What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

6-27. The first generation of macho

Tuval Petronev, from country R, ​​used to be the battlefield of a Group A. Later, Group A was renamed Alpha Special Forces. The Soviet Union disintegrated. The veteran lost his faith D. After several reversals, he ended up exiled to Loples in Idonia and became a mercenary. With his strong and rich combat experience and strong personal ability, he failed to achieve his goals. Swearing by his tough personality, Petronev soon became one of the earliest legends of Loples, and people called him: the mad dog of Loples. As almost the first batch of mercenaries to enter Loples, Petronev can be said to have witnessed the entire history of Loples. At the beginning, it was just a poor and chaotic town, just like Idonia. The other small towns - like, nothing special. Until one day, a man named Diablo came here with his Italian gangster. No one knows why Diablo came here, only know that this guy is very rich, he has brought development to this town, but also brought egg dreams, Diablo is cold-blooded but ruthless Wei, is a real cold-blooded scum. Under his rule, the drugs in Loples are unprecedentedly rampant, and the people are living in poverty. That is to say, from here, the government army and the gangs are in unison. A large number of lawless people poured into this place, which made The already bad social order became more chaotic, civilians were forced to hoard arms, and Loples became a huge black vortex.

Just when everyone thought the city would just rot and degenerate, a blond young man stood up, raised his arms and shouted: I tell Nochobana, I have a dream!

In this way, the young man overthrew Diablo's brutal rule and quickly integrated the local gangs. At the same time, the government troops stationed in Loples mutinied, and the young officer Yeger was sentenced to death. His own commander took his place, and since then, the military and the gang have reached a new balance, but Di

The changes made to Loples during the Apollo period were irreversible. In the end, the two sides had to formulate a special set of rules for Loples, a set of rules applicable to villains and used to restrain villains.

Undoubtedly, gangster superstars and usurping warlords from Italy became the new legends of Loples, but no one would know that, a few years later, another

A few years later, a young man from Asia came to Loples. He was fierce, brutal, cold, tough, and looked inhuman. He had offended gangsters in his first year in Loples. And the military, but still able to live and dance, and even slept through the flower street of Loples.

This person is Li Yehang. After Petronev no longer accepted commissions frequently due to his age, he took over the name of Petronev and became the new

Of course, in Petronev's view, these are all things about Chen Guzi's bad arts, but when people are old, they always like to recall the past. I have to say that, in a sense, Loples really It is the outstanding people. In this land, there have been many monster-like house fires that have no military training but are inexplicably strong. Compared with the girl standing in front of me with a flamethrower, she burned herself to death. The lover's arsonist wife is virtuous. It's a pity that Talian's mother didn't end well, and there was no good meat on her body when she was buried. Thinking of this, Petronev looked at Taliyah with a little more kindness in his eyes. How to say, this child can be regarded as he has grown up, although he looks a little bit.

On the other side, just after recovering from her beautiful past with Li Yexing, Talien looked up and saw Petronev staring at 2 with some weird eyes. So she said displeased:, what are you looking at? Old thing? It's nothing, I just think of your mother, she's a wonderful woman, Petronev sighed softly. In bed? Tarian asked with raised eyebrows. Under the bed, too, Petronev replied. Oh, that bitch. There was a trace of disdain between her brows, and Talien said coldly: 'She is not worthy of being a mother at all. If I and Li have a child in the future, I will not be like her.

No, you will, you and your mother are carved out of the same mold... Petronev lit a cigarette for himself, then smiled. Tsk to Petronev's Commenting, Tallian smacked her lips displeased, but didn't say anything to refute, as if she wanted to open up the topic,

The flower girl with the flamethrower said to Petronev: To be honest, I really didn't expect Li to even invite you out, so he wouldn't be afraid of your old bones being broken here? Anyway, I It's quite scary, after all, I'm so old, how can I run around with a gun like you young people? Petronev said with a wry smile, but Li didn't seem to be afraid, for some reason, I always felt that he He had an inexplicable confidence in me, and the way he looked, reminded me of myself when I was young, and as a result, my brain was hot and I agreed. Having said this, Petronev turned his head and looked at the man beside him. The corpse on the ground said faintly: To be honest, I regret it, I really shouldn't have accepted that child's commission, now, I only feel that my joints are hurting all over my body, and I have a little tinnitus, I am old, Can't move anymore.. Seeing Petronev's heroic twilight appearance, Tallian suddenly couldn't bear it, so she smiled and said: Isn't this a good job? Change the one that Agor found. I'm afraid the group of guys can't do it like you. Are you comforting me or scolding me around the corner? Petronev frowned and said, No matter how old I am, I can't compare myself to those idiots, right? Make me twenty years younger, and I use my feet I can take care of all these wastes. Well, you say yes, old thing. Seeing Petronev's face showing a stubbornness that is not like an old man, Talien shrugged and smiled. Dao took a puff of cigarette and flicked the ashtray, Petronev raised his head, looked at the girl in front of him, and asked in a low voice

: To be honest, what are you going to do about Li?

What else can I do? With a self-deprecating smile on her face, Tallian shook her head and said, Give it up, I'm not a fool who can't see the current situation. Look at the girls around Li, one by one. Beautiful and capable of fighting, how can an outdated woman like us have a chance? So I said, if you like it, you must chase after him, hold him firmly in your hand, even if you tie him up with a child! Tai! That stupid bitch of Reis always thinks that Li - will choose her, and you stupid child is waiting for someone to come to you every day, so is the little scavenger, you can't even say a word in a gloomy day. Avatar The old mercenary of the second uncle next door shook his head with hatred of iron and steel and said, This is all good, it's all someone else's, the best young man in Loples was taken away by a woman from outside! Ya is dumb and can't speak, you old fool! Unable to refute Petronev's words, Tarian had to go to Petrone on other details

Forget it. He waved his hand with a disappointed look on his face, and the old man whispered, You guys, it's really worthless to be stabbed in the sore spot by the elderly, and Tully is getting more and more annoyed. He wanted to choke Petronev for a few words, but there was a sudden sound of footsteps around him.

Someone is coming. Just as Tazhian wanted to speak, Petronev suddenly raised his hand and made a tactical gesture, signaling Talyan to close his mouth. Although Talyan couldn't understand the tactical gesture, she still made a noise. Seeing that Petronev quickly raised his picture, he whispered, Be careful, there seem to be people on both sides, it's far from here.

The hospital is so close, they'll probably meet here. The next second, as if to prove Petronev's words, a group of people in black combat uniforms appeared on both sides of the alley. At this moment, he 1

It looked extremely embarrassed, it could be said that the tongue and armor were abandoned. After rushing to both sides of the alley, the two groups turned their heads at the same time, and they saw the alley at a glance.

Hit! Before those people could react, Petronev shouted directly and pulled the trigger at the same time, and Tazhian did not hesitate to control the fire-breathing and spewing flames. For a time, gunshots sounded. The screams of being ignited filled the alley. Look behind me! Old man! If the fuel tank gets hit, we're both going to die! Talien shouted as he swayed the flames recklessly. Lowering his body and pulling the trigger of the AK.47, Petronev, who looked like a hungry wolf, said loudly, Don't worry, young man, I have counted!

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