What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

6-30. The good brother of the macho is very boring

Although the streets around the hospital have become chaotic, the interior of the hospital is still orderly. The female nurse is sitting behind the consultation desk with a cigarette and her legs crossed, playing with her mobile phone. The doctor who is halfway through the operation suddenly runs out The operating room answered the phone, scolding from time to time, and the amputee doctor on the other side yelled at the assistant while waving a saw: I will let you cut below the knee! Not above the knee! You stupid pig, I will cut your Open the skull! The assistant retorted loudly: Anyway, this leg is already useless! Where is the saw not the saw? The Asian man lying on the bed raised his neck and shouted: You two saw the wrong leg! Stupid) This is simply outrageous for NMB! As usual, everything seems to be in order, and all the medical staff are sticking to their posts every day. It can be said that it is very rare outside of Loples. The black-haired Yamato Nadeko sits quietly on a bench in the hospital corridor, next to her is Casimir's main ward, Director Casimir is just out of danger. Normally, he should not live in such an ordinary ward. He needs to rest. However, in the Loples hospital, there is no ward suitable for quiet.

The sound of pacing echoed in his ears with the surrounding noise. Finally, Hitomi Kanan couldn't help but raised his head, only to see Kanan with a cigarette in his mouth, frowning like a demon in the ward. Dangling in front of the door, she looked agitated. Then, Hitomi Kanjima turned her head and saw Tililith sitting next to her, wearing headphones and playing games. Smell things outside the window. Everyone... are you a little too relaxed? Looking at Kanan who was walking around and Tililith who was concentrating on playing games, and then at the people in the corridor who were full of Russian and holding guns. The doctor holding the patient's head, Hitomi Kanjima couldn't help but whispered to himself in Japanese. Huh? What did you say? As soon as Hitomi Kanjima finished speaking, Kanan suddenly came up. Her eyes were shining brightly, as if she was expecting Hitomi Kanjima to take her out of this boring situation.

The burning cigarette was brought in front of her, and the fragrance of second-hand smoke entered Hitomi Kanan's nostrils along the air. Hitomi Kanjima frowned subconsciously. She shrank toward the wall behind her, and pulled away from Kanan. Then she said in a bit blunt English: I didn't say anything. After getting along for so long, Kanan can understand a little bit of Hitomi Kanan's Japanese. After getting Hitomi Kanjima's answer, she retreated in disappointment. When he got to the side, he scratched his head vigorously and said, Ah, ah, ah, it's so boring! I'm so bored! Really! How long have they been fighting? Are you talking about the Mandy Landing?! Looking at Kanan, who looked bored, Hitomi Kanjima sighed softly. She stood up and walked to the door of the ward with light steps. . Looking in through the narrow glass window, I saw Director Casimir still lying on the hospital bed, not moving, while his secretary Carrie was sitting at the head of the bed, looking beyond Director Casimir. Looking at the gunfire and explosions outside the window, his eyes were full of worry. It seemed that Miss Jialiya and Miss Kanan had the opposite wishes. On the other side, Kanan, who was getting more and more irritable, kept breaking his thoughts. Said: 'Really, why do I have to stay in this damn place? Wouldn't it be better to let the guys in the bar watch over? Let me go out, I want to go out too, it's like this outside Why can't I just watch? Although she didn't understand Kanan's thoughts very well, Hitomi Kanan could still guess what Kanan was complaining about. She took small steps to Kanan's side, His English softly said: Ye Xingjun said that we have a task, we have to wait for the arrangement, now is not the time to go out. Ah, of course I know this kind of thing Kanan said with a bitter face: But I am So boring. Speaking of this, Kanan turned his head to look at Kanjima Hitomi and said, Aren't you boring? Do you want to stay here and guard that guy? You don't want to go out and hack people.

Hitomi Kanjima was speechless for a while, recalling the pleasure brought by the blade in her mind slashing through the enemy's body, and after a while, a flush of black-haired Yamato Nadeko's face instantly flushed, she nodded and said softly. : Think. It's not over! Kanan shrugged, then turned to look at Tililith sitting on the bench, and Tililith just cut down the monster on the screen, she He slowly raised his head, took off his earphones, raised his expressionless face, and looked at Kanan quietly with two ruby-like eyes, as if waiting for Kanan to say something. Miss, I can't take it anymore, I'm going to sneak away! Kanan said unabashedly. Tililith didn't answer, just stared at Kanan quietly, looking at Tiliris's eyes, Kanan felt inexplicably furious, she puffed up her chest, and said to Tiliris: I'm not kidding, I want Go! I'm going out to fight! Tililith didn't answer.

The footsteps began to move, Kanan turned around, took exaggerated and stiff steps, hummed a song, his head was wrapped around his upper arms, and walked towards the other end of the corridor as if nothing had happened, while Tililith was dead. She stared at Kanan, her small head turned slightly following Kanan's movement. Then... Miss Tillyris, I too. Maintaining respect for the old woman, some Hitomi Kanjima, who could not resist the desire to kill, confronted him. Ti Lilith bowed, and seeing that Ti Lilith didn't respond, she stood up and wanted to follow Kanan away. Unexpectedly, as soon as she stepped out, a small snow-white hand grabbed her, Hitomi Kanjima was slightly stunned, and turned around, only to see Tililith gently grabbing her wrist, but her eyes were fixed on Kanan who was walking further and further away, and heavy resentment kept coming from the pair. The ruby-like beauty leaked out, causing a low pressure range of ten meters in diameter around him, and even the noise of doctors and patients in the corridor was faintly reduced.

After the secret, it was like turning back time. Under the offensive of Tililith's eyes, Kanan kept the posture he had just left and quickly retreated back to the n0 of the ward. Seeing that Kanan came back consciously, Tililith took it back.

Averting her gaze, she let go of Hitomi Kanjima's wrist, and she said expressionlessly, Yixing said, stand by and don't leave.

Ah, I'm going crazy. Kanan leaned desperately against Nagasaki-butt and sat on the ground, his head resting on Tililith's white silk thigh, looking desperately

He leaned against the ceiling of the hospital corridor, with his legs stretched out straight, blocked in the middle of the hospital corridor, passers-by were blocked on both sides, and he didn't dare to step over it. Go past! What are you doing standing by my leg?! Seeing the middle-aged doctor wearing a white Daqu and holding a Xia shotgun, Kanan, who was in a turbulent mood, immediately shouted He shouted: Hurry up and go to the old lady! Don't stand here! Suddenly, the corridor became clear again, and passers-by carefully stepped over when they came to Kanan's side, for fear of stepping on Hanan's legs, while Kanan was Kao Gamang rolled his eyes, his face was about to die. At this moment, Kanan's cell phone suddenly rang, Kanan took out the phone listlessly, and when he saw the caller ID, he was instantly refreshed. Hello? Boss, what's the matter? Suppressing his inner excitement, Kanan asked as if nothing had happened. Kanan, I have something for you to do here. On the opposite side of the phone, Li Yexing's voice came out. This voice sounded like heavenly sounds in Kanan! Listening to Li Yexing explaining the details of the task, Kanan's face became more and more arrogant. You girl! It's finally time to let go !

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