What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-82. The new daily life of the macho

The Caribbean commission ends, a week later. Huh?! You said that my lord's operation is garbage?! What kind of garbage are you?! A crisp and somewhat squeamish scolding sounded in the office, instantly breaking the quiet morning in the office, and then, someone typing on the keyboard The voice began to sound intensively, and as the Enter key was tapped, the blond girl raised her head, her nose turned to the sky, and she was calm, as if she had accomplished some great feat. Li Yexing, who was nibbling on Rita's egg cake, sat on the sofa in casual clothes, pressed the cigarette butt hanging from his mouth into the ashtray on the coffee table, and then turned his attention to the blond girl sitting in front of his desk. , I saw that the girl was wearing a black Umbrella logo eye patch on her left eye, and her red right eye was full of air. She was wearing a white camisole on the upper body, showing a small navel, and wearing ultra-short jeans on the lower body. The snow-white and slender thighs stretched out and coiled together, and were pressed on the small feet Y under the thighs, and the cardamom-like toes twitched twice from time to time. This blond girl is Li Yexing's sister-in-law, Tililith's younger sister, the smart and lovely Lord Tililian. The sound of footsteps came, and then the 2nd room] was pushed away, and Kanan, who was wearing a black sports bra, walked in. She glanced at the blonde girl who kept tapping on the keyboard, and then silently came to the refrigerator. Take out two cans of beer from it, put one can in front of Li Yexing, and leave the other can for Zi 2. Sitting next to Li Yexing, Kanan skillfully put his hand into Li Yexing's trousers pocket, He took out a pack of cigarettes from it, and put it in his mouth.- He handed it to Li Yexing, and the two of them skillfully lit a cigarette together, then sat on the sofa together and drank a sip of beer, and started She's really waking up. After a while, Kanan, whose nostrils were smoking, whispered. Maybe it's because sleeping on the sofa is uncomfortable, Li Yexing replied in a low voice. After a brief conversation, the two There was no sound, and for a while, only the keyboard tapping and Tiililian's scolding remained in the office. This is a bit like her sister. After a while, Kanan suddenly smiled and said: Don't look at the eldest lady's words, but the eldest lady can scold people when she is angry, but she will not say something like the second lady. Then, Speaking of this, Kanan paused for a while. Then he turned to Li Yexing with a bit of reassurance on his face: Boss, you said she was studying with Zhun? There was a hint of embarrassment on his face, Li Ye Xing turned his head and whispered, You can teach yourself without a teacher, right?

Li Yexing knew very well that Tili Jingsi and Tililian, the golden and silver sisters, had turned into stinky girls, and they had to take a lot of responsibility. While sighing at the impermanence of the world, I saw that the person in the office was pushed away again. This time, it was Rita who had just cleaned up the kitchen. She was wearing the familiar backless maid outfit and her legs were wrapped in black silk. Rita walked into the office with her high heels on. After seeing Li Yexing and Kanan, she smiled and nodded. Then she came to the desk with a small delicate tray and put a cup of black tea on the desk. Rita bowed slightly and said, Second miss, please use tea. Oh, thank you...don't even look at Rita, Tilly Hean stared at the computer screen, she took the teacup to her mouth and took a sip. Then she immediately let out a cry like a small animal, put the Ying Cup on the table, and Tiililian-fan fanned her tongue: It's so hot!

On the other side, the two cups of Hongrong left on the tray were placed on the coffee table, and Rita whispered, Sir, Miss Kanan, please use tea. Thank you Rita. Li Yexing chuckled. Ta, and then stretched out his hand to wrap Rita's neck, and whispered softly on Rita's side face.

Sir, really. Rita stood up with a chuckle, holding the tray in both hands, and didn't seem to want to leave.

Is Tililith still asleep? Li Yexing asked casually after a while. Yes, sir, Miss is still asleep, Rita replied softly, Miss seemed to be unable to sleep last night, playing games late..

Yes.. Li Yexing nodded and said, and then he suddenly realized that the voices in the office seemed to have decreased. Li Yexing turned his head towards the desk subconsciously, and saw that he was sitting at his boss. The Tylilian keyboard on the chair stopped typing, and she stopped scolding, and in an instant, the irritable blonde girl disappeared. After a while, she seemed to have lost interest in torturing her teammates. The blond girl slipped off the office chair, her snow-white feet stretched into the pink plush slippers, and seeing Li Yexing looking at her, her little face immediately It turned red, but she didn't speak, she turned around, and like a thief, she carefully opened the door of the office and entered the corridor. Oh hoo, it's the end with a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth, Kanan said maliciously: This girl is absolutely amazing, remember to eat or not to beat. Rita didn't speak, but the curvature of the corners of her mouth became wider. At this moment, the perfect maid smiled like a little fox. Sure enough, just as everyone expected a few seconds later, with a loud bang and Tilly Jing'an's screams, the door of the office was slammed open, wearing 3 silk tulle pajamas, with silver hair all over her head. With dark circles under her eyes, Tili Lisi walked out with a blank face. She stepped on the cold floor tiles with bare feet, and dragged her hands. The door O, pushed open the door, and then threw her sister out like throwing garbage. After doing all this, Tililith clapped her hands and turned to look at Li Yexing, her face full of expression. resentment. With the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground outside the house, Hitomi Kanjima in a kendo suit rushed into the house immediately, holding her mother-in-law, looked around at the people in the office and subconsciously shouted in Japanese What happened? Ye Xifu was defeated, don't care. Kanan took a sip of beer and waved his hand with a smile, and then whispered: No, this time doesn't seem to be a night attack. However, from time to time, Miss. A little too much? On the other side, Rita smiled and said: 'After all, Second Miss is also Miss's younger sister. Hearing Rita's words, Tililith thought for a while, then nodded, as if she thought that what Rita said was reasonable.

She walked out again, barefoot, and after a while, Tililian was dragged back and dropped on the ground like a dead dog. With a sigh, Li Yexing stood up and walked to Ti Lilian's side. Just as he was about to help her up, he heard Ti Li He, who was lying on the ground, say: Don't touch my lord, perverted, just Let Lord Ben die here. Let's... 0 Ha? Li Yexing was slightly stunned, and then said: 'What are you talking about, what the hell are you talking about? His face was against the floor tile and he turned his head, showing a lifeless expression. , Tililian whispered: My lord is hated by my elder sister, and my lord is not even from country F.

Ah, there is no greater sorrow than death. Seeing Ti Lilian's painful appearance, Li Yexing was about to say something when suddenly, there was a burst of knocks at the door. Li Yexing raised his head following the sound, only to see a man with a small belly on his back. The middle-aged old man was standing at the entrance of the office. He lowered his head and looked at Tilly Hean, who was lying on the ground without love, and then looked up at Li Yexing. After a while, his expression became complicated. . Li, I know a little bit about Tianchao's going to have a concubine. After a moment of entanglement, the bar owner Shen Shengyong: However, are you bullying a little too much? The tactical commander of the first agency, the second lady of the European branch of Black Umbrella. Listening to the bar owner's words, Li Yexing covered his forehead in despair.

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