What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

5-DLC.2. The return of the macho. The fourth survivor (Part 2)

The bomber is about to fly overhead? No? It's only been a few minutes? For a moment, Hank wondered if it was these guys who didn't want to pick him up at all, but listening to Fisher's eager voice, Hank knew that it was likely that something had changed over there. In order to ensure the safety of Mr. Li, has Director Casimir ordered to give up himself? In an instant, Hank made a judgment. He pressed the communicator beside his ear and said solemnly: You guys retreat. What?! Boss, are you serious?! Pugliese's anxious and irritable voice came from the communicator, seemingly unacceptable to Hank's decision.

That's right. After thinking deeply, Hank said solemnly: You don't have to wait for me, you can retreat. But... but the captain still... Jiang Xueyang's voice came from the communicator. I don't know if it was an illusion, the voice seemed to be He was a little weak, and before he could finish speaking, Hank interrupted him, only to hear Hank say solemnly: Listen, your responsibilities have been fulfilled, the next thing you have to do is to quickly withdraw... After a pause, Hank finally sent the words he gave to Nightingale to his teammates, and he said solemnly: This is war, and survival is your responsibility.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a sound behind him. Then, a harsh roar came from the stairway behind him. Hank instantly realized that the two damn hunters had used brute force to kill him. The door of the stairway was slammed open! Oh, it's a familiar scene. Quickly cut off the communication, as if with a bit of self-deprecation, Hank kept running in the office area, and from now on, he can't expect to be connected. The helicopter was evacuated by himself, and he had to find a way to survive. But think about it carefully, the situation may not be as bad as imagined. According to Hank's experience, Umbrella's construction quality is very high, especially such a facility hidden in the mountain, maybe it can withstand H.C F No matter how bad it is, he can choose to find a relatively safe place to avoid this bombardment. He knows very well that the strike range of H.C F should focus on Neo Umbrella's warships, small island villages and other facilities , and then this facility, they shouldn't really plow the whole island. Having said that, Hank didn't intend to give up fleeing for no other reason. He was worried that his teammates and that Li Yexing were all root tendons. What if they insisted on not retreating and just waited here? With this thought in mind, Hank, who was already exhausted, gritted his teeth and did everything possible to squeeze the potential of this body. The map shows that the other side exit is in the office area on the fourth floor, which is the main entrance of this place. In theory, it is possible to leave the facility faster from there, so Hank originally set the evacuation location there. The roaring and running sounds slowly approached behind him. Hank's head was sweating. He slammed open the door in front of him and returned to the dining hall of the facility. Then, he turned his head to lock the metal door of the dining hall, and then Ignoring the corpse of the hunter lying on the ground, he ran directly towards the other entrance and exit. Just as he ran to the door, he heard a loud duo behind him, and the locked cafeteria door was pulled directly. The damaged \

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