In the crowd, Jia Liya tightened her coat, and then whispered: Director Casimir, you are really bad taste. How can this be 4 bad taste? With a chuckle, he said, The Chosen One and the ultimate artworks around him share love with each other. What a wonderful scene this is? After the sweet episode ended, the staff of Black Umbrella were busy again. They dispersed one after another, and soon, only Director Casimir and Secretary Carya, who had just hidden in the crowd, were left on the grass. On the other side, after talking to Kanan again, Li Yexing turned his head and saw a man wearing a big white box and his secretary not far away. Seeing that Li Yexing had looked at the man's mouth, the corners of his mouth twitched - with a smile. , he opened his arms, - walking towards Li Yexing - and excitedly said like a poem: 'Welcome to your triumphant return! Without any intelligence support, we fought happily on the isolated island where the forces were intertwined, and finally at the Life and death - the bright line between the lines, perfectly completed the entrustment of the employer, worthy of you, the strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere, Li Yexing, Mr. Li! After saying that, Director Casimir will hug Li Yexing. Li Yexing said expressionlessly as he gently raised his hand against Director Casimir's chest.

Anyway, it's really beyond my expectations, whether it's this commission, or you and I believe that apart from you, there is no other mercenary in this world who can break through such hell.

No compliments. With a wave of his hand, Li Yexing raised his head, looked at the man with glasses and disheveled hair in front of him and said, Listen to the voice, you

That's right, I am the only research director of the European branch of Black Umbrella - Durand Casimir! Extending his hand to Li Yexing, Director Casimir smiled and said: This is our first -A real meeting, Mr. Li.

Symbolically shaking hands with Director Casimir, Li Yexing said in a low voice: 'Since you are here, you can talk about a lot of things, and what are you going to do about the remuneration?

Director Casimir's smile instantly stiffened, and Secretary Jia Liya, who was standing beside Director Casimir, turned her head and glanced at Director Casimir vaguely. I don't know if it was an illusion, Li Yexing felt that in the eyes of that secretary. As if with a bit of ridicule. After a moment of silence, Director Casimir's smile gradually became embarrassed, and he whispered: 'That's right, Mr. Li, given the complexity of this commission and various reasons, your commission will definitely be large. The magnitude of the improvement, but yeah. Our cooperation, you see, it's a very long-term..”

So what? Li Yexing asked, tilting his head, his tone was rather unkind. With an embarrassed smile on his face, Director Casimir asked a little tangled: Can we pay in installments? Looking at Director Casimir who smiled as if his face was about to bloom, Li Yexing nodded. Oh, I understand, do you want to take credit? Isn't it possible? Director Casimir shook his head and said, Before we finished speaking, Li Yexing nodded and said, Oh, I I see, you want to repay the bill.

Of course not! We Black Umbrella is a reputation-based organization. It is impossible to default on a debt, and it is impossible to default in this life. Director Casimir hurriedly said. Unless you can't afford it. Standing on Casey The female secretary beside Director Mill said quietly, Huh? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows.

Don't talk nonsense, Carrie, when am I going to pay my bills?! Pretending to scolded his secretary, Director Casimir turned his head to Li Yexing I said, our situation is more complicated, and it exceeds I expected that, so this caused me to fail to prepare enough funds. You asked me to make funds immediately, which is somewhat difficult, after all, you see, I am also working for others. Speak people. Li Yexing frowned and said. I have no money now. Director Kasimir replied. Director Kaisimir's overly candid answer made Li Yexing stunned. In his mind, after so many years of licking blood, he dared to say bluntly after calling him.

...Damn it, hehe. Li Yexing was angrily laughed at by Director Casimir. No, don't get me wrong, I have repeatedly stressed that we will not default on our bills, don't worry, the commission will not be without you! Seeing Li Yexing's faint tendency to run away, Director Simil hurriedly explained, and then he turned his head to face the man beside him. Secretary Jia Liya said: Five million from the research funds allocated by the headquarters, call Mr. Li

Director Casimir, I need to warn you that you are embezzling public funds. Secretary Jia Liya said blankly. It's okay, it's not the first time it's been published this way, Casimir said.

But Dr. Angelica has already swallowed one-eight million dollars... Secretary Carrie whispered: Are you sure you want to swallow another five million? Eight million dollars?! When did it happen? Why didn't I know? Director Casimir said instantly, You personally approved it a month ago. Secretary Jia Liya replied, Damn it. She smashed her head twice, and Director Casimir said viciously, That damn economic black hole.

You two are almost done, you don't need to play a double reed for me here... With a helpless sigh, Li Yexing frowned and said: 'Tell me, how much can you give?

Three million, I'll call you directly. Casimir's main channel: The remaining two million, you have to wait for the next time our headquarters make a payment for the branch. So do you still want to embezzle public funds? Okay. Li Yexing nodded and said: I guess you, the research director of Black Umbrella, owe money to a mercenary. Thank you for your understanding, I knew it would be a pleasure to work with you - Director Casimir nodded, looking relieved, he turned to his secretary and said, Go and call Mr. Li three million dollars, one million I'm out, two hundred

Wan deducted from the research funds, remember to communicate with Angelica, and do a good job of false accounting. Okay, Director Casimir. Jia Liya bowed slightly, she quickly took out her mobile phone and tapped her fingers constantly, as if she was contacting someone, and after a while, she raised her head and said to Li Yexing: Three One million dollars will be credited to your account within forty-eight hours. Seeing that the commission issue was resolved, Li Yexing didn't want to talk to Director Casimir anymore. The smiling Rita stepped forward - walking: Director Casimir, I have something to tell you about cooperation.

After all, Rita turned her head to look at Li Yexing, as if asking for his approval. His expression suddenly became a little complicated, and Li Yexing finally nodded. With permission from Li Yexing, Rita smiled and pointed into the distance, turned her head to Casimir's main channel: Is it convenient to go over there to chat, is it convenient? There is a white light in the glasses, covering the inexplicable colors in the eyes. Director Simil pushed his glasses and said with a chuckle, Very happy, Miss Griffiths.

Soon, Rita, Director Casimir and the secretary Carrie walked into the distance. Looking at the backs of the three, Li Yexing frowned and did not speak. After a while, he took out his dagger, Reached under his clothes, and then, a trace of pain appeared on his face. A few seconds later, the blood-stained dagger was pulled out from under the clothes and inserted back into his waist. Li Yexing's hand grabbed a few blood-stained sutures and touched it with his tongue.

Under the clothes, the wound cut by the fragments of the helicopter left only a scary-looking mark, as if it was just an ordinary knife wound.

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