In the helicopter, the girls were sitting in a row leaning against the cabin, while Li Yexing stood in front of them, looking down, saying nothing, just like the elementary school students who made mistakes and got caught.

On the other side, Ti Lilian was sitting beside Ti Lilith with a blushing face. She lowered her head, her red one eye was wide open, her pink hands were clenched into small fists, and they were firmly pressed against her knees. Curled up naturally, she raised her head from time to time out of the corner of her eye to look at Tililith next to her eyes, only to see Tililith staring at Li Yexing, as if she didn't notice her line of sight at all. Seeing that Tililith didn't seem to notice her. Tillylian moved her little butt without a trace, and rubbed it towards Tililith. Lilith turned her head abruptly and looked at Tilly Jing'an. Terrified by Tilly Lis's sudden movement, Tilly He'an shivered like a frightened bunny. The two ponytails almost jumped up, and looking at Tililith's scrutinizing red eyes, Tilillian immediately lowered her head and moved her butt back consciously. Looking at the small theater in front of him secretly, Li Yexing wanted to laugh a little, but the smile had just begun, when Rita's voice came from his ear, and the perfect maid smiled and said, Sir, about the reason for everyone's anger, Do you have any clues? Li Yexing thought for a while, and then asked tentatively: Is it because I hooked up with my sister-in-law? Tililith turned her eyes to Tililian again, and this time, her eyes became mixed with Xia Xia. Many. And Tiililian raised her head a little surprised: Do you blame me?

Sir is really...too much. There was a rare trace of irritability on her face, Rita's plain white fingers passed through her short gray hair, revealing only one gray eye, she said solemnly: Mr. Such a big mistake, but she doesn't even know where she went wrong... After that, Rita said with a serious face: Knowing that the bomber is about to arrive on this island, Black Umbrella also conveyed it as soon as possible. Why didn't you retreat after the cancellation of the request, sir? Of course, it was to support the frantic team..

The words just came to his mouth, but they were suddenly swallowed, and his thoughts flashed like lightning and flint. Li Yexing instantly grasped the point. After a while, a trace of guilt appeared on his face, and he lowered his head, Li Yexing said softly. : I'm sorry, I was wrong. I shouldn't have let you accompany me into danger for my own willfulness. This time I'm dragging you down... As soon as these words came out, there was no sound from the helicopter, even breathing. The sound also became clear. Aware that the atmosphere seemed a little wrong, Li Yexing raised his head cautiously, only to see Tililith's brows furrowed tightly. If the previous anger was it's not good to be angry, then the current level is Go for a divorce, you bastard, while Rita's eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly, as if she was frightened by Li Yexing's answer, Kanan bit the cigarette on his mouth and let the cigarette roll in his mouth. Bend, - the expression of you and his female horse are teasing me, the only thing that hasn't changed is Hitomi Kanjima, of course, this may be because she doesn't understand English well. Sir, are you serious? With substantial anger on her face, Rita said solemnly: Sir, the reason why the sisters are angry is because the sisters are greedy for life and fear of death, and they don't want to help Mr. In a dangerous situation, isn't it? Of course I don't think so! Li Yexing said decisively. Sir, I really don't know anything... Looking at Li Yexing's somewhat inexplicable face, Rita was concerned that she couldn't suppress herself. Anger, she lost control of her emotions and said: Sisters will not be angry because of the fact that Mr. died, it is Mr.'s choice that makes the sisters angry! Knowing that the bomber is coming! Why didn't Mr. retreat retreat? ?! Shouldn't you think about it more for us, sir? Shouldn't the black Umbrella's men do it by themselves?! If sir.. if sir didn't leave in time? .We...what should we do.

Saying that, there were tears in her gray eyes, which slowly fell down her cheeks. Rita covered her face and tried her best to suppress her sobbing, while Tilly Jingsi looked at Li Yexing and whispered: Sub-branch , It's too much, saying this, let everyone leave the night retreat or something. Although I don't understand English well, Hitomi Kanjima can vaguely guess what happened. She buried her face between her arms, and finally Kanan stood up. She straightened the bent cigarette in her mouth again, took it off, and stuffed it directly into Li Yexing's lips, while removing it from her own. He took out another pack of cigarettes in his pocket, took one out of his mouth, raised his head, Kanan raised his eyebrows, as if he was waiting for something. Li Yexing understood, he didn't say a word, but his face was sad and silent. He took out a lighter from his cigarette case, lit their cigarettes in the same flame, and took a deep breath. At this moment, Li Yexing only felt a bitter fragrance. He patted Li Yexing lightly. On his shoulders, Kanan said solemnly: It's fine if you don't go with us, and you still say that. Should I say that you are too vulgar? Or should I say that you are a plus-footed bastard? Li Yexing looked up. Looking at Kanan, I saw a rare serious look on Kanan's face. The last time I saw Kanan with such an expression, it seemed that he was still going, when the two were together in the canyons of South Africa to make a living. I just don't want you to follow me on adventures... Li Yexing whispered: ' 'It's beyond my expectations to make things like this now, Wan- is putting you here, what should I do.' What would you do without us? Oh, it's really a bastard's way of saying... A white mist spewed from his nose, Kanan said coldly: Then have you ever thought about what will happen to all of us if you are gone? Do? Hearing Kanan's words, Li Yexing was stunned. What? I don't understand? Seeing that Li Yexing didn't reply, Kanan continued: I know, boss, you used to be a real person from a lonely family. You are very powerful. You have the capital to act recklessly, but now you are different. Is your family okay? You have to understand that from the fetters

From the moment you were born, your life no longer belongs to you alone, you know? With a cigarette between his fingers, Kanan said solemnly: We are one, love each other, and live and die together. . Just when Li Yexing was being held accountable by the wives sitting in front of him, the frantic team was sitting behind Li Yexing, lined up to watch the family 1 ethics drama in front of him.

I didn't expect that Ye Xingge is usually like this. Jiang Xueyang whispered: Sure enough, the pain between people is not incompatible. I think it is really incompatible.. Fisher whispered: I also want to be in such pain.. When she heard Fisher's words, Anna smiled. Just when she was about to open her mouth to sneer at Fisher, a clear voice suddenly came from the communicator, and she heard only the low and hoarse voice. Said: This is stinky tofu, Li. Can you hear 9?

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