Because the crazy bar was closed, Li Yexing was not able to invite the old friend for a drink later. Jack euphemistically expressed that he did not want to continue walking with Li Yexing, and then left. It's so strange. On the way back to the office, Tillylian whispered: Obviously, Lord Ben was still there when he left in the morning, why did they all disappear within a few hours? Who knows, maybe there is something Things have to be busy. Li Yexing shrugged his shoulders and said. Having said that, Li Yexing really couldn't think of the circumstances under which the members of the frantic team would go out silently. According to what Di Fanguan said at the beginning

In order to ensure that Li Yexing and Li Yexing can connect at any time, unless there is an emergency, there will be someone on duty at the crazy bar, but now, there is no one in the bar. Could it be that the European branch of Black Umbrella was finally checked by the BSAA? Just when Li Yexing was a little suspicious, Li Yexing's phone suddenly rang. He stopped, took out his mobile phone, and glanced at the caller ID. The note on the phone says a big Hunk. Who is it? Grabbing Li Yexing's shoulder, Tililian - while jumping her feet trying to see the phone screen - asked. Be quiet, it's Han. K.. Li Yexing whispered, then connected the phone and said with a smile: What, what is it about Hank? I just passed your bar, where have you all gone? Listen! Li, come out The situation is over! A low and serious voice came from the mobile phone, and Hank said eagerly: Come to the hospital, hurry up! What's the situation? Li Yexing frowned, from the call with Hank, He heard an unusual smell. I can't tell you on the phone, but hurry up, I'll be waiting for you at the door of the hospital! Hank said anxiously. I see, I'll rush to you right away. Li Yexing said solemnly, I need someone to take me with you. ?

I don't need it for the time being, just come first. Hank said. Understood. Li Yexing hung up the phone after saying that, patted Tillylian on the shoulder and said, Go back to the office first and tell me Rita, I may not go back to eat at noon. Oh?! Do you want me to talk to that maid?! Tiililian shook her head fiercely, and said with fear: No! I don't want to talk to that girl. Small talk! It feels super scary! Terror? You say Rita? Stop making trouble. Li Yexing laughed and fucked Ti Lilian's head and said, If you don't want to talk to Rita, then go to your sister. Oh, if it's my elder sister. Tillylian nodded. Just like that, after sending Tillyrian home quickly, Li Yexing frowned, and he hurried to the center of Loples. It is a small building with three floors. Although the medical conditions are poor, the equipment is lacking, and the medical expenses are high2, the level of the doctors is still worthy of recognition, especially in amputation surgery, the proficiency can be said After running for more than ten minutes, Li Yexing arrived at the door of the hospital. He saw Hank guarding the door of the hospital from a long distance. He was wearing his embarrassed combat uniform and carrying a gun. Hanging on his waist, his face was extremely gloomy. After seeing Li Yexing, his face became a little better. Running quickly to Hank, Li Yexing glanced at the whole row of three-story buildings behind him. Then he frowned and said, Who's in trouble? Director Casimir. Hank replied directly. Li Yexing was stunned, as if he suspected that he had heard it wrong. After a while, he frowned and said: You mean, that Casimir guy, lay on it

He was shot in the shoulder and right leg. He suffered severe blood loss and is still being rescued. Hank replied in a deep voice. Wait, why did this guy appear in Loples? Li Yexing wondered Zeng: And how did he suffer? What about the security forces in the European branch?

I can't explain it for a while, let's talk as we walk' Hank said to Li Yexing, then he turned around and walked towards the small building behind, Li Ye said.

The line immediately followed. Going around the first building and walking towards the building behind, Hank said slowly, There has been an accident in the European branch. What happened? Li Yexing frowned and asked in a low voice: They asked BSAA to give Checked? It's more serious than the BSAA problem. Hank said solemnly, The European branch has been completely blocked. Complete blockade? Virus leaked? Li Yehang continued to ask. No, it's the joint commissioner.. Han K shook his head and said: 'The executive department under the Joint Committee of the Headquarters has sent someone. It's a very troublesome woman. The woman shook the bottom of the European branch. Now all the projects in the European branch have been frozen, and the security department has been blocked. Armed was decided, all means of communication were banned, and the first agency was completely paralyzed. After a short pause, Hank continued: It is estimated that it will not be long before the executive officer from the executive department will find out the first agency. matter. The two entered the building, and the smell of the potion immediately surrounded their nostrils. Li Yexing - while following Hank upstairs - - said, So, your research director was hunted down by two people? Not himself. People. A cold voice answered Li Yexing's question, Li Yexing raised his head, and saw a young woman wearing a professional attire standing on the stairs, she pushed her glasses and looked at Li Yexing Road There has been some ideological conflict between the European department and the headquarters and a few other divisions. This raid by the executive department is just an excuse, and someone wants to root out the differences before the change of power. 2. Looking at the woman standing on the stairs, Li Ye Xing had a slight impression that the woman seemed to be the secretary of Director Casimir, and her name was probably 0. Carrie

However, is the faction struggle of your Black Umbrella so complicated? Scratching his head, Li Yexing said with some doubts: And I still don't know what Hank said, the European branch has not been completely controlled. Have you stayed? Why is Casimir here? The first time the executive arrived at the European branch, the minister made arrangements: Director Casimir was secretly evacuated. Carrie said coldly: As for what to do? Evacuate to Loples, this is the decision made by Director Casimir.

Why did this happen? Li Yexing asked with a frown. Because our car was attacked by unknown armed forces on the mountain road near Loples. Jia Liya frowned slightly and said: According to their Equipped, I suspect they are Fenrir troops from the Eastern European branch of Black Umbrella.

Fenrir troops? What is that? Li Yexing scratched his head, he felt that the amount of information was a bit large. The nature of Fenrir's troops is similar to that of the frenzied squad. They are all formed to carry out special tasks. Hank said solemnly: But it is different from a team like us, Fenrir. The real elite. Li Yexing's brows furrowed tightly.

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