight to the bar owner, who said loudly: No time! Remember! Go to the other side to meet me! After that, the bar owner slammed the iron door of the storage area, and then pulled down the emergency locking valve outside the door. The electronic locks on this side of the area snapped together again, and the electronic synthesis voice said in the broadcast: The emergency locking of the entrance and exit of storage area B is detected. Please confirm the situation immediately by the relevant department personnel. Repeat: The emergency locking of the entrance and exit of storage area B is detected, please The staff of the relevant departments immediately confirmed the situation. Looking at the solid metal door that cannot be destroyed even by C4 explosives, he was completely separated from the door of his team members. The unarmed bar owner turned his head and focused his attention on the tyrant who was slowly getting close. After a while, he whispered, It's really hard to read.

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