In the dark alley, Soya fell into a hard fight. Contaminated with mucus and blood, the girl in the dress wielding a chainsaw stepped back slowly. In front of her, a large group of monsters that looked like frogs was slowly approaching. , - . While constantly stretching the barbed mouthparts in his mouth, he seemed to be looking for an opportunity to swallow Suoya.

The eyes of the dead fish in the past became extremely sharp. Suoya gritted her teeth and held up the roaring telegram. Her unwillingness became stronger and stronger. She really wanted to tear this group of ghosts into pieces, but the truth was that these There are too many guys, and they are not afraid of death at all. The increase of wounds on their bodies not only cannot make them jealous, but it will also arouse their fierceness.

Having been cornered, Suoya leaned against the wall, unable to retreat. In front of him, the frog-like monsters were screaming even more, as if they were excited to push Suoya to a dead end. Gritting his teeth, Suoya picked up the chainsaw and aimed it at the large group of monsters in front of him, preparing for the last fight. Seeing that Suoya gave up escaping, the monster walking in the front screamed with a big mouth, and then suddenly Like a real frog, he kicked up his hind legs and rushed towards Soya, his wide open mouth spewing ferocious mouthparts. Dianju, all of a sudden, only heard - a roar of gunshots, the monster's body slammed into a blood flower, Suoya dodged one by one, the monster slammed into the wall behind Suoya, and then dragged The mucus slipped to the ground, and he kicked his hind legs from time to time, fearing that he would lose half his life if he didn't die. A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, Suoya turned his head in the direction of the gunshots, and saw a tall, beautiful blonde woman standing outside the alley next to her. She was dressed in revealing clothes, with large tattoos on her arms and hands. He was carrying a heavy-duty camera, and the chain stretched from the heavy-duty root wrapped around his body. This woman, Suoya knows, after all, who would not know Lopresdi - on the other side, Teres, who was carrying a heavy machine gun, did not look at Suoya in a hurry, she swept her eyes to the group of frog-like monsters in front of her, and then A look of evil appeared on his face. The next second, the heavy machine gun in his hand opened fire. In an instant, with the scattered bullet casings and roaring gunshots, the powerful firepower swept across these monsters like mowing grass. - - In time, the unpleasant sound of frogs croaking through the sound of gunfire filled the entire block. Under the tearing of machine gun bullets, the tough flesh of those monsters cracked like paper paste, and blood and mucus splashed in all directions.

A few seconds later, the sound of gunfire stopped in summer, and the dark alley was already full of monster corpses. The arm with the tattoo suddenly exerted force, and carried the heavy machine camera with the muzzle still smoking on his shoulder. Teresi took out a pack of cigarettes from her trousers pocket, and gently slammed one between her lips. Then she lit it with a lighter and took a deep breath. After all this was done, she looked up at Suoya, with a bit of ridicule in her eyes, and jokingly said, Oh, isn't this our little scavenger? ? Why are you so embarrassed? Suoya didn't speak, her eyes were sharp, staring at Tyrese standing in front of her, and then, the girl in the dress suddenly picked up the chainsaw in her hand and moved towards Tyrese When she rushed over and saw Suoya rushing up, Tyris looked as usual, neither dodging nor avoiding, she quietly smoked a cigarette and stood there, when Suoya rushed in front of her, she slightly-. Sorrow, Suoya rushed directly from her side, and then stubbornly seized the monster who came down from the roof of the other rule and was about to attack Tyrese. The monster's mouthparts, the monster screamed like a frog in pain, it wanted to withdraw its mouthparts, but Ya didn't give it a chance, I saw the girl in the dress with the chainsaw turned around abruptly, and dashed forward. Go to the side of the monster, then grab the electric key and stab the monster's head fiercely, the saw blade of the chainsaw instantly tore open the monster's skin covered with mucus and pustules, biting into the monster's strong His muscles, listening to the monster's cry, Suoya's face was gloomy, and he exerted his strength again. Suddenly, the front was unobstructed, and the electricity directly penetrated the brain of the sacred object. After a few seconds, Suoya pulled out the chainsaw and turned it off. The frog monster lying on the wall fell directly, fell to the ground, and kicked its hind legs. This time, the alley was completely clean.

Although there was no sound of the frog monster's noisy rain, Suoya's mood still did not improve. She slowly turned her head and saw a trace of undisguised disgust in the eyes of the woman with a heavy machine gun beside her. After a while, She said through the sounder: Female watch. With a cigarette, Teresi smiled and replied: Mute. Sawyer continued: Slut 3. Teres replied by replying: Flat chest. Horse eggs. Facial paralysis. Thousands of people ride. Frigidity.

Enough! After experiencing the nutritious scolding battle, Teresi was defeated. She waved her hand and changed the subject: 'Why are you running out so late? You ran out What are you doing? Suoya asked back. Of course it's a part-time job. Shaking the heavy machine gun on her shoulders, Teresi took a breath, then smiled and said, I originally refused, but my dear personally He came to ask me, with sweet words and sincere attitude, even a cold woman like me could not refuse -0. It is recommended to eat less, Suoya said faintly, Nutrition is all about the chest, not the brain. God, little Suoya is obviously a mute and his mouth is so poisonous... Covering her forehead and tilting her neck, Teres is like an opera singer. in a contrived tone

What kind of man would like a woman like you? No wonder she is still a virgin~ Suoya wanted to refute, but suddenly felt that this kind of behavior is meaningless, rather than being here with a certain article for five years without talking to Li. The resentful woman who went to bed bickered, she might as well save some electricity for her sound generator, so she ignored Teres, turned her head and walked out of the alley, leaving Teres in a weird shape to the king Wait! Wait a minute, my cute little Soya. Seeing that Soya didn't care about her, Teres hurriedly chased after her, saying: 'Really, don't care,

Although I'm not joking it's

- Time Suoya only felt that her blood was surging, her footsteps were faster, and Tyrese who was next to her immediately quickened her footsteps, chattering endlessly: Tell me, let me introduce you to a boyfriend. , I met a wonderful man these days. He is not a few years younger than you. He is handsome and manly. Are you interested? Although I don't think he likes a woman like you That's it, 000103..No mouth. Please donate to those in need. Suoya, who was walking in front, hung Zhang Mingshen's dead face, and said in a stumbling voice

Wow! Little Suoya, aren't you angry? Tyrese leaned into Suoya's ear and blew softly. She whispered, Are you angry? Are you angry? Are you angry? ?

Suoya finally couldn't take it anymore, she turned her head, a pair of dead fish eyes stared at Tyrese's face, and then she raised her middle finger and poked it between Tyrese's legs. . Ah! Don't! Little Sawyer! Oh my God, you're a daughter-in-law, let me go! No! Don't let go, slow down, ah~

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