What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-DLC.1. The Return of the Hunk. The Fourth Survivor (Part 1)

There was not a single sound in the dark corridor, only the broken cable in the elevator shaft was still shaking slightly. In front of the elevator shaft, the upper body of the tyrant wearing a gray-black coat lay on the ground quietly, his fingers constantly lightly tapped. He twitched lightly, and the tyrant's lower body disappeared, shattered bones protruded from the fracture in his waist, and blood and internal organs continued to flow into the elevator shaft. There is no doubt that this tyrant has completely died. In front of the tyrant's body, Hank, who was wearing a shabby black combat uniform and a shattered gas mask, sighed with relief. He turned around and followed the map to start the year run. At the same time, he raised his hand and gently pressed the communication beside his ear. After a while, he said solemnly: This is stinky tofu, can Li hear it? Boss, where have you been? As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yexing's eager voice came from the opposite side of the communicator. I don't know if it was an illusion, but what Hank heard from inside was not only concern, but also a faint feeling of being granted amnesty. Three in the facility... Without Li Yexing's weird tone, Hank - -running- - Side whispered, The situation here is complicated, I need your support. No problem, the support is already in place, and the helicopter is at the exit of the facility... Li Yexing's voice came from the opposite side of the communicator, and he hurriedly said: But watch out, the H.C.F bombers have taken off, and soon they're going to plow the whole island with bombs—you gotta hurry up. H.CF? Shun, Hank thought of the dead bodies in the facility. Did this group of unfortunate people come from H.C.F? H.CF is Umbrella's old enemy, who died in Eric In the hands of Swesker, they are not wronged. Understood. After a brief thought, Hank Li Yexing replied in a low voice. Oh, it seems that Mr. Boss is unstoppable. Li Yexing's teasing sound came from the communicator, which made Hank slightly stunned. Vaguely, he suddenly remembered that many years ago, when he finally evacuated from Raccoon City, a guy who likes to joke once said the same thing as himself. After cutting off the communication, Hank said in a low voice, When Nightingale served in Umbrella's USS unit, Hank was both famous and notorious. People called him Death, for one thing. No matter how difficult and dangerous the mission, he can complete and survive, and another reason - he has few living teammates. Like a certain BSAA hero, Mr. Chris Redfield-, Hank, Tianke's teammates. Of course, it's not accurate to say that, Hank's teammates just have a high mortality rate, not without surviving, in The most powerful of these survivors is Nightingale. Just like the name Hank, Nightingale pilot not only has superb skills in flying helicopters, but also has a very good level of actual combat. The elite of the elite. In 198, in the Raccoon City incident, Hank successfully captured the G virus sample and prepared to evacuate when his teammates were all wiped out. It was Nightingale who was in charge of receiving Hank. At that time, Hank was working In the prime of life, he is indomitable. With his extraordinary strength, he successfully entered the police station of Huanjiao City from the launch of Raccoon City in just a few minutes. However, he never expected that the gate of the police station was blocked! In order to evacuate, Hank had to choose a detour, which made him unable to catch up with the scheduled evacuation time. Fortunately, in the end, Nightingale did not give up on him and was willing to wait for him one more hour, so he was able to escape. How similar is it to that year? He ran quickly in the corridor, and it didn't take long for Hank to return to the D area of ​​the experimental area. Next, he had to re-walk the path he had walked. Stepping on the ground The broken glass made a creaking sound, and Hank didn't dare to delay. It didn't take a few seconds for him to step over the vomit and enter the C area. Suddenly, the body reacted instinctively, Hank did not stop his steps, he made a tactical roll forward suddenly, and then, there seemed to be a Beijing wind brushing behind him, tight Then there was the sound of glass breaking. Hank knew what was going on behind him without looking at him. A hunter tried to sneak up on him, but he crashed into the laboratory next to him. Time was running out, and he couldn't stop for a moment, Hank Without even looking at the hunter behind him who was trying to climb out of the laboratory full of broken glass, he continued to run forward: as he continued, sweat began to pour out continuously, covering his body, which made him realize again clearly He didn't give in to the fact that he was old, not only that, but he quickened his pace, he could hear, the guy behind him was catching up! It's clear that he can't outrun these nimble monsters, Hank He couldn't help frowning. He was thinking about whether he could use the existing things in the scene to stop the hunter or kill it. Suddenly, the strange screams in the B area of ​​the experimental area in front of him suddenly appeared again. A hunter came out quietly, - - turned around and found Hank who was rushing towards it. Found the prey, the already hungry hunter let out an excited howl, it He kicked up his legs and jumped towards Hank, but Hank stared at this. At the moment when the hunter took off, Hank suddenly fell to the ground, and that's it, he didn't forget The broken glass on the ground slipped forward for a short distance, and the hunter who flew towards Hank from the front flew directly over Hank's head with inertia, and the hunter chasing behind Hank. slammed into each other

Hearing the piercing screams behind him, Hank used his hands and feet to stand up, rolling and crawling, and instantly rushed into the B area of ​​the experimental area, pulling away from the two hunters behind him who were hit with seven meat/\\su distance. After a series of battles, the injured Hank couldn't keep up. He gritted his teeth and forcibly rushed towards Area A of the experimental area. He rushed to the corner and saw a hunter suddenly leave. When he came out and was bumped in the face by Hank, the hunter seemed to jump in fright. He was about to call out, only to hear Hank roar in a deep voice: Fuck, go away, I'm catching a plane! The voice fell, Hank changed his posture and leaned against the top of an iron mountain, his shoulders and arms crashed into the arms of the hunter instantly, accompanied by the sound of shattering chest cavity, his physique was relatively small.

The Killer β was directly knocked out. It vomited blood and howled and slammed into the glass wall of the laboratory behind him. With the sound of glass breaking, the Hunter fell to the ground. Twitching - - howling constantly. After solving the hunter who was blocking the front, Hank rushed directly into Area A. He ran quickly, and it didn't take long for him to cross Area A and reach the door of the stairway. , the hand was just on the door handle, and there was a sudden scream behind him. When Hank turned his head, he saw that the two hunters who had just collided had already caught up. When they saw Hank, they immediately jumped and flew. When he came up, Hank suddenly opened the door and got in, and then locked the door with his backhand. The next second, he heard only two sounds of 5 eat, and the two hunters crashed into the stairway one after the other. on the metal door. Winning a little respite, Hank hurried to the office area on the fourth floor, went up the stairs, and knocked open the metal door of the stairway. Hank was about to move forward when Fisher's anxious voice came from the communicator: Captain! Where are you? Time is running out, the bomber is about to fly overhead!

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