Tonight, no one in Loples slept, the flames of war shrouded the central area of ​​Loples, and fierce gunshots were heard in almost every alley. The entry of the UBMF troops did not relieve the frontal security forces. The pressure suffered, but fell into a quagmire, unable to protect themselves, wearing bulletproof vests, armed with conventional weapons, and the mud-legged mercenaries full of swear words are not bad, although they put huge pressure on the security forces, it is not enough. The strength to fight back, on the other hand, the more powerful UBMF. Those strange guys who don't look like battlefields almost defeated them. The old man hiding in the dark alley is the former. Although his hair is a little sparse, it is already very thick for an old guy. Under the white eyebrows are deep-set eye sockets, and some cloudy blue eyeballs Hiding a faint murderous intent, on the beautiful corner, his white beard was trimmed short and neat, extending to his chin. He was wearing a simple green military uniform, with a cigarette in his mouth and a bulletproof vest, holding a pair of A fairly ordinary AK47. Two white mists spewed out of his nose, and then he put half a cigarette in his mouth. The old man frowned and looked out cautiously, only to see a group of soldiers in black combat uniforms passing by him. In the alley ahead, their footsteps were extremely slow, and they had to turn their heads every few steps. The wind was turbulent, and the vegetation was full of soldiers. There was no doubt that this group of unlucky people was terrified by the enthusiastic locals. Two fingers pinched the cigarette butt between his lips, pressed it against the wall, rubbed it, and then threw it on the ground. The old man slowly took out a grenade from his waist, bit off the pull ring with his mouth, and weighed it on his hand. Then he suddenly threw it towards the passing UBMF soldiers. The next second, a voice over there shouted in panic: ''Grenade!' Immediately afterwards, the explosion sounded, and the old man slammed from the corner of the alley He drilled out and faced the thick smoke from the explosion--the fire burst, vaguely, someone seemed to shout enemy attack, and then, accompanied by-- a burst of gunshots, inaccurate bullets shot from the other side of the smoke-- The side swept over at random, the old man immediately shrank back when he saw this, he tore off the empty magazine and replaced it with a new one, then turned around and stepped on the debris piled up in the alley, even jumping up to completely Unlike the old man, he grabbed the house hat and climbed directly to the top of the house. He lowered his body and held an AK-47. The old man's eyes were shining with a cold light. He was like a wild wolf on the frozen soil of Siberia. Generally agile and swift, he quickly approached the enemy from the roof, the smoke of the grenade gradually dissipated, and the captain of the soldiers in black below shouted cease fire. The soldiers in the alley opened fire, and the bullets instantly pierced the heads of the two enemies. The soldiers in black, who were extremely tense, immediately raised their guns and shot at the roof. The enemy set fire, and the old man tactically rolled to avoid the dense crowd. Huo Li, he was about to get up when he saw something flying towards him in the dark, it was wine! Between the electric light and flint, the body made a judgment instead of the mind, and the old man flew up and kicked the grenade. The grenade flew out directly, and then exploded suddenly not far away.

The impact of the thunderstorm on hearing diminished little by little as time went by, and after a while, the whole body was silent, except for the continuous gunshots in the distance.

. The old man breathed a sigh of relief. He carefully came to the edge of the roof, stuck his head out, and saw several corpses in black combat uniforms lying in the alley below.

After confirming again and again that there were no enemies, the old man jumped off the roof. He squatted down and began to examine the corpse on the ground. The AK.12 old man, who glanced at them, struggled for a few seconds, and finally just shook his head, and he tore off the corpse. The grenade was hanging on his waist. Just as he was about to get up, he heard a gunshot behind him. The old man instantly felt as if he had been punched in the back. He stumbled and fell to the ground. Even breathing began to become difficult, resisting the pain and turning over, the old man opened fire without even looking at it, the sound of gunshots receded from the attacker who wanted to end the old man, and the man shrank directly in the alley. Behind, but the next second, I saw a pillar of fire rushing out of the alley, and then, the previous attacker was covered in fire and ran out screaming. The old man lying on the ground seized the opportunity and instantly Open fire, directly - the gun pierced the man's head, the screams stopped abruptly, and the burning attacker fell to the ground without moving.

A few seconds later, a black figure came out of the alley. The figure didn't look very tall. He was holding a flamethrower that was still spewing flames. He was wrapped in black fireproof clothing on his back. He was holding a fuel tank and wearing a strange black mask on his face. When he saw the old man lying on the ground, the figure walked directly towards the old man. When he reached the old man, his hand wrapped in black gloves pulled off the mask, revealing the person who came. Her true face. This is a very young girl, her big eyes glowing with a faint water light, her long eyelashes are sandwiched in the middle, her skin is fair, and her flaxen hair is tied behind her in a plait. There are dots of freckles on the face. These freckles did not destroy the girl's appearance, but added a little girl's innocence and youthfulness. With an innocent smile on her face, the girl with the flamethrower bent down and said with concern: Mr. Petronev, are you alright? Said. In an instant, the sunshine-like warmth on the girl's face faded away, replaced by a real malice, her eyes were slightly narrowed, and she was proud as if she had succeeded in a prank, and the girl named Ta Zhian moved towards the lying Petronev on the ground stretched out his hand and said with a smirk: Get up, old man, don't pretend to be dead. Well, this is much more comfortable, you little girl. With a smile in his eyes, Petronev grabbed the girl's hand, and with the help of the girl

Standing up, he clutched his waist, took a deep breath, and then said to Tallian: 'I didn't expect your little girl to come out tonight. I'm weeding the garden. Talien tapped her flamethrower with substantial malice in her eyes.

She sneered and said: those children are not good at all, their helicopter smashed my flower shop, and all the flowers that I carefully educated about are gone. That's miserable enough... Petronev said, So, you came out to weed for your own flowers? Of course not... Talien shook her head, with a hint of seductiveness in her eyes, She chuckled and said, If I can give up my beauty sleep and run out to weed, who else is there besides my dear? Also 'darling', Li has already filled the house with concubines, and you are still guarding Follow your flower shop. With a smirk on his lips, Petronev joked: I heard that people in China have mental cleanliness, there is no doubt that the little scavenger may still have a chance, and you and Terry The girl Sina has already screwed up. Tuanzui! An immortal thing! A trace of anger flashed between her brows, Talien nodded angrily: Li Cai has no mental cleanliness! You know how much I spent with him. A night of ecstasy?! Speaking of which, Ta Zhian seemed to be reminiscing about something, a mist of water appeared in his eyes, a faint flush, those years, when I was only sixteen years old, the two of us were together Had a very romantic time, Li Ke liked to make me cry and call him 'Daddy, he'd be so hard when I called him daddy, it was like he was going to get into my heart, oh my god, still What better way to enter the heart of an empty maiden than this?

This is really unheard of.. Seeing that Talien had some signs of estrus, the old man smiled wryly and fucked the bridge of his nose.

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