Loples Hospital, on the roof of the second three-story building, two legs wrapped in jeans fell down naturally, and the black boots on his feet shook gently and a gust of wind suddenly blew, breaking his hands. After listening to the continuous gunshots around, Kanan, who was sitting on the rooftop, subconsciously tightened his jacket, and then quietly looked at the narrow aisle below, and after a while, a group of white combat uniforms, The soldiers in black body armor rushed out from the back of the building on the other side. They fled in a hurry, their faces were full of panic, so that they didn't notice Kanan on the roof at all. Crushed on the palm of her hand, her body leaned forward slightly, and Kanan's mouth evoked a wild smile. She was about to jump off to surprise those unlucky bastards when suddenly, the wall of the small hospital building suddenly burst, and the smoke was enveloped in it. It shot in and out of the rubble, and then, in the smoke, a figure came out and stopped in front of the remnants of Fenrir's troops. The golden double ponytails swayed gently in the breeze. The tight black clothes with locks tightly wrapped the slender body. In stark contrast to the petite body, there was the silver coffin-like armament behind it and the connected technology. After a long while, Ti Lilian raised her head slowly, revealing a scary red eye that flashed a scary red light, and looked at the frightened group of low-level animals in front of her, who were holding guns at her for a moment. After being silent for a while, she suddenly said solemnly, You are the Fenrir troops? You wounded my lord Casimir's father? Go away! After a few seconds, a Fenrir soldier finally couldn't help but open fire , with the first gunshot, bullets shot out in the phase fire, and a blood flower exploded on the blonde girl's body. Then, other soldiers also opened fire. In an instant, a hail of bullets swept Tiililian's body. It was completely shrouded, but Tililian showed no sign of falling. It wasn't until Fenrir's remnants emptied the bullets in the magazines that the blond girl stumbled slightly back two steps. 6.. Exhaling a turbid breath, Ti Lilian gently moved her body, which had become inflexible due to too many bullets stuck in her muscles, and then the corners of her mouth grinned suddenly, accompanied by a twisted smile, the blonde girl -Removed the huge silver armament that looked like a coffin on the back, and said excitedly to the terrified soldiers in front of him with one hand: Fen~mile~er~!! With Tiililian excited With a shout, one end of the silver weapon opened instantly, revealing the muzzle as dense as a honeycomb, and the violent gunshots roared. The caliber of machine gun ammunition pulled a gleaming chain of bullets in the sky like a storm, making the scalps of Fenrir's remnants go numb. Retreat! Hurry up! Looking at the girl who was swaying the metal storm, the leader of the team shouted in panic, and then turned around with his team members in a panic, watching the enemy in front of him escape, the blond girl Not caring at all, she opened fire towards the sky - while shouting excitedly: Run, run! Miscellaneous! Run for my lord! 0 points 00 ha! ! ! ! ” jumped out of the shell-throwing window, and fell to the ground, wrapped in high temperature, until the routed soldiers in front of her completely left her sight, and the blond girl stopped the fire. She put down the “coffin” in her hand and smiled excitedly with her head tilted. Lillian whispered: Hide and seek is about to start, where are you? Where are you? Where are you? Closing her eyes lightly, the blond girl sniffed the air full of gunpowder smoke. After a few seconds, the corners of her mouth turned Gently provoking it again, Ti Lilian whispered to herself: It's the smell of fear, I come to you in this world... The heavy coffin and ammunition box seemed to be light, and Ti Lilian took brisk steps , humming songs that were out of tune while bouncing forward. Humph~Humph~Fenrir~Humph~Humph~Fenrir One Ah, should I say she is the second young lady, she is really similar to her sister in some respects. I saw my prey being given by my boss' sister-in-law Scared away, Kanan didn't care too much. She looked at the palm of her hand, the tiny wound that had just been scalded by her own cigarette butt. Now Xia Yuan is as perfect as ever. I don't know if it was an illusion. After the four generations of parasites provided by Umbrella, her body's recovery ability and strength seem to have been greatly enhanced. I just don't know how the human-devouring beast will change.

Although the sound of the gunshots was much sparser, it still sounded like Tililian's excited shouts and the roar of coffin from time to time nearby. Kanan felt that she lost interest, and she lit a cigarette again. , took a deep breath, and then whispered: However, those guys seem to be really powerful, and they can hold on for so long in the hands of the eldest, the second and the maid. To be honest, when Cong Li Yexing Kanan was quite surprised when he learned about the accident in the European branch of Black Umbrella and the serious injury of Casimir, especially Tiililian, who looked like the sky was falling. As the Ouchi director of the office, the astringent maid Rita said slightly at the first moment: Sir, what do you think about this matter? Is that what the Eastern European branch is desperately trying? Just for the two million dollars that guy owes us? Kanan frowned and said, Is it a bit of a loss?

No loss. Li Yexing shook his head and said, Casimir can't die, and the European branch can't collapse. These people are of great use to us. After a while, Li Youxing continued: Also, once the European branch changes People, the first-organization disintegrates, and our affairs are likely to be put on the table. Mr. is right. Rita nodded softly: So, when Mr. told us about this, it means that Mr. has already made arrangements, right? That's right.. Nodding, Li Yexing's face With a smile on his face, he nodded and said: 'This time, an executive officer from the Joint Committee of the Headquarters is in charge of the suppression and arrest of the European branch of Black Umbrella.

It is the Eastern European branch of Black Umbrella who is assisting her in dealing with this matter. Tonight, an elite unit belonging to the Eastern European branch is likely to take advantage of the inconvenience of Director Casimir's movement. And we The task is to deal with them, right? With a manic smile on his face, Kanan said excitedly: If you talk to me about this, I will be motivated.

Tonight, I'm going to test the quality of that woman, and then I'll decide how big a chessboard to lay and how much to play... Li Yexing said with a smile: If nothing unexpected happens, I think we will not only It can keep the No. 1 organization and the European branch, and even let it obtain more resources for us. Since Mr. has already made a plan, we can just implement it.. Rita bowed slightly and smiled: It's just a pity, I promised to live a quiet life for two years.

Avenge Daddy Casimir! Tiililian shouted with her small fist raised. You want to kill again? On the other side, Mishima Hitomi in a kendo uniform wiped the thin sweat from her forehead and said in broken English: Hitomi is going! Turn the time line to Tililith, who has not spoken, Li Nightwalker asked with a smile: What does the eldest lady of Black Umbrella's European Department think about this 9?

Kill them all. Tililith said expressionlessly. So, the situation has become like this..

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