On the dark roof, a slender figure is sitting quietly on the water tank, beside her, lying quietly - a super-long chainsaw painted with strange graffiti

In the small alley in the distance, the explosion sounded suddenly, and a huge fireball shot up into the sky, emitting light and heat, illuminating the figure on the roof. It was a girl who looked a little strange. She had purple hair. Her bangs covered her forehead from top to bottom. The hair at the back was tied up and down from the sides. Because she didn't take care of it, she looked a little bit. A little disheveled, the girl's complexion is pale, black eye shadow is applied under the corners of her eyes, her lips are also dyed a touch of purple, and on her ears, silver studs are lined up one by one along the auricles. Around the neck, with a beautiful purple lace collar, hung a battery-sized black instrument. At the same time, it covered the terrible scar on the neck. I have to say that the girl's dress is incompatible with the stinking quagmire of Loples. Her body is wrapped in a purple Lolita dress, and the black lace under the skirt covers her thighs, and it runs down her legs. She wore black and white striped socks on her pale legs, and on her feet was a pair of black round-toed boots. There is no doubt that this is a Lolita full of dark and decadent Gothic style, with an irreversible gloom on her body, showing a unique sense of beauty, the only sense of disobedience is that it is covered on the girl's face. The blood stains on the dress, but it's harmless, this dazzling dark red, like a taboo decoration, gives the girl a unique and strange feeling. The screams from the alley beneath her feet kept reaching the girl's ears, but the girl didn't care. Whether it was the extremely filthy vicious cursing, or the use of electricity to cut open the human body, her expression would not change. The girl's name is Suoya. She used to be a killer and now lives in a warehouse two blocks away from Li Yexing's office. Her usual job is to help the major forces deal with the corpses of those who died in Loples, of course. , it doesn't matter if it's not a corpse, after all, there is no difference between cutting the living and cutting the dead to Miss Suoya. As for why Miss Suoya does not sleep at night and runs out to see people to play? There are deep-seated reasons. In the beginning, according to Miss Sawyer's plan, she was going to miss work today and get a good night's sleep. Therefore, last night, she deliberately pushed the big box with the bottom wheel in the warehouse to Xiaomian, and put a note on it, which said: Please throw the corpse directly in, and if it is not dead, please dispose of it yourself before throwing it in. After that, before noon the next day, she was woken up by the sound of smashing. The pillow covers the head, the cup covers the pillow, Suoya makes the whole head into a ball, will wear scars one after another, and the pale carcass wearing only black lace underwear is all exposed outside, trying to isolate the sound, but Unexpectedly, a gunshot rang directly outside the door, the door lock shattered, and then, after a while of footsteps, the cup and pillow on his head were directly taken away. Morning! Little Suoya! He turned his head and opened his eyes. What caught his eye was Li Yexing's disgusting smiling face. He glanced up and down at Suoya, and then said with a smile: I didn't realize it before, you've grown up! I don't really care about the serious harassment in Li Yexing's jargon, Suoya was just very irritable, so she flew up without thinking and landed on Li Yexing's face, At the same time, she turned over, lay on the bed, stretched out her hand to get the telegram that was standing on the other side of the bed, who knew that her fingers had just touched the handle, and only her strong palm grabbed her ankle, and that was it. , Miss Sawyer was dragged directly from the bed. After some fighting, Suoya finally gave up resistance, and she was sitting beside the bed with her clothes crossed, her arms crossed, staring at the eyes of the dead fish, and she kept exuding resentment towards Li Yexing. Don't look at me like that. Putting the pistol back into his waist, Li Yexing smiled awkwardly. Suoya didn't answer, but just pointed at the purple lace collar on the bedside table. Can't you take it yourself? It's obvious that you can reach it. Li Yexing complained in a low voice, but still handed the collar on the bedside table to him. Suoya, Ya grabbed the collar and wrapped her arms around her back. The little snowball, which was covered by black lace, was still growing, but she was still worried. Press the switch of the instrument, and then, like a hoarse voice, it came out from the instrument intermittently. What are you doing crazy. To be honest, I have a big business in my hands. I wonder if you are interested, little Suoya? Li Yexing asked with a smile. Not interested. Suoya replied directly. Don't! Listen first! Li Yexing hurriedly said, so Miss Suoya stopped talking. Although there was no voice, Li Yexing could still read what she wanted to say in her eyes, probably It's Let the fart go. Well, it's like this. After a short pause, Li Yexing said with a smile: Tonight, there may be something wrong with Loples, and a group of outsiders will call at the door. They are running I'm here, and I probably have BOW in my hand. The commission I want to give you is very simple. See you on the basis of protecting yourself - one kills the other, no problem, right?

