The night shrouded the sky, no stars, no moonlight, but it was extraordinarily noisy. The sound of the helicopter's engine ripped apart the night that should have been silent. On the ground next to the apron, soldiers wearing black combat uniforms and carrying HK 416 were constantly screeching Running, on the other side, - a man in a black combat uniform waved a glowing baton with both hands, waving it rhythmically against the sky, the guide helicopter slowly landed on the tarmac, and after the guide was over, the man wiped Wiping the sweat on his forehead, he turned his head and saw a whole row of helicopters parked on the wide tarmac. The sound of high heels stepping on the ground rattled, the man holding the fluorescent baton turned his head, and saw a short-haired Asian woman in a black trench coat walking over, she was wearing black gloves and carrying a black long knife , the dark brown eyes behind the eyes were filled with anger.

This woman is Bai Muqing, the tenth executive officer of the executive branch of the Black Umbrella Joint Committee. When she came to the tarmac, Bai Muqing stopped, her whole body exuded a glamorous temperament, as noble and beautiful as white flowers, but indifferent, arrogant, refusing to do anything, at this time , she stared at the last landing helicopter, did not speak, as if waiting for something. After a while, the hatch of the helicopter opened, and several men in black uniforms jumped down and stood guard on both sides of the hatch of the helicopter. With the help of a middle-aged man in a suit, he got off the helicopter with difficulty. It was a rather gloomy-looking old man. He was not tall, with pale and disheveled hair, and his eyes were sunken, making his pair look bald. Fierce but somewhat cunning eyes were hidden in it. After getting off the plane, he looked around. When he saw the busy black-clothed soldiers around him, the corners of the old man's mouth evoked a not-so-good-looking arc. After a while, he took small steps and walked to Bai Muqing who had been waiting beside the apron. On the other side, seeing the old man approaching, Bai Muqing put his fingers together, put his hand on the chest buckle, and bowed his head slightly: ' Nice to meet you MP Sadleton

Excessive politeness will be spared, Bai... The old voice spat out from the old man's mouth. The old man called Senator Sadleton had a faint smile on his face, and there seemed to be a frown on his face. Somewhat proudly asked: 'How is it going?' - Everything is going well, Senator Suddleton. Bai Muqing respectfully said: 'We have completely controlled the European branch, and all research projects under the European branch have been frozen. , data and related materials are being uploaded to the headquarters. Very good, very good, really good, as expected of an outstanding young man who is favored by the Joint Committee. He is doing things resolutely and is much stronger than our old bones. I believe that the future Joint Committee - There will be a seat for you. He couldn't help clapping his hands, a happy smile appeared on the face of Senator Saddleton, he then asked: Speaking of which, my old friend Alzeric is now in Where? Minister Alzeric is under house arrest under our control. Bai Muqing respectfully said: We found out that his research director Durand Casimir was suspected of embezzling $1-1Z in the headquarters. Research Grants. As expected of the European branch, it's really audacious.. Upon hearing this amount, Senator Suddleton was stunned for a moment, and then the smile on his face became even brighter.

All the folds were squeezing the age spots, and the smile distorted, looking very uncomfortable, even Bai Muqing couldn't help frowning

Despite the dim light, Senator Suddleton still captured the small details on Bai Muqing's face, so his heart was filled with a faint disdain. Oh, the city of young people.. Despite this, Senator Suddleton did not Expressing his dissatisfaction, he patted Bai Muqing on the shoulder, as if he was very satisfied with her for a moment.

He smiled and said: Go and show me my old friend, think about it, Alzeric and I haven't seen each other for many years. I kinda miss him.

Okay, Senator Sadleton, I'll show you the way. Bai Muqing said respectfully, then she straightened up, turned around, and walked towards the magnificent building hidden in the mountain behind her, while the old man was in her own With the help of the secretary, he followed closely behind Bai Muqing. It didn't take long for Bai Muqing to take the old man into the facility of the European branch, only to see soldiers in black with live ammunition everywhere in the corridor inside the facility.

