In front of the hospital gate, Li Yexing put his hands in his trouser pockets, Tililith, Kanan, and Hitomi Kanjima stood beside him, and on the opposite side stood Tililian, all members of the frantic team, and Carrie, the secretary of Director Casimir Ya, after a long while, Li Yexing silently took out his hand from his pocket, glanced at the watch on his wrist, and whispered, Did it take almost + minutes to resolve the battle? It seems that he is indeed an elite. Sorry, sir, I'm late. A familiar voice came from far away, Li Yexing put down his hand, raised his head, and looked past the crowd of frenzied squad, only to see Rita trotting towards Zi 2. The members of frantic squad consciously stepped aside One way, Rita ran to Li Yexing and said apologetically: 'Sorry sir, Rita went to change clothes, so I was late. It's okay. Li Yexing shook his head with a smile and said. Are you all cleaned up?

It's all cleaned up, there's nothing left. Licking the corner of her mouth, Rita showed a satisfied smile. So soon? Where did you bury the body? Li Yexing asked curiously. It's a secret, sir. Rita smiled.

Not intending to question Rita, Li Yexing turned his head and looked at Jia Liya who was standing opposite: Are you sure they won't show up more people tonight? No, Mr. Li. Jia Liya Shen Voice: There is no doubt that the Fenrir troops have been trained. This is a destructive battle. Mr. Li and Mr. Li's wives once again proved to the Black Umbrella European branch with overwhelming strength. The correctness and necessity of Mr. Li's cooperation and the necessity of the establishment of the first agency.

So this is the end? Kanan raised his eyebrows and said: 'I haven't tried my best yet, why did everything fall down?' Of course it's not over. Li Yexing shook his head and said: 'I said, this is just a The first night, and this night of fighting will determine how big I'm going to get.

Does Mr. Li have a clue? Jia Liya asked. Yes, but it's almost there. Li Yexing shook his head and said.

Seeing the confident smile on Li Yexing's face, Jia Liya couldn't help but be a little worried: Mr. Li, I admit that you and your wives are very strong, but I still advise you not to underestimate the Eastern European branch, forgive me. To put it bluntly, once the security forces of the European branch carry heavy firepower to attack on a large scale, our situation will still be very passive, we do not have enough manpower to deal with the frontal battlefield. Relax, I said, we may be short of everything, but There will be no shortage of people, Li Yexing said with a smile. Also, from the behavior of Fenrir's troops tonight, we can see that our enemies don't know enough about us and Loples. It seems that Boss Li already has an idea. Hank on the opposite side said solemnly: Is it convenient to talk about it? I'm very curious. Of course there is no problem. With a confident smile on his face, Li Yexing began to slowly The analysis said: Let's talk about our enemy first. The executive officer surnamed Bai had already taken the Fenrir troops during the day. She did not temporarily plan to understand our situation, but ordered the Fenrir troops to Expand the line again late

Does this mean anything? Kanan asked suspiciously. This shows that she is exactly the same as I expected... The corner of his mouth evoked a confident arc, Li Yexing whispered:. Received elite education, she is tall and rank at a young age, and she may still be very beautiful. The smooth life has spawned a young man who is extremely confident and maybe even a little arrogant. Besides, she is also very impatient because she wants to use Prove her ability to her superiors as quickly as possible, and prove that she is still capable of being in the position even at a young age. If I guess correctly, she will definitely change after getting the news that Fenrir's troops are missing. more impatient. So? Kanan was still a little puzzled, she continued to ask: 'Does knowing that woman's character affect our next actions?

Of course there is! Li Yexing snapped his fingers and said with a smile, A woman like her, once she has taken virtue from someone, she must be very eager to find the place back.

It's like walking at night. - Tililith, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said. Don't. Gently tapped Tililith's little head, Li Yexing continued to explain: According to Miss Jialia, the executive officer is the face of the Joint Committee outside, and they have the right to demand that any branch be completely Yes, unconditional cooperation from 2. If I expect it right, after eating this bow, the lady will definitely ask the armed forces of the Eastern European branch to come out, and maybe use B0W.

Isn't this bad? Jia Liya couldn't help but said, but Li Yexing said with a wide-eyed smile: Who said that? I wish they had the most votes, the best

Mr. Li, I don't know... Jia Liya shook her head and said she couldn't understand. It's not surprising that you don't understand, after all, this is Lopres. Li Yexing said with a smile: But it is also because of this place. It was Loples, so I was so fearless.

Not caring about Jia Liya's doubts, Li Yexing said directly: 'Jia Liya, do you know the location of the Eastern European branch? Of course I know that the location of the Eastern European branch is at the junction of R country and BR country. The specific location is After Garya nodded, said the specific location of the Eastern Europe branch, and then asked: But what does this have to do with your plan? Of course it does, I said, after tonight, I'm about to write the script. Li Yexing smiled, and then continued to ask Jialiya: How long do you think it will take for the Eastern European Division to mobilize the armed forces?'

I'm not very clear about this, after all, the European branch has no experience in large-scale military operations.. Jia Liya shook her head, and then said: According to my opinion on black

With the support of the soldiers, their application for action is likely to be approved at an extremely fast speed. Therefore, the answer I gave is that it should only take one day from the decision to dispatch a large-scale force to the arrival of the large force in Loples. ..

To- all day.. Li Youxing groped his chin, and then said: There is plenty of time, I only need two hours to push all our pieces on the board. So, you're here... Looking at Li Yexing's extremely confident face, Jia Liya became more and more puzzled, but Li Yexing didn't care, he smiled and said, 'The skill of speaking is the one on our chessboard. The big chess piece should be coming soon. As soon as the voice fell, the sound of the engine was uploaded from the street outside the hospital. A few seconds later, the jeeps with their roofs cut off stopped at the 70th of the hospital. There are people with all kinds of weapons in their hands, from rifles to bullet launchers to rocket dealers, and this is not the end. On top of every jeep, there is a heavy camera full of bullets.

After Li Yexing was standing at the door of the hospital, everyone was stunned, and then their expressions became cloudy and uncertain, as if they were struggling with something. After a few seconds, a black car stopped at the entrance of the hospital with the sound of braking. With the sound of the door opening and closing, the militants blocking the entrance of the hospital quickly gave way. The handsome man with weird blond curly hair walked in towards the hospital, accompanied by another man in white. These two were Giorno Giovanna, the godfather of the Italian black party of Loples, and his deputy, Bugara. carry.

The cold wind blew through his bare chest, looking at Li Yexing who was smiling but not smiling, Chobana's expression became gloomy, and he said solemnly: Li, we just had a good time together today. , you will make trouble for me at night, and the sound of gunshots on my site is really chilling. Come on, Li Qiqi, I still have patience with you, let me listen to your explanation.

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