Bai Muqing, 23 years old, Chinese from the United States, proficient in a variety of fighting techniques, received a doctorate from STF University when he was only 17 years old, and studied law by himself. Work - transferred to the executive department after a year, and officially became one of the executive officers of the executive department in January 2009-, the executive code name is ten. She is the youngest executive in the history of Black Umbrella. In the corridor of the hospital, Li Yexing and All the members of the frantic team gathered together and listened to Jia Liya's introduction quietly. After Jia Liya's introduction, Li Yexing frowned and slowly said, Monsters from elite education... So saying , is this our enemy? - Paglis, who took off her gas mask, frowned and said: Although I don't quite understand, 1 it sounds very powerful... Miss Jialiya, I I have questions to ask. Jiang Xueyang raised his hand like a primary school student. He frowned and said, How much power does this executive have? How many resources can she mobilize? The executive is one of the executive agencies under the Joint Committee. The highest person in charge is responsible for exercising the power for the Joint Committee. Jia Liya explained coldly: That is to say, as long as it is outside the action, the executive officer can request the complete and unconditional cooperation of any regional branch, and can even mobilize the branch. All resources because the executive officer himself can represent the will of the joint committee.

My God, why does it sound like the first agency is all traitors... Fisher said with an ugly face: So, our enemy is such a woman? Of course it's not just her. Jia Liya shook He shook his head and said: This review of the European branch was proposed by a member of the joint committee named Luo Yudo Sadelton, this Miss Bai Muqing is the person in charge of this operation, and Sadelton The relationship between the MP and the Eastern European Division seems to have been ambiguous again

In other words, we have to deal with the entire Eastern European branch? - Anna, who was silent, suddenly raised her head: And still without the support of the first agency? That's right. After a moment of silence, Jia Lia replied in a low voice. It's too difficult.. Jiang Xueyang shook his head and said, We were already devastated when we just received Director Casimir and Miss Jialia. Fenry's R department is very strong, if it weren't for the patrolling Idonia around Government army, we probably won't be able to bring Director Casimir back. And... this matter is probably not over yet. Fisher shook his head and said:, I remember that until the end of 2013, the joint committee's The speaker is about to change, and the parliamentarians have made it clear that they want to eliminate the two and force people to stand in line, and they want to use the European branch. She sighed softly. Jia Liya felt the unprecedented pressure. She was not sure whether the frantic team could still think of Director Casimir when the first organ was completely paralyzed. What if there was an internal ghost in the team. What to do? What if the squad can't stop the Fenrir troops? What if the executive decides to let the security forces in the European branch come out in full force? Completely clueless, there is a trace of irritability on Carriea's face, just before At this moment, Hank suddenly turned his head to look at Li Yexing, he said solemnly: Boss Li, what do you think about this matter? What? Li Yexing was slightly stunned: What do I think? That executive officer Bai Muqing, there is also the possibility of fully supporting her Eastern European branch behind her back, what do you think? Hank asked in a deep voice: 'I want to know the opinion of the strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere on this matter. Oh. Nodding solemnly, Li Yexing groped his chin and thought for a while, then asked in a low voice, Tell me, what does this Bai Muqing look like?

When these words came out, the audience was silent, and the eyes of everyone looking at Li Yexing gradually became weird. Haha, I will make a joke to liven up the atmosphere, after all, putting on a dead face can't solve the problem. Li Yexing shook his head. He shook his head and said: Don't worry, I will definitely not let them take Director Casimir away. After all, that guy still owes me two million dollars. 0 Hearing Li Yexing's words, Jia Liya's expression softened a little. But even so, she was still a little worried: I heard that the executive officer is a very ruthless and resolute woman. Once she gains the ability to mobilize the Eastern European branch, we will be very passive. In this case, Can we really defend Director Casimir? To be honest, I don't think she's anything to fear, I really don't understand what you're doing to her. After digging out his ears, Li Yexing said with a smile: Maybe outside She's very good, but you have to know, this is Loples, and here, the solution to the problem is not based on a person's education. How do you say that? Hank asked in a low voice. There's nothing to explain, you think Think, - a woman who is as dazzling as the stars hold the moon, she may also look good, she has never encountered setbacks in her life, her work has never been smooth, and now she is still in a high position, what will this lead to? Li Yexing asked with a smile. . Arrogant, headstrong. Jia Liya replied coldly, and then asked with some doubts: But what's the point of this? To be honest, the opponent now has the power to crush Ren Ke's ingenuity, and the strength in ours It's not enough to shake the entire branch, even adding your wives is not enough. You must know that although the research and development capabilities of the Eastern European branch are lacking, the armed strength has always been strong. It doesn't matter, trust me, maybe we will make mistakes in other places. 1 But there is absolutely no problem with the armament of 0 Z 1. Li Yexing said with a smile: As for the others, I have a good idea. You have a plan. ? Jia Liya asked in surprise. Well, the prototype is probably already there. Let's see her reaction first. I will judge her character based on her reaction. Li Yexing shrugged and said: In a word, tonight is a very critical time point. We have to guard the supervisor who ate the gun. If my guesses about her are correct, the Fenrir troops are likely to come and grab people tonight. Later, I can write the script. sounds

That's cool. Jiang Xueyang whispered. Then, if there's nothing here, I'll go back first. After I've said everything I need to say, Li Yexing waved to the crowd and turned around to leave. On the other side , Seeing that Li Yexing was leaving, Jia Liya couldn't help asking: Of course I'm coming back. Li Yexing nodded and said: 'I'll go home and report the situation to my wives, that's all, after all I My father-in-law has been given to Yong, so I have to inform the family, don't I?

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