What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

6-12. Hunk and good brother fish online

The heels of the high-heeled shoes hit the slate floor, making bursts of noise. The dark sickle outlined a cold moon shadow in the moonlight. The bloodstains standing on the emerald green blade were scattered on the ground. Rita raised her hand, He gently covered the hole in the maid's suit with his plain hands wrapped in black silk gloves, and then frowned slightly and said softly, Really, I damaged my clothes again, you know, no matter how anxious Mr. You are so rude. After speaking, Rita turned her head and looked at the six mutilated corpses lying on the ground, a cold light flashed in her gray eyes. With a gentle humming sound, the mechanical structure on the black sickle began to work, and the blood on the blade not only did not flow down, but was absorbed bit by bit. Then, a trace of displeasure appeared on Rita's face. She whispered: Trash is trash, there is no useful gene in the whole body. With the sound of Xi Ci slaughtering, blood-red tentacles stretched out from behind and under the skirt, they fell to the ground, and then Like a snake, it crawled towards the corpses lying on the ground. Soon, the slender tentacles pierced their clothes and skin, pierced their flesh and blood, and then absorbed nutrients like tree roots. , and some tentacles directly pierced the flesh and blood, tied the limbs, and then dragged towards Rita. Not far ahead, the sound of gunshots continued to sound, mixed with the gunshots, it was Ti Lilian The excited shouts and the horrified screams of the Fenrir troops made Rita think for a while and felt that Li Yexing should still be guarding Director Casimir in the hospital at this time, so she should not bump into someone who was having a late-night snack. Oh, to avoid the master and eat supper alone, I'm really a little serious, Rita is no longer worthy of being a perfect maid, what should I do, sir sighed, with a little sadness and distress , Rita said quietly, but then the corners of her mouth evoked a slight arc. It doesn't matter, Mr. loves me so much, he won't mind. With a faint blush on her face, Rita showed a rare appearance of a little woman. She stepped on purple rose high heels and carried a black scythe. Stepping away from her legs wrapped in black silk, she walked slowly towards the direction of the gunshots with a happy face. Blood trails were left on the ground. The sound of gunfire around was getting more and more sparse. Kanan was smoking a cigarette on the roof, one foot was on the edge of the roof, the other was down along the roof, his elbow was on his knee, and his chin was on one hand. Kanan, who had been fishing for a long time, suddenly felt a little bored. Just as she was about to leave, she heard bursts of sounds behind her. Following the voice, Kanan turned his head curiously, and saw a red-haired girl in a black combat uniform carrying a dozen beers and climbing the ladder on the third floor to F. When she saw Kanan, the girl was slightly stunned. , seems a little surprised.

On the other side, Kanan frowned slightly, she thought about it, the girl seemed to be 0 named Paglis, the girlfriend of the little waiter in the frenzy bar, and the raider of the frantic team. The two just stared at each other like this. After a moment of silence, Puglis took the wine and sat down beside Kanan. Together with her, they looked at the battlefield below and the younger half of Loples. Yes, Puglis tore open the package of beer, took out a can, did not speak, just handed it to Kanan. Seeing the hand holding the can of beer in front of her, Kanan was a little surprised, but she was not polite. Taking the beer handed by Paglis, Kanan put down the foot on the roof, and then skillfully Pulling the ring open, he took a big sip. Ha! He exhaled fiercely. Kanan took the remaining half of the cigarette in one gulp, and then said happily: It's so cool! His facial muscles trembled slightly, as if he didn't dare to Hervey for Kanan's appearance. Pugjings focused his eyes on the distance again, opened a can of beer for himself, and drank a 0. He put down the cigarette butt in his hand and clicked. Nan's mood gradually improved, she turned her head with a smile, looked at Paglis who was sitting beside her and said, How dare you sit here, Ge said you are not afraid of being hit by stray bullets? Is it here? After another sip of beer, Paglis said casually. Can you be the same as me? Kanan grinned and said: I'll be shot once or twice, if you get shot Speaking of guns... Kanan paused, as if she suddenly thought of something, then she smiled and said, That's right, there is a hospital under the buttocks, which is convenient. Pagris turned her head and looked at Kanan's body carefully, with a wheat-colored neck, covered with tattoos, with muscular but not bloated arms, and Kanan's firm belly could be vaguely seen from the open coat. Muscle, although such a body can be said to be very strong for a girl, but no matter how you look at it, it does not look like a body that can resist bullets hard. The monster's body is really convenient. Pugjings murmured in a low voice: The Fenrir troops who joined us during the day are as helpless as chickens waiting to be slaughtered. Envy to the fire. I think your statement makes people feel more angry. Kanan raised his eyebrows and said: If I let you have such a body, the price is - to be tied up in this ghost place for the rest of your life, would you like it? Pug Liz thought for a while, then shook her head and said: That's fine, I will follow Ah Jiang to the Celestial Dynasty in the future, and Ah Jiang said that the Celestial Dynasty is good. Isn't this over? She shrugged helplessly, Kanan smiled and said, How good are you, you can go wherever you want, how are you like us? You can only stay in Loppler for the rest of your life. This place that gods hate and ghosts can't go anywhere. After a moment of stagnation, Kanan said slowly: And, to be honest, I'm used to this place. Although it's full of scumbags, I feel that it's here. People who want to be kind and amiable may be because I have been assimilated..

Yes.. After another sip of beer, Puglis said quietly. There were only a few sporadic gunshots from the AK-12 downstairs, and it was Tililian's hand who was more happy. After a moment of silence, Kanan suddenly turned his head to Puglis and said, Say, why are you here? Didn't your captain want you to guard Director Casimir? i stole

Slip away, Pugless whispered.

Damn it, you're really brave, you're not afraid that something will happen to your supervisor? Kanan couldn't help but be a little surprised. It's alright, that little girl from Japan is watching over there. Paglis whispered: The boss said, according to this posture, the Fenrir troops are no longer capable of completing their tasks. They can't even save their lives, maybe they will withdraw after this battle. Speaking of this, there was a smile on Puglis' face, and she said softly: Don't say it, it's quite relieved. The two were drinking and listening to the gunshots below, and after a while, the gun The sound finally disappeared completely, and the hospital returned to its original silence. After a while, Li Yexing's voice sounded on the communicator, and he said solemnly: There is news from Rita, and it has been cleaned up.

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