What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

6-29. Boyfriend's first encounter with BOW

In the lightless alley, the sound of chainsaws roared, and the heart-piercing screams stopped in the summer in the gushing blood. The gloomy girl dressed in a feign - kicked the terrified head under her feet and wiped - He splattered the blood on his face, then turned his head, and saw several corpses lying side by side in the narrow aisle behind him. It seems that they are all killed. Can I go back to sleep and wait for Li Lai to pay the rest of the commission the next day? Turning off the roaring chainsaw in his hand, Suoya looked into the distance, although his vision was blocked by layers of layers. , but Suoya knew that with the hospital in Loples as the center, there might be a situation on the other side of the battlefield. There were Italian gangsters and those rotten fish and rotten shrimp invited by Agor, which could make them There is only one possibility for the sudden increase in pressure, and that is the reinforcement of the opponent's ground troops. Ah, I'm so annoying, I really want to go back to sleep. Suoya yawned and looked a little tired, but she didn't leave in a hurry. After all, it was the guy's request. I'm afraid I won't be able to eat the Chinese food delivered. It seems that I feel a little bored. Soya stepped on the debris in the alley to the roof, then threw the telegram aside, leaning on another pile of debris, his hands Holding the cover, he looked up at the sky with a gloomy face, as if he was planning to have a good rest amid the sound of gunfire, but at this moment, the roar of the helicopter rang out again. Don't you come? It's really not a long memory.... After being interrupted by someone for her precious rest time, Suoyana's already gloomy face became even more gloomy. She turned her head like a coffee machine, only to see several helicopters on the way. Slowly approaching the center of Loples, I am afraid there are no less than seven or eight. There is a huge black container hanging under each helicopter. It seems that they are worried about being shot down. The flight altitude was much higher than the last time. After arriving at the predetermined location, the helicopters untied the ropes, let the black container fall and left in a hurry.

What did they drop? Frowning slightly, Suoya stood up slowly, her rationality told her to use people's money to save people's disasters, she should go and see what was in those boxes, but her intuition told her She must not go, she will definitely regret it. - After the entanglement, Suoya stepped forward and walked towards the container closest to him. It doesn't matter, just take a look and nothing will happen.

With this thought in mind, Suoya quickened her pace and ran slowly. She jumped back and forth on the roof, constantly approaching the place where the huge container was left behind. Blocking her way, she jumped off the roof, walked through the dark alley, and turned a few corners.

Afterwards, when she finally reached her destination, she raised her head, and at a glance, she saw that the huge black container had landed on the roof of the bungalow. Silky translucent mucus kept dripping down the room gun and the walls of the room. Suoya frowned slightly, lowered his head, and saw that the house under the container had no windows, and the glass was shattered to the ground. There was still a little bit of mucus hanging on the window, and the mucus stretched to the ground. Then it spreads out around, passing under Soya's feet, until behind Soya's back. Her brows slowly wrinkled, Soya smacking her lips silently, she raised the chainsaw in her hand, and then turned around suddenly, Pull the switch at the same time, the next second, the companion

With the roar of the chainsaw, blood spattered violently, and a piercing and strange scream suddenly sounded. Looking at the things in front of him, Suoya gradually opened his eyes.

This... what the hell?

Wrapped, bluish-black skin covered with - yellow-green pustules, - a blood-red object like a tongue sticking out of the monster's mouth, - swirling with blood, although at first glance It looks like a tongue, but it is as thick as the waist of an adult man, and if you look closely, you will find that there are four lobes on the tongue, and the opening is full of sharp teeth like barbs. If this thing bites, even if it can escape, I am afraid that a large piece of meat will be torn off. At this moment, the monster was - - howling miserably - - and kept retreating, the tongue-like mouthparts that were caught between the big mouths slowly retracted into the monster's mouth, along with the mouthparts being Retracting a little bit, the monster's stomach gradually swelled up, looking like it was stuffed with a ball. Looking at the monster in front of him, Suoya only felt a chill, not to mention the combat power of this thing, just looking at this disgusting appearance is enough to treat a girl

cause serious mental harm. Subconsciously took two steps back, Suoya picked up the telegram in his hand, stared at the monster in front of him, and the monster also stopped the step back, it moved its head in the direction of Suoya, as if it was Looking at Sawyer. Suoya has begun to regret it. She has thought that the container may contain a so-called BOW, but she did not expect this thing to look so evil. Besides, this monster is still very difficult to deal with. The feel of his hand has clearly told Suoya that the monster's body is very strong and strong. Although the counterattack just now was rushed, it also used all his strength, but such a blow only left a mark on the monster's mouthparts. There was a fairly deep wound, and it didn't hurt. On the other side, the monster tilted its head and silently faced Suoya. After a while, it suddenly opened its mouth slowly and let out a strange sound. The sound was a bit frog-like, but it was louder, and it was unpleasant and harsh. Seeing that the monster was screaming so loudly, Suoya only felt a burst of anger rushed to the top of her head, and she picked up the chainsaw and rushed up. It's so loud, are you trying to laugh at me for not being able to speak?! In an instant, Suoya rushed in front of the monster. She just raised the chainsaw when the monster's scream stopped in the summer, and then, as if The tongue-like blood-colored mouthpart shot out of his mouth again, and the wounded mouthpart was torn open from the head like a flower, revealing a bloody big O full of mucus and sharp teeth. - It was like swallowing, but Sawyer had expected it, I saw

She lowered her body abruptly, turning around to avoid the monster's mouthparts. When she came to the side of the monster, before the monster turned around, she raised her foot and stomped on the monster's nose. The telegram in his hand stabbed at the monster's head.

With the roaring sound, the chainsaw tore open the mucus film, bit the pustules on the skin, squeezed out layers of flesh and blood, and gradually descended under the tremendous pressure from Sawyer's arms, the monster was in pain, and suddenly It made an unpleasant scream, it tried hard to turn around and swallowed the attacker, but Suoya stomped on it. The screams of the monster became more and more shrill, but the louder the monster screamed, the more angry Suoya became. As Suoya exerted force again, the resistance against the electric data suddenly disappeared, and the electric data directly passed through the The head shell of the monster then protruded from the upper jaw of the monster, and pierced into the mouthparts of the monster hidden in the giant mouth. The screams stopped in the summer, and the monster he stepped on gradually stopped resisting, and it was lying on the ground. On the ground, motionless, with only four legs twitching and twitching from time to time, it looks like she must be dead.

Suoya pulled out the telegram, and the anger on her face gradually disappeared, replaced by the gloomy face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years. Just as she was about to leave, she remembered the extremely unpleasant frog croaking beside her. Slowly turning around, Suoya's face became more and more ugly, and all around her, frog-like monsters were constantly crawling from the dark corners.

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