They come from the headquarters of Black Umbrella and are responsible for suppressing the armed forces of the European branch and maintaining the order of the European branch. At the beginning of the operation, Bai Muqing thought that she would encounter fierce resistance. She even prepared gunships and various heavy firepower to suppress the European branch, but the response of the European branch was beyond her expectations. The security department of the European branch They disarmed very cooperatively, and all the staff stopped working for inspection, so that the hidden piles placed by the Joint Committee of Bai Muqing in the European branch were useless. Taking Senator Saddleton through a corridor, It didn't take long for them to come to the door of the minister's room. They saw that there was a whole group of people guarding the door of the minister's room. They were really holding guns and stood on both sides of the door of the minister's room. , like a sculpture-general. What's the matter? Bai Muqing asked the team leader. Report to the executive officer, there is nothing wrong. The team leader replied. Nodding towards the captain, Bai Muqing slowly pushed open the door of the minister's room. In the spacious minister's room, behind his desk, he put his elbows on the table and crossed his fingers. Glasses reflect an eerie white light, and I hear someone push away from my office.

door, he slowly raised his head, and then saw Bai Muqing and Senator Sadleton behind him. Minister Alzeric, Senator Sadleton wants to see you... Out of courtesy, Bai Muqing looked cold and said solemnly to Minister Alzeric behind the desk. Yo, my dear Marduk ,haven't seen you for a long time

, did you miss me? With a smug smile on his face, Senator Saddleton walked out tremblingly from behind Bai Muqing, he looked at Alzeric with those weak eyes, as if Was watching - headed beast in a cage.

It's Roaldo... After a long while, Alzeric said with a smile, I haven't seen you for so many years, I thought you were going to live on a hospital bed on an infusion and a ventilator, but I didn't expect that It's really hard for you to be able to walk. With a hint of displeasure and gloom on his face, Senator Saddleton turned his head to Bai Muqing and said, I have some personal topics I want to chat with my old friend, young man, go and help you Yes. Okay, Senator Sadleton. Bai Muqing said respectfully, then turned her head and left the minister's room. Before closing the door, she faintly heard Minister Alzeric's comments

Senator Sudleton said: Is your cardiac treatment team out there? I don't want to take another charge of murdering a joint committee member. She whispered. As Senator Suddleton said, Bai Muqing still has her own job. She stepped on high-heeled boots and walked hurriedly but not panicked through the heavily guarded corridor. It didn't take long before he came Another office, where the doctor's office opened the door, saw a blond woman with dark circles and a white look sitting on the other side of the desk, with a scary incandescent lamp on the desk. At the desk, there are two team members from the headquarters security department.

One of them was taking a nap, the other was staring at the woman across the desk. Seeing Bai Muqing walk in, the awake security force immediately stood up and saluted him. . She hasn't slept? Bai Muqing asked the soldier after looking at the woman behind the desk.

Report to the executive. She's been awake for the past seventy-two hours. .

Bai Muqing quietly looked at the woman behind the table, and the woman also looked at Bai Muqing, and after a few seconds, the woman suddenly grinned hehe.

Enough! Dr. Angelica, are you provoking me?! His hands with black leather gloves slammed on the table, waking up the dozing soldiers, Bai Muqing said with a frosty face : Don't make me repeat my problems, tell me, where is Director Casimir? On a business trip. ' Dr. Angelica replied.

Where to go on a business trip?! Bai Muqing asked sharply. Angelica didn't speak, she just stared at Bai Muqing's dead fish eyes with dark circles. Okay, very good. The nameless fire kept burning in his heart, Bai Muqing said angrily, You think you're good at staying up late, don't you? You think I can't find anything as long as you don't tell me, right?! Right. Angelica nodded.

