What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-79. The Marital Crisis of the Hunk

According to Jiang Xueyang's sign, Li Yexing carried Ti Lilian on his back and moved with the members of the frantic team, and they arrived at the predetermined location not long after. So, where are the entrances and exits? Looking at the surrounding woodland, Ti Lilian frowned and said, Isn't this only a tree? Strange, it should be in this area, Jiang Xueyang said anxiously: Follow the inside of the facility. The comparison between the structure map and the map of the island should be near here, why not? Because this map of the island itself is not accurate Li Yexing said solemnly: If I remember correctly, this map The map should be used by Paradise Mining for mining, but in fact, Paradise Mining could not have time to make a map of the island, this map,) \\ Cheng was lent to Paradise Mining by the locals, - the group is almost for generations How could the villagers who all live on the island have the ability to make accurate maps? That is to say, this map is drawn crooked? Paglis said with a frown. It's true that the drawing is crooked, but it's not necessarily worthless, Li Yexing said in a low voice: 'According to your description of the facility and the map of the facility, I think we should go down and continue in this direction, even if the entrance is not there. Here, it shouldn't be too far away. After that, Li Youxing set off again with the members of the frantic team. On the way, Li Yexing couldn't help but ask: Speaking of which, what did you encounter below? Why did it get so miserable? Fisher said:' The group of foreign forces who went down before us have all died, leaving only a neurotic woman who is monitoring us through the monitoring system in the facility - while saying something inexplicable The words sounded divine. Listening to... I said it all, it's Kraft... Jiang Xueyang whispered from behind. Kafka? Li Yexing was slightly stunned when he heard Jiang Xueyang's words. Surveillance, criticism, Kafka, this reminds Li Yexing of a very bad woman, the big villain from Resident Evil Revelations 2, Albert Wesker's sister, Alex Wesker. It seems that you and the female Wesker ran into each other... Li Yexing said casually: But I still can't imagine that she can make your entire team look like this by herself? She herself 2 Of course not... Paglis on the side suddenly said: But if she has dozens of hunters in her hands, it will be different.

A few + heads. Thinking of the scene of a large group of green-skinned monsters jumping around in front of him, Li Yexing's facial muscles twitched violently, and after a while, he whispered: It's really a blessing that you all survived. After all, the captain is very strong. Paglis shrugged. Then why didn't he come out with you? Li Yexing asked: He threw you all out because he thought you were in the way? How is that possible?! Paglis said loudly, then lowered her head and whispered: 'Wait, it seems very likely. Our mission was about to be successful.-Fisher next to him spoke, he whispered: . Just when we thought we were almost done, a tyrant was suddenly killed from above. We had run out of ammunition and food, so we had no choice but to evacuate first, but just after we returned to the storage area, the captain suddenly pulled the bag. Locked us all on the other side, asked us to go out to find you, and let him evacuate...This style sounds quite S. Li Yexing whispered. Just when Li Yexing wanted to say something , only to hear Anna say: There is something ahead. Subconsciously slowing down, Li Yexing frowned, he put Tilihe behind him, and then stepped forward with the frantic team. In an instant, the field of vision in front of him was wide, and he saw that there was a large area of ​​baldness in the jungle. The open space appeared on the slope but it was repaired very flat. On the open space, weeds were overgrown. Stepping on the open space, I moved my eyes to the hillside on the other side. I saw a very inconspicuous hillside. The cave, that cave was pitch-black, and there were still large vines growing at the entrance. If the vines were not violently torn apart, ordinary people would not have noticed that there was actually a cave on the slope. Looks like we found it, Li Yexing whispered. And then? Are we just waiting here, or do we go in and find him? Puglis shrugged and said. I'm afraid we can only wait. Li Yexing whispered, he picked up his mobile phone, opened the facility structure diagram Jiang Xueyang sent him, and then whispered, It's different from the emergency passage you took when you just went down, this is the main entrance, go straight from here. , the fork in the road will be very complicated, and we are likely to stagger with the boss. Yes. Jiang Xueyang on the side also said: Although a little unwilling, but at this time, we can only trust the boss. After all, Jiang Xueyang He tried pressing the communicator again, and he whispered: Captain, this is the Arctic Wolf, can you hear 09? Here.. the download is complete. Evacuate and answer me. This time, the voice from the communicator became clear. Many, but still intermittent

Wow, it's so unpleasant, so unpleasant. Tillylian muttered, then turned her head to Li Yexing and said, Pervert, are we really just waiting like this?

