What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-88. Beyond the macho, the dark tide rises again

The dark clouds covered the top, the cold wind was blowing, and the frantic air flow carried pea-sized raindrops and poured down, hitting the apron and the nearby open space. In front of the apron, a slightly fat old man in a black suit was leaning on a black safety net. The gold-encrusted right of Brera's logo seems to be quietly waiting for something. After a while, he wiped his monocle, raised his arm, glanced at his quartz watch, and then raised his head to look at the sky, his face full of traces of years showed a trace of solemnity. It didn't take long, There were bursts of footsteps behind him, and the old man turned his head to see a woman in business attire and high heels walking towards this side with a black and white umbrella, and under the umbrella, a woman wearing black Framed glasses, disheveled hair, and wrapped in a white face, the man walked up shivering. The female horse's... Director Casimir sneezed, he tightened the big white businessman on his body, and then said to the female secretary beside him: Carrie, you better open the umbrella yourself, the wind is so strong, The broken umbrella couldn't cover anything. Jia Liya thought about it and put it away, so the two of them, like the old man, were directly exposed to the rain. The raindrops hit the disheveled hair, and then ran With his cheeks dripping down, Director Casimir took light steps to the old man's side, then bowed slightly and said, Minister. Here you are, Durand. The old man called the Minister nodded, and he turned to look at Director Casimir, whose expression had become grim from the rain, with a smile on his face. It's true. Can't that woman come here in good weather? Seeing the rain soaking the old man in front of him, Director Casimir frowned and said in a low voice, Minister, if you want me to tell you, don't shower here. It's raining, it's enough to have me, you are a lot of age, in case there is another long and two short... Go away, I'm tough. Picking up the right to kidnap, he lightly beat the director of Casimir. Calf, the old man put away the smile on his face, he said solemnly: The person here is the executive officer of the executive department of the Joint Committee, let alone rain, even if it is hail or lava, I must stand It's Black Umbrella's rule to stand here to receive her. Girls, I really hope their helicopter crashes, anyway, the weather is so bad... Director Casimir looked displeased, and he cursed in a low voice. The visitor, then turned his head and said to Carrie behind him: Quick, hold an umbrella for the minister. Hearing this, Jia Liya was about to walk up, but she saw the old man raise her hand slightly and said, It's okay, it's good to be in the rain occasionally, it reminds me of the scene a few years ago.

A few years ago... Director Casimir murmured, it seems like the same - a rainy day, also from the executive department, they took my immediate boss away, when I was a doctor.

Speaking of this, Director Casimir's expression became a little ugly, and he whispered: 'This time these guys won't come back to take you away? Are they having a grudge against our European branch? Hear At the words of Director Casimir, the expression of the old man instantly became a little subtle, and he raised his eyebrows and said, Why are you taking me away? No matter how you look at it, it should be taking you away, right?

0 Ha? Why are you taking me away? I'm honest and responsible, conscientious and conscientious, and my grades have been outstanding during my work. Director Casimir said quickly: I think they must be here to take your old bones back to care for them. My dear, it won't be long before I take over your class. Be honest? The old man laughed angrily at the words of Director Casimir. He turned his head and said: 'When you say honesty, you mean misappropriation Public funds? Or do you condone the misappropriation of public funds by subordinates? Or set up an inexplicable agency behind my back and the headquarters? Or transfer the security department privately? Oh, by the way, you still use the above funds to give to a certain Eastern European The mad dog over there is making money, right? The atmosphere instantly became awkward, Director Casimir pushed the glasses that had slipped due to the twitching of his facial muscles, and Xian smiled and said, There is an old saying in the heaven that old age does not die. It's a thief too, is that you? Heh.. the old man snorted coldly: Look at your fake account, it's full of loopholes, but I can't blame you too much, after all, let a giant baby The research director, a doctor, and a security team captain make fake accounts, it's really too hard for you. The fake accounts are full of loopholes, haven't they been fooled for so many years? Director Casimir tilted his head and whispered. That's because I have corrected all the reported accounts for you! See Director Casimir With that look of indifference, the old man couldn't help but sternly said, Why do you think you've been dying every day to be alive today? Isn't it because I'm covering you?! Oh, that's really thanks to the minister. He said to the old man without any gratitude. After thanking him, Director Casimir raised his eyebrows and said, However, Minister, from what you just said, you seem to be familiar with making false accounts. What do you think? His face flashed- - Si Jiezhi, the old man smiled and said: The little things you play now are all the leftovers from what I played back then. It's okay for you to fool those later pigs. If you want to fool the Joint Committee, you are still too tender. . Speaking of this, the old man raised his head and looked at the cloudy sky, as if he was reminiscing about something, and he murmured in a low voice: I really miss the days when Miss Ashford was still there. The young people gathered together, want to change the world, look at now, we have all become what we looked down on the most.. What's so good about changing the world. Director Casimir shrugged: I I think our world is perfect as it is now. If there is a big change, how can I stay in the research room? Knowing that his subordinates have a deep creation plot, the old man took a card. Director Simil's shoulders, whispered: Put your heart in your belly, the world is always tolerant of talented people, so I try my best to ensure that our division will not suppress the talent of genius But the joint committee It seems that they dislike you very much, they always want to put their own room into our branch Director Casimir whispered: Unlike us, those low-level researchers and the pigs in the security department have nothing to do with it. Belief

And love, there was even a fool who thought he could be responsible for my lovely little daughter's accident last time! Honestly, I wanted to press them all down the toilet from the bottom of my heart.. Listen to Director Casimir Complaining, the old man remained silent. After a while, there was a faint sound from outside the sky. It was the sound of a helicopter. The enemy came to the door... the old man whispered. With the roar of the propeller, a black dot gradually passed through the rain screen, and then became larger and larger, revealing the outline of the helicopter. Finally, it hovered over the apron, and then slowly descended in the wind and rain. Damn! It doesn't crash. Director Casimir cursed in a low voice: Outrageous! The old man didn't speak, he just waited silently until the helicopter hatch opened, and a team of men in black Umbrella security uniforms opened. The soldiers came down fully armed, they lined up in two rows outside the helicopter, holding guns, standing like sculptures in the rain, and then, finally - a person jumped from the helicopter

The short black hair was wetted by the rain in an instant, sticking to the white skin, the lenses of the glasses beaten by the rain covered her dark brown eyes, and the large black windbreaker with silver locks wrapped her body, but still covered her. With her graceful figure, two slender but not too thin legs stretched out from the hem of the windbreaker and inserted straight into the high-waisted black high-heeled leather boots with silver locks, hanging from her waist. A black alloy long knife with a black Umbrella logo printed on it, even a rain screen could not block its cold light. After getting off the plane, the woman looked around. She glanced at Director Casimir in a veiled look, then walked forward with graceful steps, took off the black holster, and extended it to the long-awaited old man. hand. Hiding the faint disdain in his eyes, a stylized smile appeared on the face of the old man, he shook hands with the young woman and said, Hello, I'm the head of the European branch of Black Umbrella, Marduk Alzer. Richie. In the name of God. There was an inexplicable look in her eyes. The corner of the woman's mouth was slightly raised, and she bowed slightly: Hello, Minister Alzerrich, I am the Joint Committee of the Black Umbrella Headquarters. The tenth executive officer of the subordinate executive department i, Bai Muqing, the next work will depend on your cooperation.

. Mison.5 - Main Story End .

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