Okay, you won, you saved your slick boss. The anger disappeared instantly, Bai Muqing's face turned back to that icy look again, she said to the soldier next to - Record, black Angelique Caboto of Umbrella's European branch is suspected of misappropriating research grants from the headquarters several times, with a total amount of more than 1.1 billion US dollars... Wait! How can there be such a B?! Ann Holly Ka couldn't help shouting loudly, Someone has to be responsible for the money, isn't it? With a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, Bai Muqing said softly, Since I can't find your girlfriend.

You are responsible for taking the blame for him. What logic is this? Dr. Angelica tilted her head and said, Why, don't I remember that Black Umbrella does things like this? From now on, we will do things this way. Bai Muqing said coldly. In an instant, the atmosphere in the office dropped to freezing point. After a while, as if after a battle between heaven and man, Dr. Angelica raised her head. If I say weak, you can guarantee that the Joint Committee will Am I not to blame? If you are a tainted witness, I will try my best to fight for you. Bai Muqing said without hesitation. Then. Dr. Angelica is weak. If you take away that stupid area of ​​Casimir, can I take his place as research director? What's the matter with the woman? Is it a bad brain or deliberately brushing me?

Suppressing the impatience in his heart, Bai Muqing nodded and said: This is a bit difficult, but you know, Black Umbrella has always been tolerant towards talents, maybe I can fight for you... me, that's fine. Angelica The doctor nodded, she waved to Bai Muqing, and whispered: 'Come here, this is our little secret, I will tell you alone'

Bai Muqing frowned, and finally leaned on it. She bent down and waited quietly for Dr. Angelica's answer. After a while, Dr. Angelica

Suddenly, he blew lightly into her ear. You're kidding me! Standing up suddenly, Bai Muqing glared at Angelica and said. Don't be so impatient, Mr. Executive. With a smile on her face, Dr. Angelica said softly. He is in Idonia. Idonia? Bai Muqing was slightly stunned when she heard Angelica's answer, and the memory was instantly retrieved in her mind. Soon, she remembered that Idonia seems to be a small country in Eastern Europe. The situation is volatile, the military is weak, the forces are intertwined, and in general, they are not a threat.

'What is he doing in Idonia? Turning his head, Bai Muqing asked Angelica with a bit of suspicion in his brows. Go to visit relatives. Dr. Angelica shrugged and said with a smile: Who knows? Bai Muqing was in a tangle. Her intuition told her that Dr. Angelica didn't lie to her, and that Director Casimir should indeed be in Idonia, but looking at Dr. Angelica's strange behavior. Smile, she always felt that she was being calculated. Hell, what the hell is going on with this European branch? The staff at the bottom are okay, most of them are normal people, but starting from the senior researcher, almost everyone in the entire branch is freaks

Okay, Dr. Angelica, I have understood the situation. Thank you for your cooperation. Now, you can rest... Nodding to Dr. Angelica, she turned off the lights on the table. The incandescent lamp made the office fall into darkness, and then she turned her head to leave, and at the moment when she got out of the office before closing, she saw Angelica sitting in the darkness, silently with those dead fish eyes. Watching her, that look, as if looking at a toy. Suppressing the anxiety in his heart, Bai Muqing quickly returned to the minister's office. As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw Senator Sadleton being helped out by two people.

The hooked-nosed old man clutched his chest and kept breathing heavily, as if he was going to return to the west at any time. What's the matter with you? Senator Suddleton? Seeing that the old man was in bad condition, Bai Muqing hurried up, but saw Senator Suddleton wave her hand. In a hurry, he said to Bai Muqing, Have you found it? You found the handle of that old king/\\egg.

I found it, Senator Sadleton. Bai Muqing hurriedly replied, According to the information just released, the research director who deceived and deceived has absconded and is now hiding in Idonia. Very good! Good! Great! The old man suddenly turned his head to Bai Muqing and said, Go to the Eastern European branch and ask the head of the Eastern European branch to help you get that guy back! No matter the cost! Okay, Senator Sadleton. Bai Muqing bowed slightly and said indifferently.

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