Scratching his short hair, Li Yexing turned his head and said, Hank, why are you here? Come to deliver something, and pick up Tililian back by the way. The bar owner, or Death God Hank said with a smile . Send something? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice: What is it? The director of Casimir asked me to send something. Hank waved at Li Yexing and said, Come out and see. , Hank turned and walked out of the office. Out of curiosity, Li Yexing followed Hank out and stepped on the stairs. Li Yexing looked down and saw a few people wearing black combat uniforms on the side of the street. People are constantly unloading boxes and boxes of goods from a black truck. The cargo boxes have a metallic texture and have a completely black appearance. After the boxes are unloaded, these people in black combat uniforms look at Hank, so Hank turned his head to Li Yexing and said: Is it convenient to move in? Let's move in by ourselves. Li Yexing smiled, then turned his head to Kanan who was standing at the door watching the excitement: I came out to move things. . If you take responsibility, you will call me. He smacked his lips in annoyance, and then the corners of his mouth twitched again, Kanan shrugged, and followed Li Yexing down the stairs quickly. They all moved into the office. On the other side, seeing that Li Yexing received the goods, several people in black combat uniforms nodded to Hank, then got in the car and left. Putting all the goods on the ground, Li Yexing looked down. Wearing black metal boxes of different sizes, he raised his head and said to Hank: What is this all about?

Good thing, Hank said with a smile. With curiosity and doubts, Li Youxing directly opened the largest box, and saw a huge silver-white object lying quietly in the box, which looked like a The coffin has a metallic texture, with a black Umbrella logo printed on it. The logo is surrounded by entanglements, as if it can be deformed at any time. This thing. I seem to have seen it somewhere Li Yexing Just wondering, she saw Ti Lilian, who was lying on the ground, suddenly stood up. She ran to the box in three steps, and then lifted the huge silver-white coffin in the box, tightly. Holding him in his arms, while rubbing against his small face, he exclaimed excitedly, Ah! Is it a new 'coffin' 'coffin'? That weapon specially developed for Tililian? Li Yexing was slightly taken aback when he heard the name. , he stood up, looked at the other boxes, and said a little surprised: No way... He eagerly opened the next box, and saw a black restraint suit lying quietly inside. With all the silver-white locks, the body of the clothes exudes a metallic luster, and the texture feels a bit strange. Seeing the clothes in the box, Tililith's ruby ​​eyes instantly lit up, and she exclaimed in a low voice, Wow. This is a new combat uniform specially designed for Miss Tililith. Han standing by the side Ke smiled and said: 'After collecting the data of the trial combat uniform 5. The first agency immediately improved the original version, so there is this set of combat uniforms. After live ammunition testing, it can directly let users Ignoring the impact force of small and medium-caliber bullets, it effectively mitigates the impact force of large-caliber bullets. Even if the front is hit by a bullet, the suit will not be damaged. This is really surprising. Li Yexing said in a low voice, he He turned his head and opened the next box, only to see a sickle full of metal texture and sense of technology, the sickle was black, only the blade and handle had a very complicated mechanical structure. Adopted green, in the knife

The head end of the blade is also printed with the black Umbrella logo. Looking at the scythe in the box, Rita's expression became a little strange, she said with some doubts: This...for me? Yes, this is The name of the sickle is 'Gene Harvester', and it was also built by the first agency, but the sickle itself was designed by Director Casimir himself. Hank explained to Rita with a smile: After collecting Griffith After some of the actual combat data of Miss Griffith, Director Casimir believed that conventional weapons or armors had no meaning to Miss Griffith, so he presided over the design and manufacture of this sickle, except that the sickle was made of alloy as a whole. , it will not be damaged by cutting flesh or conventional armor, and the most important thing is that this sickle is equipped with a hunting system inside, which can collect blood samples of the target, and directly use it for Miss Griffith to absorb and use after drawing DNA. This is an amazing gift. She took out the sickle from the box, and gently stroked her plain white fingers on the islands. Rita raised her head and smiled at Hank: Although there has been an unpleasant experience, but I still want to express my gratitude to Mr. Casimir. Okay. On the other side, Li Yexing nodded and said, Let's see what the next gift is. Well, Li Yexing opened the smallest box, and saw a test tube lying quietly in the box, which seemed to contain some medicine, Li Yexing carefully took out the test tube, and saw that it was lying quietly inside. It was carrying something the size of a grain of rice that looked like a worm's egg. This is... for Kanan? Lifting his head, Li Yexing said with some doubts. That's right, this was given to Miss Kanan by Director Casimir. The gift, the trial-made fourth-generation Las PI ags parasite eggs, codenamed 'Knife's Edge'. Hank nodded and said: Back then, the Black Umbrella South Africa branch had considered imitating other institutions, in the same I injected multiple parasites into the body, but these plans all failed. Experiments have shown that individuals injected with more than one parasite are likely to die or undergo malignant mutations, so I put this plan on hold, and now, as a perfect parasite Insect body, Miss Kanan has enough strength to control more powerful parasite individuals. Ah? It's so cool to give away to others, and I'll have a worm egg left? Or is it a parasite? Kanan's face was awkward After a chill, she waved her hand and said, Does the supervisor in your family have any prejudice against me? Don't... Li Yexing smiled, he turned his eyes to the last box, and said with a smile: Since everyone has it, the one in this box,

