What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-87. The plastic sisterhood of macho wives

When Li Yexing opened his eyes again, the surroundings were already pitch black. Gently sniffing, a familiar smell came out of his nose, Li Yexing instantly judged his position, this was his own room, and he was lying on the bed of Zi 2.

The members of the chaos team were drinking in the bar from morning to afternoon. Jiang Xueyang fell first, then Anna and Pugjingsi. At noon, Kanan was invincible and retreated first, and Li Yexing, who was very happy, let him drink. She told Rita that she would not go home for lunch, and then continued drinking with Hank and Fisher. After a while, Fisher ran to Yangsuo and vomited, leaving only herself and Hank at the counter. A big man whose head was full of wine mackerel soon began to brag about Niu Fu, and it didn't take long for Hank to be too. Lying on the counter and muttering - drooling. After bringing down all the members of the frantic team , Li Yexing put on his coat, staggered back to the office, - fell on his own bed, unconscious

God, I actually drank so much... Fucking his head, Li Yexing whispered, It's been a long time since I drank so much. Yexing was forced to stand up by the urge to urinate that almost destroyed his bladder, pushed open the door of the room, walked towards the bathroom in the dark, turned on the bathroom light, Li Yexing opened the box and let out water, for a while he felt refreshed, wait-cut After it was over, he shook Xiao Yexing without lifting his pants, and went back to his room. Although he was still awake at the moment, it was already so late, and the girls had also rested. There is no other choice.

Putting away his son, taking off his clothes, Li Yexing put the phone beside the pillow, and then got into the bed. In an instant, the remaining alcohol was on his brain. Li Yexing only felt exhausted. After a while, he again Asleep. In a trance, there seems to be some movement. A strange feeling came from his body, Li Yexing suddenly opened his eyes, and he lowered his head subconsciously, only to see the swollen old man in his bed, it was obvious that there was something else in the bed besides himself! On the other hand, He seemed to have sensed something, the warm and smooth touch and the sense of weight slowly moved upward, and then, a head emerged from the quilt, and the perfect maid with gray hair watched quietly with her gray eyes. Li Yexing, after a while, she smiled and whispered, Good morning, sir.

Rita, why don't you come to my place without sleeping in the middle of the night? Although the answer could be vaguely guessed by looking at Rita's topped purple Liusi Jinwei hollowed-out underwear, Li Yexing was still a little unconvinced, after all, in his impression. In the novel, Rita has always been the perfect maid who keeps her word, saying that if you want to stop him for a month, you will definitely stop him for a month. Sir, what did Rita come to do for Mr. so late, won't Mr. understand? Seeing Li Yexing's puzzled face, Rita replied with a smile.

After a frantic kiss that almost made Li Yexing breathless, Rita - while breathing lightly - said: It's great, that's the feeling, Rita Rita is going to continue... ; Holding Rita's finger, Li Yexing's breathing became quicker. He was surprised that you said you would abstain from sex for a month? It's only been a week, right?

No, it can't be a month, Rita can't bear it anymore... The voice became more and more sweet and hot, and the tone became more and more eager, Rita pressed down, Do Rita was going to be taken by Mr. Rita, Mr. Rita wanted Mr. Rita Mr. He, Wait, stop for a while... Li Yexing frowned and said, I'm sure there's no problem, but are you okay with doing this? Talk to them for a month, but you'll come up first, isn't it? Is it like eating alone with the betrayed sisters?' Eating alone? Rita was slightly stunned, and then she said in confusion: Wouldn't it be better? Carrying my sisters behind my back, and Mr. .. Okay. Li Yexing was no longer pretentious, he slumped on the bed and said, Let's end it as soon as possible, don't let others hear. Singing There was a hint of joy on her face, and Rita nodded.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and with the sound of squeak, Li Yexing's door was suddenly opened slowly, and then, Tililith, who was wearing a white silk tulle, walked in and looked at the room. Rita, who was pressing on Li Yexing, said in a low voice, Tililith: Sure enough, Tililith knew it would turn out like this.

Little Miss was arrested, and even Rita, who was always calm, was a little flustered, but saw Tililith whispering, Nothing.

Having said that, Tililith gently closed the door of the room, she threw off her slippers, went to bed, and said to Rita, Rita is an accomplice, and she has to keep a secret.

The door opened slowly, and another girl entered Li Yexing's room. Hitomi Kanjima, who was wearing a white kimono, was even more stunned when she entered the room. Seeing Tililith and Rita on the bed, the girl's face instantly blushed. stand up. A faint steam leaked from the red cracks. Hitomi Kanjima was about to leave the bricks, but she heard Rita smiling and saying in Japanese, Miss Kanjima, you're here, and you're still here.

It doesn't matter. Tililith said in a low voice. Hitomi Kanjima thought for a while, and slowly closed the door of the room that was half open. She blushed, lowered her head, took small steps to the bed, and took off her clogs. , stepped back and then climbed straight up. So, what exactly is the meaning of your punishment? Li Yexing frowned and whispered, but the girls didn't answer, they focused on the work at hand, and would not relax for a moment. Okay. With a helpless sigh, Li Yexing whispered: Let me guess, when will Kanan come... As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the door of the room rang again, wearing a sports bra and shorts Kanan cautiously pushed open the door of Li Yexing's room, and while she walked into the room, she whispered, Boss, your good brother is here to help you not to deal with it.. After speaking, Kanan was stunned, and saw Li Yexing's bed with white flowers - a large area, with moving colors under the bright moonlight, it was a superb view.

Damn it! He suddenly turned on the light in Li Yexing's room,

Exposing everyone's activities to the light, Kanan looked at Tilly Jingsi, Rita, and Hitomi Kanjima with an expression on his face.

Meng Fu loudly said: You guys are too fake, aren't you?! Didn't you say it's been a month? You climbed up with me in just one week?! What did Miss Kanan say? ? Turning her head, plain white fingers lightly covered her red lips, Rita smiled and knew that the sisters had promised for a month, but didn't you also want to run over to steal 0 to eat? That's different. With a fit waist, Kanan's nostrils are pointing upwards - he said proudly: I'm not a sister, I'm the boss's good brother, so I'm not included! As expected of Kanan, Tililith said in a low voice, Tie Hanhan. Ah, ah, forget it! Don't worry. Shaking her head vigorously, Kanan jumped directly onto the bed, she - while taking off her clothes - said: 'The name I sent over there this afternoon is very long The worm's eggs have been pricked. I don't know why now I want to come with the boss--fa, boss, don't be pretentious, hurry up anyway, it's not bad for me

Damn. Looking at the girls on the bed, Li Yexing's facial muscles kept twitching, and after a while, he whispered, You guys are really.

After a week, Li Yexing's one-month abstinence punishment plan led by Rita declared bankruptcy.

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