Of course not. Li Yexing shook his head and said: 'We asked your father to send someone to pick us up. After that, Li Yexing pressed the communicator in his ear and said, Can you hear me? Director Casimir. I can hear it, it's very clear, here is Mr. Casimir who loves you deeply... There was a disgusting voice from the opposite side, and Director Casimir smiled and said: Excuse me, is there anything I can help? yours?

I need a helicopter to pick us up and evacuate. The location is about fifty meters east of the coordinates that were sent to you earlier. There, you can see an open space. Tillyrian and I and the people from the frantic team are all empty. On the ground. That... Hearing Li Yexing's words, Director Casimir suddenly stopped, hesitating and hesitating, giving people a feeling of being on the verge of speaking. What? Is it difficult? Li Youxing asked with a frown. No, there is no difficulty at all. In fact, a helicopter has already passed in your direction..

Simil's main channel, but his tone sounded a little weird. That's good. Li Yexing nodded and said, unaware of Director Casimir's abnormality, I really can't tell, you are actually quite good at the critical moment.

depend on. No, I don't think you understand what I mean, Director Casimir whispered: Li, your wives are also on that helicopter. What? Is your elder sister also? Hearing the conversation on the communicator, Tililian instantly came to her senses. Touching the golden hair on Ti Lilian's head, Li Yexing smiled and said, Wouldn't it be better? Hearing Li Yexing's words, the other side of the communicator was silent. Said: Li, it's inconvenient for me to talk to you too much, after all, the cooperation with you is very diverse, I can't just consider you but also your wife 1.. What do you mean? At this step, even Li Yexing felt the unusual atmosphere. I can only give you a hint, considering the long-term effect of our cooperation in the future, I suggest you to be polite for a while. Casimir The supervisor whispered: Especially be careful of Miss Griffith, she doesn't seem to be in the right mood... Rita? What's wrong with Rita? Li Yexing was wondering when the sound of a helicopter suddenly came from overhead. As soon as Ye Xing looked up, he saw a helicopter flying in their direction, and on the other side, Director Casimir said in a panic: No, I seem to see you over there, I have to hang up, I wish you well

Communication is cut off.

Li Yexing was dumbfounded and whispered, What's the situation? Under the gazes of Li Yexing, Tililian and the frantic team, the helicopter slowly hovered over the open space, and then gradually descended. When the helicopter was about a meter away from the ground, the hatch of the helicopter was opened, and then, Tilly, Rita, Kanan, and Hitomi Kanjima jumped one by one.

Seeing his girls, Li Yexing looked overjoyed, and ran up quickly, saying as he ran, I didn't expect you to come with the helicopter, Tillyris, what's the matter with your clothes? It's pretty cool, and Rita, that gel coat is really...really... The words came to my lips, and I couldn't spit them out. Li Yexing suddenly found that the girls in his family seemed to have a bad expression on their faces, and the expressionless Tililith frowned slightly. It was a ripped trousers pocket, holding an unlit cigarette and raising her eyebrows. She looked like a hooligan who squatted down to an enemy in middle school. Hitomi Kanjima stood up straight. With a stern look on his face, Li Yexing's piercing eyes seemed to shoot sword energy, poking over Li Yexing's body. Li Yexing's smile gradually stiffened, and after a few seconds, he whispered, What's wrong with you? It's like a tribunal 1... He gently picked up the gray hair in his ears, Rita raised her head, the corners of her mouth were curved, but there was no smile in her eyes. She first glanced at Tililian and bowed slightly: Hello, Second Miss, long time no see. Then she turned her eyes to Li nocturnal. Sir, don't you have anything to explain to the sisters? Rita asked with a smile. In an instant, Li Yexing only felt the scalp hair salon.

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