My God! What the hell is that?! Laser cannon?! In the dark alley, the squad leader in a black combat uniform said with a shocked expression. Just now, he saw a red light cut through the sky, Immediately afterwards, the helicopter that transported his team actually exploded in the air! Looking around, I saw that the seven teammates around him and Zi 2 were full of shock on their faces, but beyond the shock, they were more worried if their team If I get off the helicopter one minute later, I am afraid I will say goodbye with the helicopter. They are B.U.M.F troops, the full name of which is Black Umbrella Mercenaries. This team was created by Alexei, the Minister of Eastern Europe, based on the U.B.CS troops in the Umbrella era. Veterans who have retired for various countries, there are occasionally a few mercenaries. The reason why they are called mercenary troops is only because they are paid teams, and their nature is similar to mercenaries. As for Minister Alexei himself, A Soviet-era veteran, he seems to have a prejudice against the unorganized and undisciplined war dingoes. Captain, are we still going forward? A player next to him asked in a low voice, his face looked gloomy and uncertain. Hearing the sporadic gunshots and explosions in the distance, the captain frowned and didn't speak. After a moment of silence, he whispered: It's far away from us, the security forces have been divided, and they will help us at the front. To take advantage of the enemy, what we have to do is to take this opportunity to touch the hospital where the target is located. Can this go well? the team member asked in a low voice. Of course, if it doesn't go well, why do we need to come up?! The captain frowned and said: Listen, don't think about it, the F squad helicopter was shot down, and nearly half of the casualties were taken, and the E squad was immediately gone. Now there are only five squads left that can keep fighting at full strength. We must fight quickly. Quick decision, and, have you seen the thing just now? I have never seen this kind of weapon! They say that Idonia is poor and can't wear pants. Now it seems that the water in this ghost place is very deep. !Said - Datong, seeing the faces of the team members became more and more ugly, the captain suddenly found that he seemed to be attacking the morale of the team members. The atmosphere was no longer suitable for continuing to speak. He sighed helplessly. Then he pulled out the AK12 held on to his chest, cheered up and said: Okay, boys. Let's move. The target is the hospital in the area. They all stared at me, don't lose your life! Hearing the captain's words, the team members The unease on the face gradually disappeared. Although the members of the UBMF team are not experienced in hundreds of battles, the members of this team have all participated in wars, and their combat effectiveness is slightly stronger than that of the security forces. As long as they have a goal, they will It can quickly enter the state. Seeing that the team members are ready, the captain's heart relaxed a little bit. Before he came, he received the information of the operation. At present, the security force in front of him is a group of heavy firepower. The local gangs in the city, and the government forces in Idonia are also surprisingly poor. In this case, even in street fighting, he is confident to deal with all possible situations. Under the leadership of the captain, the team is on full alert, and they Holding the gun, - without saying a word, he walked slowly at an unhurried speed in the dark alley. In this way, he advanced two streets without any disturbance. The gunshots in front of him gradually became louder and the team leader Raising his head, through the gap in the building, he could faintly see the hospital in front of him. Very the captain whispered: 'It's almost there, stay alert, we'll enter soon. Before he could finish speaking, suddenly, only Hearing a light sound, then, at the corner ahead, a beer Yi Layao slowly rolled out, and then stopped in the middle of the road. His nerves instantly tense, and the captain suddenly raised his hand to signal the team to stop advancing, but Before he could take a next step, a roar suddenly sounded from above his head, the captain raised his head subconsciously, and saw two pale legs wrapped in black and white striped stockings with a cover between the two legs. The small black lace piece of cloth living in Taoyuan Township fell from the sky with a roar, this scene made the captain a little stunned, but just this moment of stunnedness was enough to kill him.

Seconds, the chainsaw that fell from the sky slammed onto his neck, the sound of flesh and bones being torn apart a little bit mixed with the roar of the chainsaw, the captain let out a hoarse howl, he stared at the bloodshot Eyes, looking at the attacker's pale face and the chainsaw full of strange graffiti, his eyes are full of fear, but the attacker is not relentless, the next second, the captain's head flew out directly, accompanied by a fountain-like surge The blood that came out fell to the ground and rolled twice. Fire! Fire! Everything that happened in front of him was too sudden, and the captain's death was so tragic that all the players behind were stunned for a moment, but they reacted immediately, and in an instant, a shot A bullet was fired at the attacker, but the attacker didn't care, and saw that she stopped the electricity and grabbed the leader's headless corpse as a cover in front of her, and then directly picked up the leader's hanging. The AK-I2 on the shoulder sticks out from the waist of the corpse, holds the trigger with one hand and continuously shoots at the enemies in front of him. The slender arm cannot suppress the recoil of the AK.12 with one hand. After a shuttle, she kept retreating under the cover of the corpse. When she retreated to the corner, she suddenly dropped the corpse and escaped. Nuclear death! The bullet hit the bulletproof vest, and the UBMF team members only felt short of breath, but He couldn't take care of it anymore. Seeing that the attacker had escaped, he rushed up and stuck his head out at the corner, only to meet a pale and expressionless face. The next second, after two rapid voices After the gunshot, the roaring telegram sounded again, accompanied by this roar, there was a heart-piercing scream from the corner, and then, the UBMF soldier withdrew from the corner crying and followed The UBMF soldier in the back - saw his arms were gone! Blood was pouring out like a spring - the man screamed and ran, then stepped directly on the beer can in the middle of the alley, and fell on the ground. On the ground. My God! The soldiers who followed were splitting.

, they charged directly with their guns, the two of them grabbed the man without arms on the ground and dragged it backwards, while the rest of them turned their heads and aimed their guns at the alley on the other side of the corner. , However, in the dark alley, apart from the headless corpse of the captain who was beaten into a persimmon, there was nothing. The screams echoed continuously in the alley. In addition to the guy whose arms were amputated, a UBMF soldier was hit in the thigh by the attacker's random gun fire. Now he is lying on the ground constantly. Screaming. Just one face-to-face made the three of UBMF's subordinate B team lose their combat ability, and they didn't use guns, but phones. The breath of fear slowly spread in UBMF...

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