What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-78. There is a danger on the head of the macho

After rushing out of the jungle again and returning to the hillside full of mines, Li Yexing frowned and stepped on the muddy ground. After a while, he whispered: 'I said. You should be able to run now, right?

It's just that it doesn't run as fast as a pervert. After all, the body's functions haven't fully recovered. ... Li Yexing whispered: Little short legs.... Hey! I can hear you straight to the point, Ti Lilian didn't follow Li Yexing's instructions to go back to the village. When Li Yexing expressed her hope that Tillylian would go back, Tillylian went straight to 0: Don't try to get rid of me! It's just a pervert! Okay... Finally , Li Yexing had to drive the road for a long time with Ti Lilian on his back again.

Following his memory, he ran to the largest mine in front of him. Standing on the edge of the mine, he looked at the dark hole at the bottom of the mine. Li Yexing was just about to go down, but he saw the red-haired man wearing a black combat uniform and a half-mask gas mask. The girl crawled out from the inside, reached out halfway, and saw Li Yexing and Tililian by the mine, the woman was stunned. Puglis? Li Youxing said in surprise. Damn it! It turned out to be Boss Li, which surprised me. Puglis was stunned. Then she suddenly raised her arms and climbed out. Then, she turned around directly, and after a while, Jiang Xueyang also pulled it out.

After exiting the hole, Jiang Xueyang slumped directly on the muddy and slippery walls of the mine. Then, Anna also climbed out, followed by Fisher. You actually came out by yourself. Stretching her head and looking at the paralyzed and frantic team under the mine, Tiililian was a little surprised: I was just about to go down with the perverts to find you...

My God, what have you experienced down there... Seeing the tragic appearance of all the members of the frantic team being injured and almost collapsed, Rao Shi Li Yexing was also shocked enough, at this moment, he was keen When he noticed something, he frowned and said solemnly: Where's the boss? Where did he go? Damn the boss. Resisting the pain all over his body, he supported the body dominated by the match, and Fisher gritted his teeth. He stood up and said to Li Yexing: The stinky tofu didn't come out, he said he was going to complete the mission alone.. Fuck! Li Yexing held back and said, The mission has been cancelled! Don't you know? H.C.F's bombers will be approaching in less than half an hour!'

Bomber? Although I don't know what that HCF is for, but -0 listened to the bomber, and everyone in the frantic team immediately became energized. Jiang Xueyang was almost

Bombers are bombers! Tillylian said: In less than half an hour, this island will be washed by bombers. My God, Anna whispered, and she quickly pressed the communication in her ear. He said to the bar owner who was still under the facility, Captain, in less than half a hour, the island will be bombed! . . . data. , the bar owner's intermittent voice immediately came from the opposite side of the communicator.

Don't! Puglis directly waved at Li Yexing, she whispered, The captain has sealed the door of the storage area. If you go down to find the captain from this side, you need to take a detour. If we are not careful, we will Stagger with the captain.

A small Pad, directly called up the map in the facility, and then said to Li Yexing: According to the boss's instructions, he will leave the facility through the exit on the other side, and we need to go to the other side to pick him up. I see. Li Yexing said in a deep voice, he slid under the mine, grabbed the Pad in Paglis's hand, kept sliding his fingers, and carefully observed the map on the Pad. Soon, he found the location of the exit sign. Where are you going to find this? Li Yexing whispered.

Bypass this hillside. Standing up and patted the dirt sticking to his body, Jiang Xueyang said in a low voice, Based on the map and our experience of actually operating in the facility, we can bypass this hillside within + minutes. Jiang Xueyang said in a low voice when he arrived at the exit on the other side. At the same time, he called out the map of Kojima Handi stored in the Pad. After zooming in on the map, he pointed to a place not far from the hand mark area and said, It's probably here. .

On the helicopter, Tililith looked down the window at the sea of ​​trees devastated by N o Umbrella's artillery fire, and there was a hint of irritability between her brows. Miss.. It seems that she sensed Tililith's displeasure, and Rita, who was wrapped in a cyan gel tights, gently held Tililith's hand.

Yes, nocturnal is very strong. - Hitomi Kanjima nodded in broken English and said. Kanan did not speak, sitting by the window, her feet on the ground, - feet on the seat, with cracks Her left arm was casually draped around her neck, and after a while, she

Damn. He cursed in a low voice, and Kanan headed: The boss is not here, no one can light the cigarette.

Just as everyone rode the helicopter toward the depths of the island, a familiar and somewhat disgusting voice suddenly came from their communicator. I just heard the good news from Cassie. Your boss is in good condition and he has successfully responded. It's time for the frantic squad. What's the bad news? Rita asked directly.

Bad news? How can there be bad news? 06.. Director Casimir's embarrassed laughter came from the opposite side of the communicator. Rita didn't speak, but her face was frosty. Well, there is indeed a not so good one. The news” sighed. Director Casimir said slowly: “The leader of the frantic team did not leave the facility, he chose another retreat route, and Li decided to take a detour with the members of the frantic team who had already received. , go to the other entrance of the facility to meet the leader of the frenzy squad.

Really. Reckless, Rita whispered. I didn't tell Li about the fact that you were flying into the mountains to find him... Casimir's main channel: 'Do you need me to tell him about the ladies? ? No need. Fluttering the shattered hair in front of her forehead, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and Rita, who did not have the slightest smile in her eyes, whispered: I want to give my family first.

The coordinates of the entrance and exit on the other side of the facility have been found, and the command room has sent the coordinates to the driver. If there is no accident, you will meet Mr. Li directly at the destination. That's great. Rita smiled He wrote: 'I am looking forward to the moment when I am reunited with Mr.

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