What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-81. The extreme evacuation of the macho

At this moment, the bar owner's voice was like the sound of nature, helping Li Yexing to relieve the siege in an instant, ignoring Tililith's resentment under huge pressure, Li Yexing turned around and pressed the communicator beside his ear Boss, where have you been? The third floor of the facility... A low and hoarse voice came from the other side of the communicator, and the bar owner said solemnly, The situation here is complicated, and I need your assistance.

No problem, the support is in place, and the helicopter is at the exit of the facility.. Li Yexingdao: But you have to pay attention, H.C.F's bombers have already taken off, and soon they will use bombs to plow the entire island again, You have to hurry up. Understood. After a brief silence, the bar owner replied in a deep voice. Oh, it seems that Mr. Boss is unstoppable. Li Yexing said with a smile. This time, there was no reply from the other side. The leader of the frantic team said that he will be able to withdraw soon, let's wait a little longer. Li Yexing turned around and wiped away the tears on the test. Rita raised her head and said to Li Yexing with a cold face: 'Five minutes' , Sir, we can only wait five minutes for him, and once that is over, we risk being drawn into the bombing. Got it. Li Yexing nodded and said. Five minutes. Another Fisher sitting in the helicopter took out the Pad and called up the map of the facility. He frowned and said: 'Look, the boss just said he was in the facility The inner third floor, which is the experimental area. This is too difficult. Jiang Xueyang, who was also looking at the map, said in a low voice, Five minutes, even if you run down at one speed the whole way, it will be difficult to get out, right? Look, that maid just doesn't want to take the captain away... Paglis whispered, and as soon as she finished speaking, Anna slapped her on the back of the head.

Why are you hitting me?! Are you ill?! Puglis immediately frowned. Shut up. Anna whispered, Don't you die? Spray looked up at Rita, who was sitting opposite, with a frosty face, and Puglis smacked her lips with a displeased expression. No one spoke anymore, the helicopter fell into silence, Tililith was sulking, and from time to time she used her eyes to persuade Tillyrian, who wanted to lean up, to retreat. Rita crossed Erlang's legs and closed her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking. What, Hanan was standing beside Li Yexing smoking a cigarette, while Qiandao Tong was sitting there without saying a word, holding the mad bone. It was through the gas mask that Li Yexing could feel the tense atmosphere surrounding them. Li Yexing thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and stared at the time on his mobile phone. Almost two minutes had passed since the bar owner communicated. Looks like you care about that guy. Putting his tongue on the ground, Kanan whispered to Li Yexing. It's a lie to say that you don't care. Li Yexing frowned and stared at the phone: After all, we only offer discounts to bars in our office all year round.

Kanan shrugged and didn't speak. Just like this, more than one minute passed, and at this moment, the communicator rang, but the voice was not from the bar owner, but from Casimir, and I just heard him say: Mr. Li. , Can you hear it? I can hear it. Li Yexing said solemnly: What's wrong?' Bad news, the intelligence department has detected the H.C.F bomber, you must evacuate from your location within three minutes, Otherwise, you are likely to be directly involved in the bombing. Chief Casimir: Have you managed it? Hearing Chief Casimir's words, Li Yexing's brows furrowed even tighter. From the tone of the director of Casimir, I could hear--si impatient, even the director who is always cynical is anxious, it can be seen that the situation is critical, Li Yexing paused, and then said to the director of Casimir: The leader of the frantic team is trying to evacuate outside the facility, pick him up, and we will leave immediately. Hearing Li Yexing's words, the other side of the communicator was silent. After a while, Director Casimir said solemnly: Li. You know what you are doing, right? I know very well. Li Yexing replied. That's good. Director Casimir said solemnly: Mr. Li, I believe in your decision, so please don't let me down. Well, the communication has been cut off. The communication with Director Casimir is over, Li Yexing picked up the phone again, and there was only one minute left before Rita's departure time. When he came to the door of the helicopter, Li Yexing raised his head and stared at the hole on the hillside, where it was dark. It was a piece of paint, and it was unusually quiet, and there was no sign of anyone coming out.

Soon, five minutes passed. After counting three hundred seconds, Rita suddenly opened her eyes, her gray eyes did not contain the slightest emotion, she said solemnly: The time is up, sir, we should go.