I didn't kill for a long time, I gave birth to my hands. Suoya replied with a blank face. Li Yexing knew that what Suoya meant by not killing people for too long actually meant that he hadn't accepted a commission for too long, and he hadn't been like a real person for a long time. The killer kills like that, so he smiled and said, It doesn't matter, I believe in your ability. How big the enemy is. Suoya asked in a low voice. If you don't count B0W, there are probably a few hundred people, equipped with heavy firepower, but the number will not be high. It should be. Li Yexing replied with a smile.

Without saying a word, Suoya turned his head to get his telegram, but Li Yexing directly stretched out his hand and grabbed a small piece of skin on the back of Suoya's head, pulling Suoya back. Suoya rubbed the back of his head and stared at Li Yexing with sharper eyes. Listen to me, I didn't let you go alone. Li Yexing said a little helplessly: Yeger and Chopper will help in this operation, and I also spent four million dollars to get Agor Gather a group of cheaper colleagues, you have teammates. With a hint of surprise in his eyes, Soya said with a sounder: Why do so many people call me. Because I can't say enough about those stinky fish and rotten shrimp, I have to find some myself.

A safe insurance. Li Yexing smiled and said. This time the scale is very large. All-out war. Suoya said in a low voice. It's almost, after all, they have to understand that Loples can't be used by anyone, can he? Li Yexing said with a smile. There was a scrutiny in his eyes, but he finally compromised. Now, his body softened suddenly, Suoya sighed and said, Participate. Nice! I'm more at ease with you! Li Yexing looked very excited when he got Suoya's answer, and he asked with a smile, What do you plan to charge for the commission? Suoya thought about it and then asked Li Yexing. Stretch out five fingers.

Li Yexing gave Suoya a high-five without thinking. Suoya didn't speak, he turned his head and reached for the telegram on the other side of the bed, but Li Yexing caught her back like a puppy again, he smiled and said: I'm just kidding, $500,000, Not much, not much! How?' So, in this passionate night, Miss Suoya came out again. After a short confrontation with the enemy, Suoya suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. If this was the case back then, she might have been able to use the chainsaw to saw it directly along the alley, but now, she can only do two and run away in embarrassment, waiting for the next opportunity, fortunately, through this attack , she can see the strength of the opponent, the upper limit is estimated to be the average level of Loples, in Li Yexing's words: stinky fish and rotten shrimp. The gunshots are still ringing around, but the screaming has disappeared, and the enemies are moving again. Get up, you should get up too. Sawyer picked up the chainsaw, stood up, and jumped silently from the roof of one house to the roof of another house like a ghost in the night, his gloomy eyes roaming around, and finally, in the In the alley near the hospital, she found those people again. At this moment, they were unfamiliar with the terrain and were blocked by a barbed wire fence. Like a god of death, like a hundred ghosts walking in a night, Suoya sighed softly, to be honest, to help Li Yexing in this troubled water, Miss Suoya was somewhat unhappy, but there was no way, after all, Li Yexing was The only bastard who would bring a different wife to pick the locks of his house every Christmas and Chinese New Year, and he never came empty-handed. In every sense, it was difficult for Suoya to refuse Li Yexing. Well, since he needs it, I'll help him-- once, anyway, I'll get the money. The corners of the lavender mouth twitched, and Suoya yanked the telegraph in his hand. The roaring sound was like a song from hell. Under the terrified eyes of the UBMF troops, Dark Lolita held a chainsaw high and descended from the sky. .

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