After just a few minutes of communication, Chopper left with a cold face and his men. Is that... a local armed force? After the Italian's car drove away, Carrie frowned slightly and said in a low voice. There's nothing wrong with saying that.. Li Yexing shrugged, and then said: They are local gangsters, and the core members are all from Italy. Some of the younger brothers below are from Italy, and some are local to seek a living. You mean they... gangsters? With undisguised surprise on her face, recalling their heavy machine guns, rocket launchers, and bomb launchers, Carrie murmured in a low voice: This The equipment doesn't look like Italian gangsters, but more like Mexican gangsters.. After all, this is Loples. If you want to calm down the people here, it's not enough to rely on a lot of people. Li Yexing said with a smile: I remember there was a time when they wanted to try out armored vehicles and helicopter gunships, but the reaction from the Idonian government forces was a bit fierce, and the Italians had to give up. That's why you say this is a paradise for lawbreakers? Hank said in a low voice, with a complicated expression: Because the bar was very stable, I didn't have any dealings with the local forces. After all, it seems that the order is not good. It's not as chaotic as I imagined before, I really didn't expect the water in Loples to be so deep... After all, this is just a city, and the city will always develop, even the villains of Loples know it. This is the truth, so everyone still abides by the rules set by the Italians. Li Yexing explained with a smile: The local police station can only deal with some thieves and bastards who sleep with the young lady and don't pay, but go up They can't deal with that group of wild dogs at all. The government army commander in Loples also took a fancy to this, so they let the Italians grow bigger. Essentially, Italians are more like gangsters than gangsters. Law enforcement agencies in Loples, just don't wear a pair of pants with the government of Idonia

However, Mr. Li, I still don't quite understand why they agreed to help you so easily... Carrie whispered: What did you tell him just now? It seems very angry when you go up. - Ti Lilian next to him whispered: I thought he was a good talker during the day.

That guy is just pretending to be arrogant. People who can stay in Loples for a long time have a fire in their hearts, and he is no exception. Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said, As for what I said to him , in fact, it's just a rehearsal, it's a bit strange to say, italian and black Umbrella are old enemies

Do they have a grudge against Black Umbrella? Jia Liya asked in surprise when she heard Li Yexing's words. Then, as if she suddenly remembered something, Jia Liya's face instantly turned ugly. Looks like you remember, Miss Galia, Mr. Chobana does have some relationship with you. - Rita next to him said with a smile: 'In the Lopres incident five years ago, Mr. Chobana The loss can be said to be quite heavy, and the culprit of that incident is now lying in the ward upstairs. No wonder there is such a fire. Tiililian nodded, then raised her head suddenly and said, Ah? Doesn't it mean that once you let them know that what happened back then was done by Casimir's father, then Casimir's father will be finished?! So, you should be strict with your mouth, - once it is leaked, we will The trouble will be big. Li Yexing smiled, and then continued: Although I'm a little sorry for the Italians, the people from the Eastern Europe branch should carry the blame for the Loples incident.

I understand, are you planning to take advantage of the grievances between the Italian gangsters and us and ask them to help you block the troops of the Eastern European Division? Jia Liya shook her head and said, Mr. Li, with all due respect, although the Italian gangster's armed forces It's very strong, but it's still not enough to resist the Eastern European branch. Who said that there are only those Italians? Li Yexing smiled and said: You know, it's not just the people who got shriveled under Casimir's stalker last time. Italians, and the local Etonian government army, guess what he would have said if I told the commander of the Etonian government army stationed in Loples about what happened back then Are you going to ask the local government army for help? Jia Liya whispered: it too late? If they plan to fight the Eastern European branch here, they will have to ask the top government for instructions, which will take a lot of money. Time. Ask for instructions? Who should I ask for instructions? Li Yexing smiled, and then said: Don't apply the rules of a normal country to Idonia, the Idonia government's ability to govern local areas is not as good as that of gangsters. , The commander of the Etonian government army is more like a warlord than an officer of the government army. He does not need the approval of the upper level to mobilize his armed forces, as long as he makes a symbolic report after the event. Guys have all kinds of heavy weapons in their hands, and even tanks, and if we can pull them into the water, the scale of victory will be tilted in our favor. So that's the way it is... The dangling heart finally let go, and Carrie whispered: Indeed, if we can get the help of the Etonian government forces, we will have the capital to fight the Eastern European branch head-on. Speaking of this, Jia Liya raised her head to look at Li Yexing, with a hint of admiration in her eyes, she bowed slightly and said, As expected of Mr. Li, he can mobilize at a critical moment.

With such a huge resource, it is undoubtedly the wisest choice for Director Casimir to cooperate with you. Cooperation is mutual. I need you to help me fight for resources for the girls around me. As a price, I will pull you at a critical moment. I don't think so. Li Yexing smiled and nodded, Also, I want to To correct your statement, what I am looking for is not just the strength to compete head-on with the Eastern European Division, I want to crush it head-on! Front.. crush it? I can't remember how many times I felt it Surprised, Jia Liya said with some surprise: 'Don't you have other cards?'

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Li Yexing asked, Miss Jialia, in your opinion, who made Loples a paradise for lawbreakers? It's not the gang. It's not the government army. .. Doubt loomed between her brows, Jia Liya murmured softly, and after a while, she shook it, saying that she didn't know, but the girls around Li Yexing suddenly had - Si Mingwu, except for Ti Except for Lilith, all the girls had mysterious smiles on their faces, and even Hank suddenly said: So that's how it is... He raised his head, his eyes seemed to be shining, and asked Jialiya. In his eyes, Li Yexing revealed the mystery with a smile. Of course, it was the group of war wild dogs who acted recklessly in the world of steel and blood just like me!

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