Wait! Before Li Yexing could speak, Jiang Xueyang suddenly posted, and he said anxiously: 'Give the captain a little more time, and the captain can come out! Rita didn't reply, but just pinned her eyes on it. Jiang Xueyang's body, in an instant, Jiang Xueyang only felt cold, a strong sensory stimulation frantically tormented him, a second later, he bowed like a shrimp, and then began to retching continuously. Damn! Puglis changed in an instant, and stopped between Rita and Jiang Xueyang, she said sharply, What have you done to Jiang? Anna desperately grabbed Puglis's arm, for fear that she would suddenly become ill Go straight up. Ignoring the angry Puglis, Rita turned her head and said coldly to the pilot of the helicopter: 'Shut up, don't you want to be blown up too?' He stopped the communicator and said anxiously: Captain! Where are you? It's too late! The bomber is about to fly overhead! After a moment of silence, the bar owner's voice came from the other side of the communicator, and I just heard him say : You retreat. What?! Boss, are you serious? Paglis said loudly, staring at her eyes. That's right. The bar owner said solemnly, You don't have to wait for me, you can withdraw. But the captain is still struggling. Standing up straight, Jiang Xueyang just wanted to say

What, the bar owner interrupted him rudely, only to listen to the bar owner: Listen, your responsibilities have been fulfilled, the next thing you have to do is to quickly withdraw... This is war, survival is yours Responsibility. Listening to the words from the communicator, Li Yexing suddenly raised his head and widened his eyes. He stared blankly at the dark hole on the opposite hillside, as if he suddenly remembered something. After a while, he lowered his voice. He said to himself: Sure enough Let's withdraw. Rita on the other side said coldly, she stood up and walked to the cockpit step by step, her high heels stepped on the cabin of the helicopter, making a crisp sound , but at this moment, Li Yexing suddenly said: Give him a minute. What? Rita turned her head to look at Li Yexing, who was squatting at the door of the helicopter cabin, her eyes full of disbelief. Give him another minute and he will come out. Li Yexing whispered. Sir, your Where does the confidence come from? Rita said angrily. I trust him. Li Yexing whispered. Mr. is too self-willed! Rita finally burst out, with anger on her face, just as she was about to say something, one hand grabbed her, and Li Pei felt a little Turning his head irritably, he saw Hitomi Kanjima shook his head at her. My mother said when she was alive that a so-called good woman must respect the man's consciousness.. Looking at Rita angrily, Hitomi Kanjima spoke in Japanese. Whispered: I choose to believe in the choice of night walks. Hearing Hitomi Kanjima's words, Rita was suddenly stunned. Yes, what's wrong with me, as a perfect maid, I only need to help the master after he did something wrong, but I was so gaffe, from Before attacking the village, she started to lose her temper and yelled at her master. Yelling. She slid her fingers through her gray hair. Rita's face became very ugly. Her concern and love for her master were harmonious. Being the perfect little girl is interspersed - which makes Rita in a dilemma. However, if there is no master, do - a perfect maid. What's the point? No, even if I'm hated by my husband, I must give priority to saving my husband's life! Just when Rita, who had made a decision, was about to force the helicopter to take off, I heard Tiililian suddenly say loudly: Coming! The next second, on the hillside, a scarred figure rushed out, tearing open the vines in the hole, he was wearing a tattered black combat uniform, a body armor full of scratches, and a button on his face. A gas mask with a shattered lens and cracked lenses rushed towards the helicopter like a track and field athlete. Chased out through the hole, they howled excitedly, chasing the back in front of them constantly. Damn! I knew you could do it! Li Yexing shouted excitedly: ' 'The helicopter can take off!' In an instant, the propellers turned, and with the sound of the engine, the helicopter began to rise slowly, and Li Yexing came out Half body, stretched out his hand towards the bar owner and the bar owner jumped up abruptly in the sprint, - grabbing Li Yexing's hand, Li Yexing took advantage of the situation and dragged the bar owner directly into the cabin of the helicopter

On the other side, seeing the human flesh flying in their hands, the group of green-skinned monsters didn't seem to be reconciled. The green-skinned monsters running at the front suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the hatch of the helicopter. Li Yexing came one by one. Turning over, he jumped over with his feet, and shouted: Give the claw! In an instant, the green-skinned monster flew upside down and fell heavily on the ground, with a mud footprint on its head. The helicopter slowed down. Slowly ascending into the air, Li Yexing let go of the bar owner's hand. He stuck his head out and looked at the green-skinned monsters who were jumping around in the ground. He said with some doubts: This is the hunter β?°

That's right. The bar owner nodded subconsciously, and then said a little surprised: You still know this? I know a lot of things, Li Yexing said with a chuckle. On the helicopter, the bar owner stood up tiredly and looked around at the people in the helicopter. After confirming that his team members were in good condition, the bar owner ignored the excited team members. He turned his head and whispered to Li Yexing: No Have you all been evacuated? Why wait until now?' 7.. Zuiyong evoked a happy arc, Li Yexing chuckled and said: Because I also think there will be death.

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