Even in the middle of the year, Loples is still cold. Taking Kanan and following Hank and Tilly to set up security, Li Yexing crossed two streets and came to a cramped frenzied bar. Hank, who was walking in front, pushed away.

After entering the gate, Tililian, Li Yexing and Kanan immediately got in. As usual, there were no customers in the bar at all. Fisher sat behind the counter, wiping clean glasses from Xiguang, while Puglis was lying on the counter, just like a bar or a fish. Anna didn't touch any fish today, she sat In front of the counter, he was flipping through Shi Qing magazines and looked listless. As for Jiang Xueyang, the industrious little waiter was carefully wiping every table. Hearing the sound of pushing the door, everyone in the frantic team immediately focused their attention on the door of the bar. When they saw Li Yexing and Kanan, everyone was slightly stunned, and then they reacted. Jiang Xueyang folded the rag and hung it on his arm, and then Greeting Li Yexing and Kanan: Brother Yexing, and Miss Kanan. After a closer look, Jiang Xueyang is dressed in normal clothes today, a standard waiter uniform with some too long black hair in his head. It was then tied into a short ponytail, which barely made it possible to tell that this was not a woman, but a beautiful young man with red lips and white teeth. ... He politely greeted Jiang Xueyang, and Li Yexing turned his head and smiled at Fisher. He said: *Come- Hakbo cultivated land. Fisher listlessly waved his hand to Jiang Xueyang and said: 'Go and get a box of oak barrels.Okay. Jiang Xueyang nodded, with a rag on his arm, he walked quickly Running towards the warehouse at the back, after a while, he came out with a box of hardcover beer and put the beer next to the counter, Jiang Xueyang smiled at Li Yexing and Kanan. Drink so much in the early morning. Wine, this is a young man. - Hank next to him smiled, with a bit of emotion in his tone, and he said to Li Yexing, Get out of the dark, I'm going to get medicine for Tilimaoan. After all, Hank took Tiililian upstairs. This is a tradition in our family. Drinking at any time. Laughing like a self-deprecating smile, Kanan sat down next to Puglis, then took out four bottles of beer from the box, and pushed two of them at will. Arriving in front of Puglis, she smiled and said, Want to have a drink together? With a little surprise on her face, Puglis looked at Kanan, and after a while, she nodded and said: Thank you. Then he picked up a bottle unceremoniously, lifted the cap, and took a big mouthful with his neck raised. Li Yexing sat down against Kanan, took out four bottles from the box and lined them up in front of him. , he opened a bottle, slipped down -0, and then said to Anna, who was sitting next to him reading a magazine, Do you mind if I smoke? I lit one.' Well, when I didn't ask. Li Youxing shrugged, took out cheap cigarettes from his pocket, and gave one to himself. -Then gave Kanan, and the two lit cigarettes as they were accustomed to. The bartender Fisher frowned. Boss Li, can't you think about the feelings of single people? After a while, Fisher whispered. You can find one. Li Yexing raised his head and smiled at Fisher: To tell you the truth, in Loples, I know quite a few good girls. Forget it. Fisher shook his head and said, I can probably guess what ingredients you are about to introduce to me. The atmosphere seemed to be a lot more relaxed. Jiang Xueyang also brought a stool and sat between Li Yexing and Anna. Li Yexing picked up two bottles from the box and placed them in front of Jiang Xueyang. He smiled and said, Come on, gentlemen, have a drink. Then I'll be very welcome. Jiang Xueyang nodded with a smile, opened a bottle, he raised his neck and took a gulp like Puglis did. Beside him, Anna turned her gaze from the magazine to Jiang Xueyang. A few seconds later, she He spread the magazine on the counter, pushed it in front of Jiang Xueyang, and said with a smile: Little Arctic Wolf, do you want to try this? Jiang Xueyang glanced at the pictures in the magazine, and his face instantly turned red. Little Arctic Wolf, come and try it. Let's try it. Anna begged in a slightly sweet voice, Jiang Xueyang repeatedly shook his head and said, No, this can't be said, he also cast a help-like look at Paglis, but Pa Grace ignored him and just drank the wine to herself without saying anything.