-It must be Hitomi's gift, right?

That's right, the last one is a gift for Miss Kanjima, or for Miss Li. Hank smiled and said, Open it and take a look, it's made to order.

Under the expectant gaze of Hitomi Kanjima, Li Yexing opened the last box and saw a knife lying quietly in the box. The size of this knife looked similar to that of an ordinary Japanese samurai sword. In a silver scabbard with a black Umbrella logo. Kanjima Hitomi turned to look at Li Yexing with a questioning look in his eyes. Li Yexing smiled and nodded. With the permission of Li Yexing, Hitomi Kanjima couldn't wait to take out the knife from the box. As soon as he got started, Hitomi Kanjima couldn't help but say in Japanese: So light, and then she slowly pulled the blade out. , I saw that this knife had no handguards, the blade and the handle were integrated, the whole knife was pitch black, and it flashed a frightening cold light in the daytime.

It is entirely made of alloy, it can be used at high temperature and high pressure, and it can be used normally even if it is quenched. Hank said with a smile: This knife is not from the first agency, but from the executive department of the joint committee at the headquarters. From there, the entire black Umbrella, there are less than ten people who own this saber. In a way, the power symbol of this knife is more than its actual combat significance. I like it. Thank you very much! Hitomi Kanjima said excitedly in broken English, and bowed to Hank by the way. After removing all the boxes, Li Yexing raised his head thoughtfully, looked at Hank and said, So, no My? You've got the most precious thing from Director Casimir. Hank said with a smile: Director Casimir said if you want a gift too, I'll answer like this. On the other side, Tililian's little face It instantly turned red. Okay. Li Yexing nodded and said with a smile: We've finished unpacking the gifts, where are you going next? Take Tillyrian back to the bar? That's right. Hank nodded and said: I must be staying at your side. The commander-in-chief has caused you a lot of trouble, right? No, the second lady is a very cute child... Rita smiled and seemed to be in a good mood. My lord will not leave. ! On the other hand, Tililian suddenly turned around and hugged Tililith who was beside her, while rubbing Ruo Tililith's face - while shouting, I haven't slept with my elder sister yet! m bar. Tiliris said with an expressionless face. Don't make trouble, Commander-in-chief... With a hint of helplessness on his face, Hank whispered: Don't forget, you are still taking medicine. Oh, yes Now, I have to take medicine. When it came to taking medicine, Ti Lilian instantly fell silent. She lowered her head and put on two golden ponytails, like a frosted eggplant - said: It's so annoying. what.

Reluctantly, she put on her coat, put on her shoes, went out, stood beside Hank and waved to Tililith, Then I'll go, sir, no. Don't miss me. I don't want to, Tillypins replied.

Okay. Hank smiled, then turned his head and said to Li Yexing: See you another day. Wait... Seeing Hank and Tillyrian preparing to leave, Li Yexing suddenly said: 'I'll follow you guys Let's go back together. Are you going to the bar? Hank asked. Well, let's have a drink. Li Yexing nodded and said, I'll go too! Kanan, who was standing behind, immediately raised his head like a primary school student. Then he turned his head to Li Yexing and said, I've already helped you carry things. Wouldn't it be too much for you to invite me for a drink? Then let's go together. Li Yexing said with a smile. Wait a minute, I'll change clothes. With an excited smile on his face, Kanan turned around and ran towards the bedroom.

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