Under the dim light, cheers and scolding came one after another, filling the not-so-wide space, men and men crowded together, the smell of smoke and sweat and the breath of male hormones added radiance and beauty to each other, which constituted something that the civilized world could not see. A strange sight, the crowded stands slowly descended, and finally converged at the arena wrapped in barbed wire in the center of the arena. On the arena, two shirtless men were fighting a fist-to-meat fight. At this moment, the big, muscular black man on the broadcasting station was already crumbling. He was covered in blood and rolled his eyes, but the will that was trained by licking the blood with the knife edge propped up his body. Stance, some bloodshot eyes stared at the young man opposite.

Compared with his tragic state, the young man on the opposite side is much better. It is a white male with strong muscles but not bloated. He is probably only about twenty years old. The scar of the knife, the brown hair was cut so short that it was almost completely attached to the scalp. Wearing army green gloves, the young big boy's feet were beating gently, and his eyes were fixed on the black man standing in front of him, his eyes were like a lone wolf. After a long confrontation, the young boy suddenly waved his hand at the black man, motioning for him to come over. The next second, the black man moved violently. At the same speed, he slammed into the young big boy's body, and then suddenly lowered his body, - remembering that the uppercut hit the big boy's chin fiercely, this blow can be said to be thunderous, but he saw The big boy turned sideways slightly and ducked away in an understatement. Then, he suddenly lowered his waist at a faster speed, and punched out both fists, hitting the black man's side rib hard, accompanied by the sound of bones breaking. The black man let out a whimper, his body hunched up, and the young big boy shot again, - the boxing hit the black man's chin, the black man only felt his brain buzzing, he clutched his side ribs and stepped back subconsciously, the The big boy immediately jumped up and jumped up suddenly. He raised his arms in the air and shouted loudly, and then smashed his elbow into the black man's side face. The black man rolled his eyes as if struck by lightning. He fell straight down, and his strong thighs twitched twice from time to time. After a moment of silence, cheers suddenly sounded, feeling the breath of victory, the young boy with a smile on his face, raised his hands to gesture to the audience in the stands, while the black man who was brought down was beaten by two The staff quickly lifted it down. Wow! Perverted! This guy seems to be quite powerful! Holding Li Yexing's hand and shaking vigorously, the two golden ponytails jumped with the movements, the blonde girl wearing a blindfold excitedly said: Loop Lus is so fun! Really, if you like it.. Li Youxing smiled and shrugged. He stared at the smug young man on the broadcasting station, and the corners of his mouth evoked - silk playfulness. He started appearing in this place a week ago. A voice sounded from Li Yexing's side, the voice said with a smile: It is indeed a young man who is very good at fighting. Until today, he has to fight continuously every day. Ten, and none of them failed. It's not surprising, after all, it was him.. Li Yexing smiled, then turned his head to look beside him, where stood a handsome man with weird curly blonde hair, He was wearing an open-chested pink tight jacket, with a confident and charming smile at the corner of his mouth. On the other side of him stood a man in white, with long hair, who was also very handsome. These two are the Italian mafia leader Giovanni Giovanna in Loples and his deputy Bruno Bugarati. At this moment, Li Yexing is staying in the underground boxing ring run by the Italian Mafia. The long vacations that are not entrusted are always very leisurely. Just when Li Yexing is ready to waste time like a salted fish, the European branch of Black Umbrella The second young lady, the tactical commander-in-chief of the first agency, the lovely and wise sister-in-law--Tililian came to visit. At that time, Li Youxing was still watching the news, Rita was cleaning up the housework, Hitomi Kanjima was swinging a sword at the door of the office, while Tililith was playing games with Kanan, and the blond girl sat on Tilly familiarly. Next to Lilith, she began to rub and rub, rub and rub, and finally, Ti Lilith was annoyed, she cast a look at Li Yexing for help, Li Yexing thought about it, and brought her cheap sister-in-law with her. ran out to play. It was said that he was going to take Tililian out to play, but after leaving the door, Li Yexing suddenly realized that Lopres didn't seem to have a place for children to play at all. In the underground boxing ring, and Tiililian seemed to be very interested in these novel things, so Li Yexing took her to the boxing ring logically. At the door of the boxing arena, Li Yexing and Ti Lilian met Chobana and Bugarati who had finished their work and were about to relax. So, this strange combination that appeared in the stands was formed, and they stood side by side. Together, a vacuum belt with a diameter of five meters was formed in the crowded stands, and several spectators who were close to each other subconsciously stayed far away, as if they were afraid that the Italians would steal their money. After getting off, this trip led Ti Lilian to run out, but there were some unexpected gains. He did not expect that he would meet acquaintances under such circumstances. The strong young man in the ring is very familiar to him. Jack Muller... In the noisy stand, Li Yexing softly read out the young man's name. Jack Muller, one of the male protagonists of Resident Evil 6, Idonia's mercenary, war wild dog, Li Yexing's companion, a young soldier who only fights for money, has far more than ordinary people, powerful to Incredible fighting ability, of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that he has a very awesome biological father, his father's name is Yi-Albert Wesker! Yes, that is Resident Evil The ceiling-level villain in the series, the Albert Wesker who beat Li Yexing to the ground in South Africa! This Jack Muller, is Albert Wesker's illegitimate son, he inherited from his father The blood of the curse has the ability to be immune to almost all viruses, and at the same time, he also inherited

The tough physique of his superhuman father is evident in his almost nonsense fighting ability. Idonia has lived for five years, and finally met this second-generation poisonous person. I have to feel eEr, fate, wonderful. On the other side, it seems that he noticed the strangeness in Li Yexing's eyes. Chopper looked at Li Yexingdao : Li, do you know him? I know him, but he doesn't know me. Li Yexing smiled and said: How do you say after the old man? Oh, so that's the case. He didn't know what Chopper understood. He turned his head and looked at the man on the ring who was shouting next. The young man then whispered: Every year, there are many people who want to make a name for themselves in Loples, so this young man must be the same. Who knows. Li Yexing shrugged: He The strength is really good, and maybe he can really make a name for himself in Loples. To be praised by the mad dog of Loples, it seems that he does have something special. Chopper nodded, and then, it seemed Thinking of something, the corner of Chopper's mouth suddenly became more playful. He turned his head and smiled at Li Yexing: Li, are you interested in going down to play with him?

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