Why is Pugliese's reaction so calm today? Li Yexing was a little surprised when he looked at Pugliese's unconcerned appearance, and he whispered: As usual, you shouldn't just jump up and fight Anna desperately. Huh? Hearing Li Yexing's words, Puglis turned to look at Li Yexing with a dead face and said:' 'Boss Li, what are you talking about? Look at Puglis' ugly face Face, Li Yexing knew that she was ill. On the other side, pressing her chin on the counter and staring at the wine bottle in her hand, Puglis whispered: You still have time to look after me, have you coaxed your fox-faced maid? Well, it's settled. Recalling the scene of that day, Li Yexing nodded with a smile. That day, not long after the helicopter was withdrawn, the H.C.F bomber turned the entire island into a sea of ​​fire. The air pressure on the helicopter was extremely low, and everyone was Silent, after a long flight, the helicopter finally returned to the base of Black Umbrella hidden on a small island, the helicopter slowly landed, and the ground personnel had been prepared for a long time, the moment the helicopter touched the ground, they They swarmed up and took away the exhausted and wounded frenzied team and Ti Lilian who was in urgent need of adjustment. The girls followed Li Yexing - one by one - got off the plane and stood on the grass beside the black Umbrella. The staff were busy with each other, while Rita stood silently on the side, looking a little desolate. Looking at Rita's back, Li Yexing's heart felt sour. He knew that this time, because of his reckless actions, the people who loved him were sad. Just like Leon's vehicle has a high probability of exploding, Chris' teammates are very big. Like the probability of an accident, Li Yexing couldn't explain to Rita why he knew that Hank would be able to run out within a safe time, and in Rita's view, this kind of behavior undoubtedly put the lives of himself and the girls on the line. Grilled. He sighed softly. Li Yexing stepped forward slowly, hugged Rita from behind, and put his hands around her waist, he moved closer to Rita

He whispered in his ear: I'm sorry for worrying you..

Sir, that's right, it's Rita who's wrong. The plain white catkin gently pressed against her hand, and Rita's apologetic voice came into Li Yexing's duo, and she whispered: Body For the ladies of the gentleman, Rita was messed up, yelling at the gentleman, failing to understand the self-confidence of the gentleman, this is Rita's gaffe...

Don't say that, Rita. The hands around Rita became tighter. Li Yexing whispered, I know, this time I messed up, I've been relying on my lone wolf method from start to finish. Fighting with the mind, and getting more and more excited, I indulged in this lonely fighting atmosphere, and felt as omnipotent as those tough guys in Hollywood movies, so that I ignored your feelings Feeling the tenderness in my arms His body trembled slightly, and Li Yexing continued to whisper: Kanaan is right, even though there are so many important people around me, I still haven't changed, I haven't learned to think about you at all, but I I swear, it won't be like this in the future. Li Yexing whispered softly rubbing against Rita's ear playing: In the future, I won't risk myself, because I have something more important... Mr. . Rita turned her head and looked at Li Yexing, her gray eyes filled with mist and tenderness. Within two years, we will not accept the commission.. Li Yexing smiled and said, Let's live a peaceful life. . The next second, under the watchful eyes of the Black Umbrella staff, Li Yexing and Rita huddled together.

Suddenly, there was a solitary applause in his ears, looking at the two people who were chatting, a staff member with eyes clapped his hands, and noticed that no one around him echoed. 5. He stopped moving awkwardly, but then, There was another round of applause, followed by more and more staff applauding, and finally, thunderous applause. Amid the applause, Rita let go of Li Yexing and said shyly: 'Why are they applauding... Who knows? Li Yexing smiled and said softly: I think it's pretty good too. Just as he was about to say a few words to Rita, a small hand grabbed the corner of Li Yexing's clothes, Li Yexing turned his head, only to see Tililith gently pressing her plain white fingers between her cherry lips, Li Yexing seemed to be implying something, and Li Yexing understood it. He lowered his head and hugged Tililith enthusiastically. At this moment, the applause was even louder, and Li Yexing seemed to hear someone shouting: Miss. Great job! Miss is so brave! After a while, she let go of Tililith, who was still unsure, Li Yexing turned her head and saw Hitomi Kanjima standing beside her. She blushed and hesitated to speak, so Li Yexing He stepped forward and hugged her, pressed his lips up, and released it until Hitomi Kanjima couldn't breathe. After talking one by one, Li Yexing turned his head and looked at the deliberately standing on tiptoes beside him. Turning his head to whistle Kanan, he smiled and said, How about it, good brother, or we'll come too - the clothes are rolling! The meat room is dead, who wants to talk to you? With disgust on his face, Kanan waved his hand. As soon as the words fell, - I don't know which wicked staff member shouted with rhythm in the applause: Kiss one! Kiss one! Kiss one! Then, all the staff in the audience began to applaud- - He coaxed: Kiss one! Kiss one! Kiss one Damn it! What's the matter with you?! Looking at the large group of black Umbrella staff around the fire, Kanan couldn't help shouting: Aren't you supposed to be the kind of dark and evil big organization that is full of force? Why are you acting like elementary school students? On the other hand, Li Yexing leaned over and whispered to Kanan, how is it? Come on, they are again It was clapping and shouting, and it was very tiring. Spray.. smacking his lips with a displeased face, Kanan turned his head blushing, then turned his head suddenly, stretched out his hand around Li Yexing's neck, and rubbed Li Yexing's lips fiercely. At this moment, The applause and cheers sounded like a tsunami.

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